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A week has passed since the vampire incident at the Emerson household. Sam and the Frog Brothers are still close friends, solving mysteries every now and then, even hanging out in the comic book store from time to time. Lucy and Grandpa were fixing the house, bringing it back to its original form, even getting Laddie adopted. Michael and Star are finally dating, making sure to stick by each other's side no matter what. Although there was no place for their sister, the family placed a nice memorial for Amelia in the garden, that way she was always remembered even in death.

Meanwhile, Amelia Emerson was staying in the Lost Boys' cave since she had nowhere else to go now that she was a full on vampire. Max's hellhound Thorin somehow found his way to the cave, seeing the vampiress sitting on an old wheel chair in the center of the cave. The dog growled before her until Amelia glared at the hellhound with yellow eyes. "Down" she hissed, causing Thorin to stop growling and whimper in fear. She then stood up from her seat and made her way towards David and Marko's bodies. Amelia then removed a fingerless glove to cut her palm with her sharp fingernail, drawing blood from it. She hovers her hand over David's mouth, followed by Marko, allowing drops of blood to fall to their lips.

Amelia then pulls away to let the blood flow through their veins, placing her glove back on as she does so. A few minutes passed and Marko was the first to wake up, gasping for air until his yellow gaze turned toward the vampiress. "You" he growled, glaring at Amelia before David wakes up and stops the short blond male. The platinum blond sits up and glances over his shoulder, smirking at the sight before him. "So you finally decided to join us, sweetheart~" he said, "Glad to see you changed your mind"
"Have no choice" said Amelia, "Max is dead so now we're on our own"
"You're lying" said Marko, "I betcha the old man is hiding somewhere in the cave right now"
"She's not lying, Marko" said David, "He's gone, which means we don't have to follow daddy's little orders"

Marko was having trouble believing in David's words, even glancing at Amelia in suspicion. "Where are Paul and Dwyane?" he asked, "What happened?"
"They're dead" Amelia answered, "Their bodies were completely damaged so there was no way I could resurrect a melted body or one that's blown to smithereens"
Her words were harsh but true, Marko could sense it. He stayed quiet until David stood before the vampiress, looking down at her with an emotionless expression. He was trying to read Amelia, seeing if she was lying or telling the truth. Sure enough, everything she was was true, Dwyane and Paul were dead. To make matters worse, it was indeed impossible to bring them back with that type of damage to their bodies.

"While you two get yourselves back in order, I'm off to do a few errands" she said, grabbing her leather jacket and leaving the cave. The two vampires watched as the vampiress leaves the cave with Thorin following close behind before staying by the entrance to guard the place. It was sunset at this time as Amelia flew out of the cave towards the boardwalk. The wind flowing through her long dark curls until she finally arrives in a dark corner where nobody could find her. She then walks a bit around the boardwalk until she catches her family a few feet away, hiding herself in an alley to watch.

The Emerson's were enjoying themselves, playing carnival games, checking out rides, even visiting a couple of shops. Nanook notices the vampiress and sneaks away from Sam to visit her. Amelia smiled and knelt down to pet and hug the husky, "Hey there, Nanook" she said sweetly, "Glad you still recognize me"
Nanook cried softly as he nuzzled his face against Amelia's chest. Her smile changed to a small frown, knowing full well she could never see her family again after becoming a vampire. She then hands the husky her old scrunchie for Nanook to take. "Take care of Michael and Sammy for me" she said, "Don't lose sight of them no matter what"
Nanook grabs the scrunchie with his mouth, nuzzling against her one more time before heading back to the Emerson's.

Sam, Edgar, and Alan were looking around the boardwalk for the dog until Nanook finally came into view. "Where've you been, Nanook?" said Sam, "Don't take off like that, buddy. Mom would've killed me if I lost you"
Edgar was the first to notice the scrunchie in the dog's mouth, gently taking it from Nanook to inspect it. Sam immediately recognized the scrunchie in Edgar's hand, taking it from him to see if it really belonged to his sister. "No way" he said to himself as the Frog Brothers looked over his shoulder, "This is Mia's scrunchie... how did-"
"Sam!" called his mother, "Hurry up, Michael's taking us for dinner!"
Without much thought, Sam shoved the scrunchie into his pocket before he and the brothers head over toward the others.

The night has completely fallen over the Boardwalk, the lights from the rides shine bright under the night sky, music blasting from miles away, and laughter was heard from the humans down below. Up in the sky, Amelia was levitating with Marko on her left and David on her right just miles off the boardwalk, above the sea. "So" said David, "What do we do now?"
Amelia stood in silence before finally answering the question. "Might wanna leave Santa Carla for a while" she said, "This town's already suffered enough, might as well give them a break"
"And where do we get our food then?" asked Marko, "Plan to starve us, I bet"
"That's where you're wrong, Marko"
The short blond male paused, raising a brow at the vampiress while David stood with his hands in his pockets.

"Fancy a trip to Phoenix?" asked Amelia
David raised a brow, "You want us to go to a desert town?" he asked, "What, you got a score to settle with or something?"
"Something like that"
Marko rolled his eyes and rested his hands behind his curly long hair. But then something struck the two vampires as Amelia glanced at them with glowing yellow eyes. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" he asked
Amelia smirked, "Just a little something in Phoenix I'd like to call, revenge"
This made David and Marko excited, smirking at one another before Amelia turns her full attention to the two male vampires. "Come on, boys" she said, adjusting her leather jacket, "Let's go"

A/N - Thank you all so much for reading The Lost Boys! I have been thinking about adding a Bonus Smut chapter if anyone is interested. Please let me know in the comments if you guys want me to write it!

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