UA Entrance exam

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After I little over 10 months of training tomorrow was the entrance exam for UA high, I have been determined to get into this school since I learned what hero are.  I have gained some pretty good muscles over the months of training and I learned I can use my power's simultaneously. I also cleaned up Dagoh beach and earned a reputation for myself because someone caught onto what I was doing and people started calling me a "Beach Savior", it's pretty weird but I don't mind. I learned to put fly and telekinesis together which extended the range of my telekinesis and doubled my speed of flight, As if I wasn't already fast enough.


My alarm clock goes off but I'm already awake because I couldn't sleep knowing that I was gonna participate in such a event, Still a little tired but ready to go. I throw on some clothes that I can run easily in, Freshen up and run down the stairs like a little kid when it was his birthday. I can't be late so I grab a piece of bread that's not even toasted, hug my mom then bolting out the door. I fly over super quickly thanks to my new move (Combo Quirk which is what I am calling it). As I am admiring the huge towering building I trip on god knows what and start plummeting to my end. Heh not today thanks to my flying quirk, Picking myself up before ultimately making out with the ground.

As I arrive into the auditorium one of my other favorite hero's stand up the mic, Present mic. I was fanboying over how I literally just saw present mic with MY OWN two eyes! when a blond looking Pomeranian plopped down right next to me. I recognized him... It's Bakugou, But it's fine because I told him to Fuck off long ago so I don't feel threatened, At least a little. I started mumbling about what the entrance exam was going to include when the Pro Hero started talking about it. "Right is that everybody? Good then let's get the show started, First to explain what we are doing you guys are going to be fighting robots. Each robot is worth a certain amount of point's, First are the 1 - pointers they are worth 1 point, Then the 2 - pointers are worth 2 points and 3 - pointers are worth 3 points"

Before he could finish what he was saying a sonic the hedgehog ripoff stood up and shouted at the hero. "Excuse me sir but the pamphlet listed 4 robot's if there was a error then it is a great shame to this school, And you green hair boy stop mumbling no one came here to listen to you ramble on and on." I had enough of what he was saying and stood up for the loud blond teacher. "First of all you sonic the hedgehog ripoff, If you let him finish his sentence then you could have realized he was about to explain it and second nobody else was being bothered by my mumbling, So get that stick out of your ass and sit down" As I shouted the entire auditorium filled with people were left stunned staring at the blue haired boy.

"Thank you, As I was saying the fourth robot is just a obstacle it is worth no points, That will conclude the information part." He stated a little mad that someone cut his awesome announcing skills off. " Each of you got a ticket coming in here and that ticket will show what ground you will be fighting at, Good luck you'll need it" He said with a huge smile. Everyone started walking to their respective areas while I was stuck walking behind the blue haired boy and the spiky blond to the same area, Just great . I arrived at training ground D waiting for the other participants to come to when the blue haired boy walked up to me. "You there what you said in the auditorium was not very hero like, You shouldn't act like that if you want to be in this prestig- He was cut off with a count down. "3" "2" "1" right when I heard 1 I flew past everyone and headed inside. "PEOPLE DONT NEED TO TELLYOU WHEN TO SAVE PEOPLE, THE GREEN HAIR KNOWS IT SO GO GO GO". Everyone started to rush in but I was already ahead with 34 point's gaining more and more as the seconds grew. I saw a group of two pointer's and used telekinesis to throw them through a building. 

I had gotten 76 point's when the ground started shaking with a bone chilling rumbling could be heard. As I turned around I saw a robot taller than the building, And I also heard... Screaming a girl where? I look down below the titan robot to see a brown haired girl trapped under the rubble. Why is no one helping?! Screw I gotta help her I quickly fly over to her and use my telekinesis to lift the concrete trapping her, "Are you hurt anywhere?" I ask trying to fly but reaching my limit. "I have a sprained ankle but that's all" I nod but suddenly fall, Shit I reached my limit (Drawback of Flying after user reaches his or hers limits there body becomes weak). I turn around and use telekinesis with all my might aiming my hand the the robot's head ripping it off making the robot topple down, I pass out from overexertion and the remains of the robot thankfully misses me and the girl. Behind the scenes a room full of hero's are speechless that a boy could manage this feat, Nezu the rat god grinning at this event planning a evil plot that involves the broccoli hair boy.

Whew That was a lot to write hoped to enjoyed this and if anyone want's to list what his next power should be just comment on the thing below.

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