Valentines Day

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The morning was cold. Barney was laying in bed shirtless while trying to get himself up. Maybe he shouldn't have stayed up all night on the phone with his sweet and very handsome boyfriend. Barney nearly forgot that it was Valentine's Day today! This made Barney jump out of bed to text Logs. Barney had a lot planned. Barney was the sentimental type. Barney hadn't really bought Logan anything for Valentine's Day, but he had plenty of gifts. He hoped Logs didn't find his handmade gifts stupid. Barney was actually stressing hard about this. They haven't actually discussed anything about Valentine's Day... Barney wanted it to be a surprise. He hoped Logs didn't plan anything.

"Hey. Meet me outside ur house in 10 😘"

Barney read off of his screen. Barney panicked. He had 10 minutes to get dressed and get together all of Logan's gift..

"How about 30? I just woke up and beauty takes time 😉" Barney texted before getting a thumbs up from Logs. Barney let out a sigh of relief. He immediately nearly ran to get into the shower. He took a quick one, getting dressed in a pink button up and jeans. It wasn't too cold, even for February. Barney then made his way to his room, finding a suitable pair of socks and shoes to wear. After this, he gathered all of the little trinkets and items that he planned to give Logs today. These items included his obsession scrapbook from before they started dating, a new scrapbook with pictures of them since they've been dating, two framed pictures, a poorly drawn drawing of Logs,  many many loose photos, the tickets they used to get into the movie theatre when they had their first date, gum wrappers made into hearts, cool rocks that Barney found which reminded him of Logs, Logs' favorite candy, and other little trinkets Barney thought Logs would like or reminded him of Logs as well as a cute little heart shaped love letters with very cheesy and meaningful words. He put all of these in a shoebox. He started to walk downstairs, noticing his mother was already in the kitchen. She had just made cute little heart shaped chocolate chip cookies.

"Hey, would you mind if i grabbed a couple for Logs?" Barney asks, very nervous about his gift. He thought maybe he should have gotten Logan at lest something like the traditional flowers... Barney was clearly stressing. Roxanne nodded, finding a little  box to put two cookies in. Barney let out a sigh, soon hugging his mom before putting the box of cookies into the nearly stuffed shoebox. It barely closed. Barney ate something really quickly before going to sit outside. After a few minutes, he returned to grab a jacket before sitting outside again.

Within ten minutes of Barney sitting outside, Logan had arrived. Logs parked his car in the driveway, soon getting out to greet Barney. Logs was wearing a red sweater and black jeans with a pair of converses. Barney waved, seeing Logan get stuff out of the car. Barney's jaw nearly dropped comically as he saw what Logan had got him. Barney was feeling insecure about his gift. Barney now stood up, holding his box with shaking hands. He had a small frown on his face, extremely nervous. This was their first Valentine's Day together.

Logan was holding two red and pink heart shaped balloons, a bag with a teddy bear and a few cd's that Logs made for Logan, Barney's favorite candy, a small box with a promise ring, a home made bracelet, and other small gifts. He was also holding a large bouquet of roses and a big heart shaped box of chocolates. Barney was really about to cry. Damn. He felt like Logs was too good for him.

Barney and Logs soon met in the middle of the walkway to Barney's house,setting the stuff down so they could squeeze each other. Barney leaned his head on Logan's shoulder,  soon looking up to peck Logan's cheek. He then let go, picking the shoebox back up. "Would you like to come in? It's a bit windy and uh you probably shouldn't open your gift out here." He said, helping Logs pick up the stuff he brought Barney. Gosh. It was a lot. He wondered how much Logs spent on all of this...

"Oh! Sure thing." Logan smiled, kissing the top of Barney's head. He was very curious to see what Barney got him for Valentine's Day. He really would be fine with receiving nothing but a kiss from Barney. Logs just really liked getting gifts for Barney.

Barney soon led Logan inside of his house. They took a seat on the couch. Logan insisted that Barney took his gift first. Barney gulped. Roxanne was curiously watching from the kitchen. Saul and Patrick were not up yet. Barney nervously but gratefully took his gift, first leaning over to give Logan a peck on the lips as a thank you before actually thanking him. He set the bouquet aside with the chocolates, opening the bag and digging everything out. It was a large bag, yet it was stuffed nearly full with a lot of goodies. He carefully took each and everything out of the bag, acknowledging them and thanking Logan for each and every item. He then pulled out a ring box. His face went red. "This isn't-"

"Oh, no. Haha, Sorry. Should have said that before." Logs' face nearly went red too. He scratched the back of his neck. Soon explaining that it was like a promise ring, although they didn't need one to promise to stay loyal, Logs just thought it was a cute idea. Barney nearly exploded though.

"Babe- how much did this all cost?" Barney asks, worried.

"Nothing much compared to my love for you." Barney winks. Roxanne does a quiet 'awe' from the kitchen.

Barney soon pulled out a few unlabeled CD's. He looked confused. "What are these?" He asked Logs, opening one of them to inspect the.

"Oh- just uh. Songs I wrote for my amazing boyfriend." Logs seemed to get nervous about them. "Obviously- don't listen to them now please." He said, just now leaning on Barney. Barney was now done opening his present.  "I. Uhm. Wanna put on the ring? You don't have to of course. I can take it back if you don-"

"No, I like it, Hun. It's just that now I feel bad because my gift is kinda lame.." He said, taking the ring box and opening it again. He let Logs place the ring on his finger, giving a small sad smile at the pretty ring with blue gems embedded into the ring. Barney hesitantly handed his gift to Logs. he looked up at Logan, hoping he would like it. Logs struggled with holding the box due to it being heavy with all of the things Barney shoved in there.

Logs opened the shoebox, immediately being met with the small box of chocolate chip cookies. He smiles. Chocolate chip cookies were one of his favorites!! He sets those aside, looking deeper into the box. He pulled out two scrapbooks, skimming through them. "Awe- Barnes!" After he looked through both books in depth (Soon seeing Barney's old wedding plans made before they started dating) he continued to look through the box. He dug out a few love letters, starting to read them out loud.

"UH- you probably don't want to read those out loud right now." Barney stops Logs, his face as red as a tomato. Logs' chuckles, nodding. He continues to take out each and every little thing in the box, inspecting them all before putting them back in the box neatly. Logs was full on trying to hold back tears now. Barney tilted his head.

"Oh- sorry. Was it that bad?" He chuckles nervously, biting his lip. But Barney was soon met with an almost tackle and a pair of familiar lips on his. Logs really seemed to like Barney's gift.

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