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Percy Jackson

The dewy grass in the early morning soaked my feet as I trudged through the shimmering wall of mist. Annabeth clutched my hand as a huge city came into view.

My eyes widened at the sight of the glittering city that lie before us.

"Where are we?" Annabeth asked moving to my side. She leaned heavily on my shoulder from her recent injury from a chimera.

"I have no clue," I replied almost to myself.

We shared a look and continued onward towards the shimmering city that lies infront of us.

Annabeth shook as her wound continued to bleed, and I eventually reverted to carrying her after much protest on her part.

"Hey, hold on. It's going to be okay," I reasured her. We neared the city and found it to bustling with people who didn't seem to age over thirty. They got a couple concerned lookes as they passed the rich-looking citizens who were mingling around the glittering buildings as if they did this often. I began to shake as my own wounds continued to leak blood. Annabeth whimpered in my arms as I stumbled through the city trying to locate any sort of hospital.

I spotted a building that looked to be some sort of medicinal center, but as we were nearing the entrance I colapsed onto my knees the pain becoming too much to walk on. Annabeth fell out of my grasp as I fell to the ground. A gasp sounded above me as someone must've noticed the beatup teens passed out on the sidewalk.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked us. I just groaned in response. They seemed to bend down infront of us and touched my back as my consious fadded into black.

I was in a dark room bound at the wrists. A frail man hovered over me and in the corner a pale woman stared in my direction with an evil smile plastered on her face. I began to thrash and the frail man placed his hand onto my neck. A searing hot pain spread through my body as a cloth was placed over my mouth. A sickeningly sweet stench spread through my nostrils and turned my body numb forcing me to stop thrashing. the searing pain continued to spread through my body, and the pale woman put a finger to her mouth.

I woke up with a start seeming to startle the person who was sitting by my bedside.

"You're awake," The man with frazzled hair who looked like a scientist exclaimed.

"Who are you?" I rasped trying to sit up. He pushed me back down onto the bed.

"I'm Elwin," The man said with a crooked smile spreading across his features. "And who might you be?"

"Uh, I'm p-percy," I studdered examining the maqns body launguage watching for any sudden movements. Then realization spread across my face, "Where's Annabeth?!"

"Who, do you mean the girl?" Elwin asked.

I nodded aqnd tried and failed to sit up again. Elwin pointed over to another cot right next to me where annabeth had a bandage wrapped across her torso, and a pained expression crossed her face.

"Is she okay?" I squeaked seeing her like this for probobly the thousenth time still wouried me all the same. My mind flashed to the image of her during the titan war when she took the knife that Ethan Nakamura had intended for me, then to when arachnes silk had been wrapped around her foot and she started to fall to tartarus. Elwin noticed my unease and probobly the tears that were threatening to fall. I blinked them away.

"She'll be fine," Elwin assured.

"Wait a minuite, where am I?" I asked the memory of the glittering city rushing to the front of my thoughts.

"What do you mean, you're in the lost cities," Elwin answered. A shiver ran through my bones. Where was the lost cities? How did the gods not know about this place?

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