Molly learns the truth.

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We eventually got the girls to leave so I could put some clothes on. I don't want them seein' me in my underwear I mean I'd have no problem but still they wouldn't want to see that. We got dressed and went to the living room. Lucifer was sitting right next to Alastor, they were talking when I came over. "So they finally got together?" I said jokingly, "I don't know what you're talking about." Lucifer said, "Oh c'mon don't act like I couldn't hear y'all last night" I said still joking, tryna get payback from Lucifer yesterday. Working pretty well, "No! I wasn't that loud was I?" He said looking at Alastor. I stopped laughing and smiling and just stared down at Lucifer, "Wait short king you two actually? Omg, Husky!!!!!! Lucifer and Alastor were fuckin' last night!" I yelled as Charlie paused and looked at me, "What? My father what? Alastor? Huh? Dad you what???" Charlie was staring at Lucifer, I stood next to Husk. "Damn throwin' em under the bus... Angel what do you think about having the wedding on the ninth of next month?" He asked as I nodded, "Yeah sounds good, who are we gonna invite tho? I know everyone in the hotel, and Cherri. But who else?" I asked him, "Um, how about let's see Alastor, Niffty, Charlie, Lucifer, Vaggie, Cherri, what about Alastor's friend Rosie?" He listed, I nodded "Sure I think Alastor would enjoy that, what about my family they're here we should invite them. Well my dad and brother because my sister is in heaven and I don't know about my mom..." I said as Husk grabbed my hands. "Hey maybe Charlie can convince heaven to allow Molly to come down here for the special moment...." He suggested, "I dunno I don't think heaven is just willing to let their citizens come down here... Of all places...." I said as bright light appeared behind me. "Angel look behind you..." He said as I turned around before I could see who it was they were already hugging me. "Anthony I did it I convinced Sera to let me visit you!" Tears rolled down my cheeks, I hugged her back wrapping my arms around her. "Molly how long do you have till you go back?" I asked, "I'm here till May 20th!" She said happily, "Damn that long?! This is hell do they know what could happen between that amount of time?" I asked, "Yes that's why I'm not allowed to leave the Hotel alone...." She said, I hugged her tightly. "Angel, you should tell her..." Husk said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Tell her what? Oh wait nevermind... Molly I'm engaged, and you're invited to my wedding it's on the ninth of May..." I told her, she had literal stars in her eyes. "Really?! Who's the lucky girl?" She asked, "Actually it's my fiancé Husk." I said as I pulled Husk into my arms. She glimmered, "Even better! Anthony this is great!" She said, as I finally told my name wasn't Anthony.... Anymore... "Molly? Um please don't call me Anthony... My names Angel Dust it's not Anthony anymore..." I explained to her, "What?! You named yourself after the drug you overdosed on?! Do you still do PCP and TLC?" She asked, "Um yes, no and no... I named myself Angel Dust because of my job... And I don't do drugs anymore I haven't done drugs since I started the hotel..." I explained, I still held Husk in my arms, as he just leaned into it. "That's good... You two are truly cute together y'know?" She said, "Oh thanks Molls." I said as I kissed Husk then went to introduce Molly to the others... After that me and Husk brought her to my room. "Molly this is my room but me and Husk have been sharing this room since we got together so... I was wondering if you'd be ok using Husk's old room?" I explained to her. "Of course! I wouldn't mind it" she replied as we took her to settle in Husk's room. After that we showed her around hell then took her back to the hotel. We sat at the bar as Molly hesitated, Husk went behind the bar to his usual spot and cleaned some glasses for us. "C'mon Molly, sit next to me." I told her patting the stool next to me. "Um I dunno" she said hesitantly, "It'll be fine you can have water if you want..." as she finally gave in and sat next to me, her hands in her lap and her bottom set of hands under her thighs. "Husky get her some water... And I'll have my usual with the umbrella in it!" I said joyfully as my phone ringed. "Uh one second! Um hold that thought... Hello? No I'm not... Yeah, n-no... Val I- yes Valentino..." I turned back to them, as Molly looked a little worried, Husk sighed. "Val 'needs you for an emergency shoot' right? He's really gonna make it hard for us to get married." Husk said sarcastically. "Sorry Whiskey Whiskers... But yeah, Val needs me in the studio." I told him as Molly spoke up, "Who's Valentino? Angel is everything alright?" She asked, "Yeah he's my boss and it's ok Molls don't worry! I have to head to work... Husky save my drink for me!" I said as I went to the studio. "Um wait... Could I go- nevermind you're already gone..." Molly said, I got to the studio and Val statched me up. "AH! What the fuck Val?!" I shouted. "Shhhh~ baby~ I heard the news... Congrats Who's the lucky boy? Is the man who left you no explanation? Because I can be way better~" Valentino spoke as I got agitated. "No just stop Valentino, it's not gonna work you called me here for work we're gonna work..." I said firmly as he pushed me to the ground... I got home late, all beat up and bruised. Molly looked so worried about me and Husk rushed over to me. "Ah shit! How'd I know this would happen c'mon babe you need to sit down." Husk said catching me as I fell into his arms. "Angel? Is he ok?!" Molly asked Husk as he carried me to our room and Molly followed. "Yeah he's fine just needs some rest..." Husk answered her question. "Anthony...." She said as she stopped walking.

Molly's POV:

Is this what happens to him every day? Is he always hurt like this? Why is this place so cruel... But have a good leader to run this place I don't understand.... Charlie is way better than this place is heaven sure she go up? I don't understand this place... "Wait an Angel? Hold on are you fallen to?" A voice said as I didn't recognize it... and turned around. "Who are you?" I asked, "I'm Lucifer... Can you answer my question?" He replied, "As In the king of hell? Wait fallen? What do you mean by that, are you not the only Fallen Angel?" I asked him... "I'm taking that as you're not fallen... How are you here but still an angel?" He asked me, "I convinced Sera to let me visit my brother Angel Dust until May 20th..." I answered, "They allow that now?" He asked, "No but I'm the only person they'll ever let do this... And it's the time I get to visit my brother I don't get to see him ever again after this..." I told him as he hugged me, "Dear child of God I'm so sorry you have to witness all the bed cruel and evil of this terrible place you shouldn't be here... But I understand you want to see your brother." Lucifer said, "Please promise me you'll be careful until the 20th? You may not survive... And I don't want to have heaven mad at my daughter and her hotel again..." He continued as he let go of me and went to his room as Alastor one of the demons they introduced me to appeared behind him picking the short kind up taking him away...

Angel pov:

I sat up and pulled Husk on top of me kissing him. He laid calmly on top of me as I kissed him and he kissed me back when Molly walked in. "Is Angel ok- what is going on in here?" She asked as she stopped in her tracks. "N-nothing Molly just relaxing and kissing..." I told her... "Ok... I'm glad I stopped it..."

the bartender and the spider - HuskerDust (hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now