Chapter 4

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Some things are impossible to change. Some things aren't. For example, I can't change the past. But I can change my future. Well, small parts of it at least. There are some parts of our future...the big parts...that are impossible to change. It's like editing a story. You have the plot that's been planned from the beginning but as you continue to write, you tweak it. You edit the story, and it might even change the outcome.

I never wanted to mess with my fate, the future would come and there would be nothing I can do about it. But the only thing I worried about was the small details that I could change. Everyone wants the best life possible, but the best life comes at a cost that at one point or another, we have to pay. It's like a test, fail and it ends but succeed and you know you're truly worthy to live. I think it's my turn.

"What did you say?" I asked, almost choking on my burger.

"You heard me" Sam said, allowing a chuckle.

"Not once?!" I ask. He shakes his head. "I don't believe you" I hiss.

"I'm not joking. I've never gone to Fiji" he confessed. I laughed.

"You have to go, at least once" I beg. He just shrugs and takes another handful of chips from his plate.

"I'll think about it" he said with his mouth full muffling his voice. I've grown up around this so his complete lack of manors doesn't gross me out too much. I can cope with it, I just don't like it. It reminds me of a camel...and ever since one spat in my face...let's just say they don't like me and I don't like them.

Sam seemed to pick up on his disgusting habit and swallowed. "Sorry, I'm not used to company" he apologised looking down. I shrugged.

"Nah, it's fine" I say. Suddenly my phone started to play AC/DC. I roll my eyes and decline the call. Tony had been trying to reach me all morning.

"Family issues?" Sam asked, putting down his half eaten burger. I huffed.

"You don't even know the half of it" I mutter. If I could avoid it I never want to go back to that stupid tower. I never want to see Tony's face again. I look down, tears building in my eyes.

"Hey, Emmy. It's okay. I'm sure he didn't mean any harm" Sam comforted. I shook my head an wiped my eyes, not even bothering to comment on my new nick name. 

"It's fine" I say firmly, trying to hide the fact I'm crying.

"If you want, there's a spare room at my place if you need somewhere to go" Sam offered. I looked up.

"Thanks, but I couldn't" I say.

"Give me one good reason" Sam challenged.

"I just met you, for all I know you could be a crazy criminal" I say, crossing my arms. My tears slowly disappearing as Sam takes my mind off my jerk of a brother. Sam's eyes widen, then turn a little hurt. Was he seriously trying to guilt me into liking him?! Well I won't lie, it was kinda working.

"Come on. Am I the type of man that would do something like that?" He asked. I tried not to look into his pleading puppy dog eyes but it was almost impossible.

"No. Sam. Don't look at me like that" I command, trying to look anywhere but his eyes. That's when he started making noises that sounded like a hurt puppy. "Damn it Sam" I yell in frustration. His sad eyes light up.

"So is that a yes?" He asked. I nodded. He practically began jumping up and down in his seat in joy.

"Calm down. Your not meeting the Queen so stop making such a big deal about it" I say as three whole tables full of people stop their conversations to look at us, well more specifically Sam. Sam nods and throws a bill on the table that pays for our lunches. We both stand up and move outside into the fresh air.

"So...Steve..." Sam says , clearly trying to start a soon to be embarrassing conversation. I decide to play it cool, trying to keep the blood from rushing to my cheeks.

"You mean that jogger? What about him?" I ask. Sam started to throw an extremely fake  coughing fit.

"What do you mean so? That's was Captain America and all you have to say is so?!" He asked. I shrugged trying hard then ever not to blush. I looked back, so Sam wouldn't catch my girly emotions and I see a man watching us. He's wearing all blacks, a mask that covers his nose and mouth and has sholder length brown hair. He wears long clothes and his left arm...sparkles? He stands a distance away from us, staring at me.

"Sam" I say. I hear him huff in acknowledge . "Behind us" I mutter, not looking away from the man in black. He turns and sees the man, I can tell because his breath catches. He throws his arm around my shoulders and looks down. He starts to speed up, pulling me along.

"Walk faster, ask questions later" he muttered as we rounded the corner and the man disappeared from my sight. He pulls me along allies and streets until we reach a small house. He pulls out a key and unlocks the door before literally throwing me inside. He then shuts all the blinds.

"Sam. What the hells going on? What's wrong with that...that guy?" I asked as he ran around the house locking the doors and putting the house into lockdown.

"Don't you recognise him?" Sam asked as he ran past me.

"Should I?" I asked sitting down. Sam literally freezes.

"That man...that metal armed...villain" Sam started but I cut him off.

"VILLAIN?! You don't even know the poor man. That's a very mean thing to say, I'm sure he's a nice man. One of the nicest men on earth" I defend. That's another thing me and Tony don't share. I defend every person on earth, I see the good in everyone. Tony like most people are quick to accuse.

"The nicest man on earth?!" Sam actually laughed. I crossed my arms and Sam lost the grin. I was beginning to like him less and less.

"What is it about that man that makes him so...evil?" I shuddered even using that word. I hated it, the worst word in the English dictionary.

"That man is a killer. A trained assassin. Apparently one of the worlds best. Emily, didn't you see he was aiming a gun at you? That guy wants you dead and assassins stop at nothing to kill their target" Sam explained.

"What have I done to him?" I asked horrified.

"Not a damn thing" Sam said back.

"Who was he" I raise my eyebrows at the thought of a total stranger wanting me dead.

"The Winter Soldier" Sam said, his face serious.

So I'm going to the hands of an assassin. The worlds best assassin.

The Winter Soldier...

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