Y/N's alarm clock screamed on her bedside table, making her eyes bolt open. She groggily pressed the off button and slumped out of bed.
As she slid her feet into her slippers, she realized she'd gone to bed with her clothes on, how strange.
In the kitchen, she boiled a kettle of water and made oatmeal smothered in brown sugar. Once it was ready she made her way to her favorite spot in the tiny apartment she rented; a covered balcony just big enough for a table and chair, covered with Y/N's various plants.
She'd always loved gardening, and the terrace proved it.
Pots full of vegetables, flowers and herbs filled the space, soaking up every inch of sunlight the view offered.
She sat at the rickety metal table, and dug into her oatmeal. As she ate, still dressed in yesterday's clothes, she looked out at the view of the town square.
Watching all the people milling around the sidewalks, the cars zooming down the roads, the ever still clock tow-
Y/N's spoon froze, the clock tower. Its hands had moved!
She smiled to herself, dumbfounded. Regina must've had finally had someone fix the rusty old thing. She checked the clock again, 6:00. She had just enough time to eat her breakfast before meeting with Dad for coffee.
Morning coffee had been a tradition for as long as Y/N could remember. Her father liked seeing her and Y/N liked making sure he was doing all right.
He was getting older. She worried about him sometimes, sitting alone in her childhood home.
Even with the rift between them and his reputation, Y/N still cared for him deeply. And wanted to make sure he was keeping healthy and not working himself too hard.
Though she knew when it came to her father, there was very little she could do to control him.
Her oatmeal finished, she placed the bowl in the sink and got dressed for the day. Her wardrobe was filled with designer clothes, left over from her college years when her dad had been paying for her.
She put on something stylish but simple and grabbed her purse. Time to start the day.
She left her apartment and turned to lock the door. As she turned the key, she heard a voice behind her.
"Ah, good morning Miss Gold!"
She turned around, it was her neighbor Sidney, a reporter for the town's most popular (and only) newspaper. He lived four doors down in one of the nicer apartments on her floor.
"Good morning Sidney. You can call me Beatrice if you like you know, I'm only Miss Gold to my students."
"Oh, well. You know." He chuckled nervously, people always assumed the same rules applied to her as they did her father, respect at all times, including honorifics. Y/N spied a rolled up newspaper under his arm as she pulled out the key. Sidney seemed to notice she was looking as her pulled it out and handed to her. "Latest edition! Not to brag but I think today's headlines a real attention grabber. Wrote it myself."
Y/N took the paper and placed it in her purse.
"Thank you Sidney, are you sure you're all finished though?""I'll just buy another. The news belongs in the hands of readers like you! Now if you'll please excuse me Miss Gol- Beatrice. I have an appointment with Mayor Millis."
And Sidney made his way speedily down the stairs.
"Goodbye." Y/N called after him.After double checking the door was locked, Y/N took the stairs and began her walk to Granny's Diner. It was nice not having to rush in her car for once.

The Coward's Daughter [An OUAT Fanfic]
FanfictionAlthough you were born a coward's daughter, for most your life you were a happy family. But that all changed one your father became the Dark One, and your brother Baelfire vanished. After growing up to become your father's assistant you've mastered...