Chapter 12

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Have you ever wanted someone to notice you? It doesn't have to be in a romantic way...but maybe just a cool girl or a nice guy to come up to you, sit down and say 'how are you?' Or 'so, how was your weekend?' That feeling is called desperation. I've got that feeling right now. Right now I want him to notice me, on a scale from one to ten I would say five and a half. That's more then half way. And I guess that a good sign, at least I hope it is...

"New Jersey?" Nat asked. I nodded once. We were back at Sam's. He was at the V.A working so it was just the three of us. We were in my room, me on the bad and Steve and Nat were pacing around the room.

"What's in New Jersey?" I asked. The other twos faces showed me they were just as clueless as me.

"Whatever it is, I'm willing to bet my shield that it's not good" Steve muttered crossing his arms. The silence that followed was horrible. It felt like someone had died...I had to get out. I quickly stood up and jogged out of the room and grabbed a bottle of water. When I finally felt it was time to go back the door was almost closed. I pushed it opened a crack and peeked inside. I could see Nat sitting on the bed and Steve next to her.

"What are we gonna do?" Nat said quietly. I could hear Steve sigh. I see him sit next to her.

"I don't know...make things right. Save the world. Make Peggy proud" he said.

" that the only reason you're doing this. Any of this. For her?" Nat asked.

"I used to think so...that she was the only reason I stayed. But I'm not sure anymore" he said. I saw Nat smile and kiss him. I felt my eyes water as I saw him slowly start to kiss back. Her hand cupping his cheek and his resting on her hip. I loudly pushed the door open and the two jumped apart.

"So whats the plan?" I asked casually.

"Uh, tomorrow you and Rogers go to New Jersey and see what this drive is all about. I'll stay here and see what information I can get" Nat says very formally. I nod once and leave them alone. As soon as I got out the room I burst into tears. I knew I cared about Steve but seeing him kiss Nat like that...I never knew I cared about him that much.

The next morning Steve woke me up. When I groaned and rolled over I heard him sigh.

"Come on Emily" he begged.

"Five more minutes old man" I moaned. I heard him sigh again and felt him pick me up and carry me to the car. He put me softly in the front seat. I slept for another hour as we drove to New Jersey. I finally woke up, Steve was looking at me.

"Good afternoon" he said. I grunted again and just stared out the window at the endless forests. "Are you going to talk to me or just sit there?" He asked.

"What's your story Rogers? You and Romanoff?' I asked casually. Steve let out a snort of laughter.

"No. Me and Natasha are just friends" he reassured me.

"Your hand on her hip and passionate kiss last night said otherwise" I mutter. Steve turned a bright shade of red.

"I've got my eyes on another girl" he muttered. I nodded and we fell silent. "What about your story? You seemed to know what engaged people do..." He asked.

"Engaged for a year to a drug addict. He was psycho, I broke it off. He found me a year later...high off his ass and gave me this" I say pulling down the neck of my shirt to reveal an ugly scar. Steve momentarily took his eyes off the road to stare at my scar.

"I'm sorry to hear that" he said. I shrugged.

"Life just screwed me over, I've gotten used to it" I say.

"What happened to him?" Steve asked.

"Prison, but it didn't stop him sending me 12 red roses for my birthday" I say. The memory of the bunch of perfectly trimmed roses on my doorstep still sending shivers down my spine.

"Tell me one thing about you...something no one knows" I say. He takes a deep breath and looks at me.

"That was my first kiss since 1940, well the first one I actually enjoyed" he said. I sat up.

"No way. Really?!" I asked. He nodded and looked at me.

"It was nice, now you tell me something" he said.

"I know ten different languages" I say automatically. He raises his eyebrows.

"Really. Humour me" he said.

"I know German, Spanish, French, English, Italian, African, Latin, Greek..." I ticked off the languages one by one as I named them.

"Tell me a different language" he requested. I shrugged.

"Like what?" I asked. He smiled and looked at me.

"Tell me what you think about me" he said. I took a deep breath.

"eres un buen tipo , me refiero como Seguro eres un super héroe aficionado , pero me estás solo este hermoso hombre con un corazón hermoso. esa chica que te gusta, ella es muy afortunada de tenerte" I said as if it was nothing. He just looked at me.

"That was Spanish" I say. He shrugged.

"Fair enough. Am I going to get a translation?" He asked. I swallowed. What I had really said was 'you're an okay guy, i mean like sure youre a buff super hero but to me you're just this beautiful man with a beautiful heart. that girl you like, shes very lucky to have you but I'm not telling him that.

"I said that you were some old dude who didn't know how to kiss a girl let alone hold a conversation with one. That you're sometimes a jerk or pretend to be tough and that I know you have a crush on Nat. And that you smell like fifty year old tuna" I said. He laughed.

"I smell that bad?" He asked a little sarcastically. I shrugged.

"I've smelt worse" I said. We both cracked up laughing. Suddenly his face turned serious as he pulled up outside a run down bootcamp.

"This is it" he muttered taking a deep breath and cutting the engine. I unstrapped myself and peered at the compounds.

"This is what?" I asked a little disappointed.

"This is where my story began" he said opening the car door and getting out.

"I hope your know what you're doing" I muttered before following him.

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