The Stranger In Red

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28 years had passed, but Beatrice Gold hadn't aged a day. The cycle had continued like a vortex, spiraling endlessly.

It was late at night, when Y/N suddenly awoke at her desk. Her stomach rumbled, she needed some food.

Most of the restaurants in town would be closed by now (the small town of Storybrooke wasn't known for its nightlife) but Y/N remembered the plethora of frozen TV dinners crammed her fridge, she could have a nice meal out of those.

And it would be nice to sleep in her own bed for the first time in a while, she thought to herself as she sleepily gathered her things.

She walked through the quiet school, her footsteps echoing through the tiled halls as the faintest of rains pattered against the windows, when a quiet thought seeped into her brain. When was the last time she'd been to her apartment?

Y/N climbed into her car, a blue Mercedes her father had gifted her for her sixteenth birthday, shifting it into drive.

As she drove the question expanded in her mind, it was the strangest thing, she couldn't remember the last time she'd been home! Was she working herself too hard?

Of course she'd been to her apartment before, she lived there after all, she reassured herself as she pulled the parking lot. Y/N lived in a small apartment, near Granny's Bed and Breakfast, with a view directly overlooking the town square. As she exited the car she gazed at the glowing hotel and hoped Ruby and Granny were getting along better these days.

Even though she hadn't spoken to Ruby in months, Y/N still cared about her, just looking at those yellow lights reminded her of her old friend. But as she stared at the hotel lights, she noticed something... strange.

Two cars were parked in front of the inn, her father's black Cadillac and an unfamiliar yellow car.

Y/N's shoulders tensed, unfamiliar was never a word that came to mind in Storybrooke. A mix of hesitance and curiosity froze the young teacher in front of the hotel, staring at the car (a bright yellow Beetle) until she finally gave in to the second sensation.

She opened the door and saw her father taking a thick roll of dollar bills from Granny, or Mrs. Lucas if you wanted to be formal. Ruby, a young woman with red streaked hair, was standing behind him, glaring daggers in Mr. Gold's direction.

"It's all here." Granny said nervously as she passed him the money.

"Yes, yes of course it is dear, thank you." Her father muttered as he placed the money into his suit pocket.

"Enjoy your stay. Emma."

Her father made his way to the door, and suddenly noticed Y/N leaning against the doorway. Clearly he hadn't seen her there. His brown eyes went wide for a moment, looking her up and down as though he was shocked what she was wearing.

But as quickly as he had changed expressions, he blinked and smiled,  "Evening Beatrice, I wasn't expecting to run into you tonight dear."

"I wasn't either." Y/N explained, her gaze never leaving the blond "I saw your car outside and just thought that I would stop in, catch up. How's it going Ruby?" Ruby leaned against the banister,

"Things are fine, Beatrice." Ruby said, suddenly becoming very interested her red sparkly nails. "Y'know same old same old."

"I like your boots." Y/N said as she tried to diffuse the tension. "Are they new?"

"Nope." Ruby responded curtly. Y/N flinched inside, she hated seeing Ruby so distant, couldn't blame her though.

There was a brief moment of silence before Mr. Gold cleared his throat.

"I'll be on my way now. Welcome to Storybrooke, Emma." Saying the name like it was a prize he'd one. He sauntered out of the lobby, with Y/N following behind, but as she left the hotel, she heard a snippet of conversation.

"Who was that?" Emma asked.

"The Golds." Granny answered.

"They own the inn?"

"No,"Ruby growled,"the town."

The door slammed shut behind her.

"What was that about?" Y/N asked as she followed her dad to his parked car.

"Oh just collecting rent is all."

"No," Y/N said, "Who was that woman? In the red jacket?"

"Ah, you must mean Miss Swan." He began to walk down the steps "Seems she'll be staying in town for a while."

"Nobody just comes to Storybrooke. What could she be here for?"

"I'm afraid I couldn't tell you dearie. Could be any number of things." Mr. Gold walked up to his car and climbed inside, "But, it would be in both our best interests to be hospitable."

Y/N heard the emphasis on the word both and understood, whoever this woman was she was important somehow. Someone her and her father needed to work with, someone who she should keep a close eye on.

"I'll... be sure to make her feel welcome." Y/N told him.

"I know you will, love." Then without another word the Cadillac speed into the night, kicking up dust as it sped down the road.

Emma, the name bounced around inside her head. Pounding in her brain as she mindlessly climbed the stairs, unlocked her door and climbed into bed without even changing clothes. As she closed her eyes it echoed.

Emma, Emma, Emma. Why did that name sound so... familiar?

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