Movie Night

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We went to my room and got settled in my bed and we put on one of my favorite movies, and it's a little scary but it's called 'The Boy' I love watching it, especially with someone who has never seen it before. Their reaction is always priceless. A few hours later we're dead asleep and I wake up the next morning to see that I'm cuddling my most favorite person in the world. I kissed his forehead and cuddled up with him even more. Husk snuggled me tighter almost squeezing the death out of me. I started to pet is softy fluffy fur on his head and massaging his ears, and the most adorable thing happened... He was purring!!! He then rolled over out of my arms and I just pulled him right back into my arms without waking him up. He groaned at me and he lazily opened his eyes. "Angel..." He said tiredly, "Whiskers? Any wishes? Cause I'll grant it~" I said in a flirty tone. "My wish is getting me shit ton more alcohol and cheap booze." He said grumpily while smiling. "Yeah you wish, that ain't the kind of wish I can grant~" I had my sexy tone as always, "I know..." He looked me up and down, "Y'know you look sexy in no matter what you were don't you?" I smiled, "what? Did you doubt the fact that I'm always hot?" He smiled, "Yes actually I have." I shoved him away laughing, "Bitch, I'm always pretty! I don't know how you can doubt my cuteness jackass!" We're sitting in bed just laughing. Charlie knocked on the door along with Vaggie yelling curses at my door. "Angel unlock the fucking door! You have some random bitch running around the hotel fucking shit up! Come calm them down before I drag your ass down there to take care of them!!!" I look at Husk, "Well, I guess I mustn't keep them waiting I shall go down there and talk to who I'm assuming is Valentino..." I walk out of my room and head down stairs with Charlie and Vaggie. When I get down there I see Velvette, Val and Vox. "Valentino! What the hell? Why is Vox destroying the place?!!! And we had a deal" Val looked at me, "Angel baby, yes i know but he's here for Alastor and I'm just here to watch~ Wanna hook up later and maybe talk things out about this new deal we have~ over lunch, and we can meet back in my room~" I looked disgusted, "NO" I turn to Vox and look at him, "Vox, please stop messing up the lobby" as I was I felt a hand on my shoulder, "Angel who the FUCK!!! Do you think your talkin' to?! Y'know we still have our old contract I don't have to go by your new deal if I don't want to, now you are going to come with me to the studio or I will force it." I looked pissed but he was right we still had our old contract and our new deal practically doesn't mean anything... Next thing I knew, I was being dragged out the hotel to the limo and was being seated on Val's lap it was too late to get away cause he grabbed me while I was in thought and distracted. I was now locked in the limo with Val forced to leave the Hotel and I would've killed him but I didn't have my gun with me. "Angel Baby when we get to the studio you're gonna get ready for a new film I have a new set up for this week and you'll love it~" I was Distracted from val because I was to busy thinking about Husk, "Hey bitch, are you even listening to me?!" I looked up at him, "Yes Val I am..." We arrived at the studio and I went to get ready for the film and I quickly glossed over the script and walked out to the set up where we'll be filming. "I'm here Val..." He looked at, "Good~ you're on time now take off ur robe and get on set." I went over to the set and all I could here were the people in the background, "Cameras rolling in 3... 2..." And Then Val yelled out, "Action!" I laid in the bed saying the first three lines of the script, "Oh yes I'm all alone and I need my big strong daddy to come meet my needs~" I said in the lustful way Val likes it over the fake phone to the guy that I'm supposedly talking to. Then the fake door bursts open, "oh no! Burgerlurs what am I going to do?! There's three of you and only one of me~ I guess I'm gonna have to do... All of you~" then after 20 minutes of trying to get the first three scenes perfect for Val and pleasing his eyes... "Angel baby you did so well tonight that I might just let you off work early today~" I cheered in side but I was to tired to look excited, but I left happily, and when I get back to the hotel Husk was in the bar waiting for me. "Hey Pussy Cat~" He groaned, "Hey Angel, you're finally back... I thought you said he wouldn't be a bother anymore..." Husk said continuing on cleaning the glass he was cleaning. "He's not I just had to go to work... I still work for him and today was one of my work days..." He looked up from the glass to my eyes. "Angel you're lying to me..." I was scared to tell him the truth and if I'm being honest I want to tell him but I just can't... "Can you pour me your strongest stuff? Please..." Husk sighed and poured me a glass. I chugged it and asked Husk a question which is personal but it's a question I had. "Husky? Can I ask you a question???" He looked at me, "Sure kid... What is it?" I looked nervous and my face was flushed red... "Remember that night when we had a little fun?" He paused... And looked up. "Yeah but did you have to mention it out here?" I looked away... "I was wondering if you'd want to do it again..."

the bartender and the spider - HuskerDust (hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now