Check up and Training

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"This must be my quirk!" Izuku mumbled so he didn't attract anymore attention than he already needed. So my quirk allows me to spin a wheel to add onto what I already have, Hmm is there a time limit for spinning. Hey voice inside my head can you show me the wheel, "Very well then". It says as the hologram reopens Infront of me. Ok so it says you have used your spin for the month come back in 29 days 23 hours and 56 minutes. Ok so I think it limits to every week, This is awesome ill be so strong in the future I have to show mom this!

I arrive at the front door of my house in a matter of seconds from just flying. I take the key from under the plant because my mom isn't home yet, I wish she didn't work so many job's just for me. I put the key back under the pot and head inside locking the door behind me because I am a safety freak (Even though I broke so many bo-). I head to the kitchen to start cooking for when mom gets home, I'm gonna make her some katsudon My favorite . I set the pot onto the stove and get the water boiling. I put the ingredients in the pot and head to the couch to be a braindead iPad kid on my phone. After the alarm I set went off I went to prep the food into the bowl's. I got everything ready when suddenly I heard a knock on the door.

I go to see through the peephole and it's... Mama Inko! I open up the door and greet my mom, "Hi mom I made katsudon so  you don't have to cook tonight" I say. "Aww honey aren't you just the sweetest thank you" She say's happy that she doesn't have to cook since she is so tired. "Oh also I think I learned what my quirk is (explains to Inko because I don't wanna write all that). "well honey that amazing but we still don't know for sure we should probably still go to the doctors, She states while eating the katsudon. "I know I was just telling you what I think it is".


I hear my alarm clock go off as a roll of my bed and hit the floor making a *THUD* sound. "Owwww". I get up and change waking up a little more knowing this is the day I truly know what my quirk is. I head downstairs after changing and greet my mom as I dig into some biscuits and sausage. After we're done we head to the car and hop in, I put in my earbuds and listen to music until we arrive the the hospital.

We arrive and head inside, We wait until we hear our name being called and head inside to me the same doctor year's ago. Huh that's funny it looks like he hasn't aged a day since then. It's probably fine. We follow him into the room with the same equipment and I sit in the chair, He ask's what can I do and when did it start. I explain to him what I think my quirk does and after that he ran some test's on me taking a piece of hair and x-rays . "Kid your one heck of an analysist because you were spot on with your quirk!" He says. I get a little embarrassed as to not know what to respond back with. "W-well I do analyze H-heros" DAMMIT STUPID STUTTERING  "Well that's a fanboy if I've ever seen one, No one I have met has ever been determined to be a hero as you". "Thank you sir" I respond back still a little embarrassed.


There are still rumors going around about me jumping but it's dying down so I think I'm safe. I should go pick up some weight's since I won't always be able to rely on my quirk if I am gonna go to UA. I head into the weight shop and purchase mild weight's to get a start with. I get ready to enter my house when I realize after a little bit of weight training I should clean dagoh beach for more training! I knock and my mom lets me inside the house because she's off today. I run up to my room to start my training!

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