What is this place???

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(Authors note):  This chapter and the next might actually change if my story blows up or not so have fun reading it.

(Story resumes after the wolves devour the nomu): IZUKUS POV I see the light blue haired mouth open but then suddenly... everything is frozen. "What in the hell?" I walk over to the villain and make sure I'm not tripping balls or if this is someone's quirk. Nope definitely real, Hmmmm I start walking all over the USJ seeing my classmates frozen in battle against other villains. In one last attempt of figuring out what went wrong I get a *DING* 

My hologram opens up without me even thinking and I speaks the following: PROFICIENCY THRESHOLD HAS BEEN REACHED, USER HAS GAINED THE NEW TIME MOVE CALLED "???" What the heck? Why is it called ???, "Wait maybe if I use it it'll stop this madness, welp here goes nothing" I say as I use the new skill...

Seconds go by before I get shoved into a long tunnel descending and falling down further and further. "HOLLLYYYY SHHHIIIITTT" I scream as I start to fall so fast that time is warping somehow I see distant images in the tunnel people I don't recognize, A boy with a straw-hat? A boy with somewhat spiky yellow hair with a ninja headband? And as I fall further and faster I see more, 2 boys one white haired and one green haired, white hair has a skateboard and the other has a fishing rod. And a small mischievous pink haired girl with what seems to be a huge dog. Before I could see anymore I blackout... 

I open my eyes steadily and wake up to see a small reindeer looming over me is he speaking English? I sit up fully and open my eyes before realizing. "WAIT A MINUTE THIS ISNT THE USJ WHERE THE FUCK AM I?" I scream startling the reindeer, "LUFFY HES AWAKE! Hey your gonna be ok you just fell out of the sky" He says, "ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT I FELL OUT OF THE SKY, HOW IS THAT NORMAL!" I shout back, "It's pretty normal around here" a green hair mumbles. "Hey there! I'm luffy and you landed on my pirate ship!" luffy say's.

"I'm on a pirate ship? But I thought that era ended over a thousand years ago" I say back. They all gave me weird and confused looks, Now that I look around I'm on a boat, surrounded by 4 - 5 people, A dude with swirly eyebrows, A girl with a weird tattoo, Luffy, A guy with 3 swords, And a sniper with a long nose (He's holding his slingshot) "What do you mean that era ended 1000 ago?" they all say at the same time. "Well I'm from the year 30XX so I don't know how I could be back in the pirate era, Unless my new time skill let's me travel dimensions."

"OH MY GOD I CAN TRAVEL DIMENSIONS!" I shout, They all look at me weirdly. "what's a dimension, can you eat it?" Luffy say's. "SHUT UP LUFFY YOU GLUTTON" yellow hair shouts at the black haired boy. "A dimension is another version of the world for instance, I'm from another world which isn't full of pirates but I guess yours is". They all look at me for the third time astonished at what they had just heard.

"Welp I guess I see you guys another time" I say as I use the new skill again, ERROR, User must wait 1 week before using the following skill "???" "Well shit, guess I'm stuck with you guys for a week" I say. "That's alright, since you'll be stuck with us wanna join my crew for the week?" he asks, "Sure it's better than being stuck alone" I say as he grins.

(authors note 2): Here is the long awaited chapter, and let me tell you there will be much more dimensions he visits, I'm actually kind of excited if this helps my story because I have never seen anyone put this into their story. Hoped you liked it :D

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