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Nico di Angelo

I paced around the room pinching the bridge of my nose. My expression was pained as I tried to ignore the throbing headache from shaddow traveling, but I had to. I felt Percy and Annabeth near, so I took my chance. I'll be fine soon enough.

Percy glared at me and grumbled to me. "Could you just stop doing this dude? What is this, the fourteenth time, and we don't even have Will. If we didn't have ambrosia which we are running low on you porbobly would've died. There are other ways to take a visit to your dad you know," Percy complained and I just stiffled a laugh.

He glared. I held my hands up in mock surrender. "Dude you've been missing for three weeks where were you?!" Nico rebuttled giving the couple a look. Annabeth gave a look that said not now then she glanced at the 'elves' I realized that they must've been staring at the pale boy who apeared out of the shaddows then almost died. The girl looked like she was deep in thought and the boy had a slight smirk playing on his face.

"By the way you're talking to eachother it seems you might just beat Foster in the injuries department," The boy said with a smirk apearing on his face as the girl glared at him and elbowed him in the side.

"What are you?" The older man asked standing up and starting to walk over to the demigods. I scooted away as he neared me. I glanced at Percy and Annabeth who had poker faces Annabeth's more believable.

The elves just stared at us until a boy burst into the room screaming Elwin's name. He saw the demigods and froze.

"Who are they?" He asked in a crisp accent.

The blonde boy shrugged. "That's what we're trying to figure out Fitzie."

The boy whom I assumed was Fitzie glared at the blonde boy.

"No shit Keefe," He replied, turning to us. "I'm Fitz, and who might you be?" He asked me.

"Uhh, I'm Nico," I replied inching away from Fitzie.

"I'm Percy, and this is Annabeth," Percy spoke up shaking Fitzie's hand.

"What are you doing here Fitz?" Elwin asked.

"It not very important compared to this little situation," Fitz said gesturing to the demigods. "They're clearly not elves," Fitzie said to Foster and Keefe, motioning to Nico who took that personally.

Keefe Sencen

Fitz gestured to Nico who had achne, I glared at him like seriously dude? Nico looked offended by Fitz's offhanded comment.

The othe two of them just stared at us waiting for us to say something. Percy was clutching Annabeths hand. They must be a couple, I'm just that good at relation ships.

"Where did you come from?" I asked them.

"New York," Annabeth responded.

I racked my brain for the human city that Sophie had mentioned going to with her human parents. "Cool."

"Your clearly not human," Fitz said blatenty.

Their expressions faltered and they all shared a look.

"What do you mean?" Annabeth asked smacking Percy who's expression was turning into a grimace. Nico just stood behind the couple and kept an expressionless facade on his face.

"Come on, we told you we're not human! Why don't you just spill the tea?" I said.

They again shared a look. "Fine," Percy relented. "Have you ever heard of greek mythology?" He asked and everyone except Sophie shook their head.

"Do you mean the one with like Zeus and Poseidon?" Sophie asked.

Percy went red at the mention of Poseidon. He nodded. "Excatly, and for the others who don't know, it's like your worst nightmare come to life," Percy explained.

My mind flashed to my mothers evil face, but I just ignored the painful image. "Sounds scary."

Percy nodded without humor in his expression. "So, these gods, sometimes they come down to earth and have children with mor-humans."

We nodded. "So your telling us that you're part god?" I joked, but they didn't laugh. My jaw dropped. "So you're actually, like gods? Are you like, imortal?"

Percy scoffed. "Not in the slightest, but yes we are part god," Percy said then turned to Nico and Annabeth. "That'd be a miracle," Percy barked out laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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