Breaking up?

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Husker was sitting at the bar and Alastor was talking to him I walked up to him to see Alastor stop talking and Husk looking upset which is mostly normal but this is different... "Husky? Ya' ok? I couldn't help but see you two talkin'... Y'know in an argumentative way..." I told him as he just ignored me and made me a glass. "Husky? Alastor what did you do?" Alastor looked at me with a smug face, "Nothing dear Angel, just had a little talk with him... Husker! Remember to do it now or never your choice..." Alastor finished as he walked away.... "Husky? What is he talking about...?" I asked him concerned, "Nothing Angel.... I mean actually.... I'm sorry...." He paused before continuing, "I'm breaking up with you..." He said as he turned away from me. "Breaking up? Breaking up?! Husk what the fuck?! Why are we breaking up?! I mean did I do somethin' wrong? I mean I know I'm not datin' material, but Husky seriously?! C'mon Husk! You can't just drop like that!!!! Husky... I Loved you..." I had tears running down my cheeks as I silently cried and walked to my room... "I'm sorry Husky... It's fine. I know why you left me... I'm not good enough, I've never been! Haha, I mean Val was Right, I shouldn't have fell in love.... I understand Husker nice to be with ya'..." I went to my room and I got up there and started to pack up my things. I'm going to go back to live with Val... There's nothing here for me anymore, redemption like Alastor said the non-existing humanity.... There's nothing left for us demon souls we earn damnation and that stands by my grounds... I grabbed fat nuggets and left called Val to come pick me up he sounded excited... But I wasn't. I mean it's better than living in a shit for nothing hotel dickhead of an ex boyfriend... I'm gonna miss them. "Angel baby! I'm so happy you decided to come back!!!" Valentino arrived and he sounded very happy to see me... Surprisingly. "Yeah Val... I'm going back. I missed you..." I lied through my teeth I really didn't miss him. "I miss you too, now c'mon let's go to the studio I want to be far away from this place... You were right no one will ever love me..." I told as I got into the limo. "Angel Cakes good to see you finally come to your senses...." He said happily.

Husk pov:

I went to go explain to Angel but when I got to his room he was gone, his stuff was gone, and fat nuggets was gone.... Everything was gone! He left... I really fucked up, well I mean it's all Alastors fault! That dick really fucked up, he is really starting to take advantage of owning my damn soul.... I ran to the lobby. "Angels Gone!" I shouted as Charlie and Vaggie looked at me, "What do you mean he's gone? He probably went to work." Vaggie said, "No I mean he's gone.... His stuff, it's all gone..." I told them when Charlie ran past me upstairs, "Angel?! Where did he go?! Where could he have gone? Angel?!!!!" She fell to her knees and cried, "Why did he leave? Why would he leave? I- I don't understand...." Charlie said with tears in her eyes and a shaky voice. "Charlie... I think I know why he left..." I spoke up to them... "Why?! Please tell me!" She replied instantly, "I think it's because of me... I broke up with him earlier and he cried and yelled all these heart breaking things about himself and went to his room... Then when I decided to go and explain to him why... He was gone." I explained to Charlie as Alastor appeared behind me, "Husker my dear pet you were supposed to break up with him, not send him running away. And if you tell anyone why you two broke up you regret every bit of it." He said holding my neck, "I- Alastor I... I won't tell anyone.... Please don't do anything...." He held tighter, "Bring him back to the hotel or you will never see the light of the red sky ever again." He said, which Charlie snapped at him. "Alastor! Don't say that!!! Cause you aren't going to do anything to him!" She shouted at him, "ah yes sorry dear, I truly am." He said as looked at me with the look saying go find him.

Angel pov:

I went into my old room I had here at the studio and unpacked my things and Charlie called my phone but Ignored it... Until Vaggie called me.... I sighed and answered, "Yes Vagina?" I said hiding my true emotion I was feeling. "Where are you?! Where is your stuff?! Angel you have me and Charlie worried! Husk and Niffty and Alastor are worried to!" Vaggie shouted in a concerned voice, "I'm at work babe chill... I'll be back tomorrow." I said lying to her, "That doesn't explain your stuff." She said, when Charlie took the phone from Vaggie, "Angel please come home!" Charlie said yelling in my ear concerned, "Girls, please calm down I'll be home tomorrow!" I said hanging up the phone. I left my room and went to go see what Valentino has for me to do. "Oh Angel... You're back... Hooray!" Vox said sarcastically, "Yeah... Hi Vox..." I said as he looked at me like concerned but in the way that he doesn't give a fuckin' shit, "What's your problem kid?" He asked me as I looked at him, "Nothin'... Just my biggest fear came to life..." I told him, "And that is?" He asked me, "Val being correct..." I told him as he chuckled, "What do you mean by that?" He looked at me as he looked away from his phone to ask me what I meant. "He kept telling me that "oh no one will love you" and "stop wasting your time with your feelings no one will ever love you" and stuff like that... My boyfriend just broke up with me and didn't tell me why... But it's fine I'm not going back to the hotel..." I explained to him.


"Dumbasses he ain't comin' back! You really believe him! Princess I know you want to believe him, but he packed his shit and left! Moved back in with Valentino! You seriously can't believe he just packed his shit and left just to bring it all right back to the hotel!" Shouted at the girls when Alastor brought to a different room away from the girls. "Husker..." He looked at me with his ugly ass grin on his stupid ass face. "What?" I asked him like he should continue, "You need to bring him back to the damn hotel." He told me with his eyes shut, "Oh yeah dip shit like I wasn't thinking about it. You caused this mess! If you don't let me explain to him why I broke up with him he won't be coming back. He told me that I was the only person has loved in long time and thought he wouldn't regret it but it all changed this mornin' when you asshole made me leave him! I would've never broke up with him if it weren't for you. I loved him! He was the only person I've actually loved since I died.... And you made me leave him, yeah this is fuckin' hell you're here to make my afterlife miserable but it's not your job to make his afterlife terrible that's for Valentino to do." I yelled at him as he gritted his teeth, "Husker stop yelling if you get any louder they might hear you." He told me, "Does it look like I give a shit?! The only way to bring him back is if you let me tell him the truth! I didn't want to leave him I still love him and want him! You shouldn't have fucked up like that Alastor this is all your fault." I told him as I left his room going to go talk to Charlie about Angel and to reassure her that I'll bring him back some how...

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