Chapter 14

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Have you ever seen the film 'The Fault in our Stars'? If you listen to all the narration, there are some pretty touching moments. Half of it is bullshit. Sorry to be so harsh. Don't get me wrong its a great film, it just isn't 100% true. For example, when they glorify love like in a fairytale. Love isn't something to glorify, it's something to cherish. Love doesn't last depending on how much you kiss. Love is decided by how much you put into it. If you don't put any effort into love you know it's not real. But if you cherish each kiss, each embrace, each touch, each word, each 'I love you' like it's the'll make it through.

I woke up on the road again. I was lying down on he back seat of the car with Steve speeding down the road. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"It's best if you stay down" Steve warned. I ignored him and rested my head against the window. I heard him sigh. By the scenery I could tell we were half way back home. How much had I missed?

"What's going on?" I asked, my voice breaking from lack of use.

"We need Nat and we need to go into hiding" he said sternly. It's hard to believe that less then a day ago we were in the same car laughing and speaking Spanish.

"Right, and what happened to me?" I asked, as a sudden pain shot through my forehead.

"Knocked out. You were bleeding pretty hard so I carried you back" Steve said.

"So it wasn't a dream?" I asked, hoping Steve would laugh and say something like 'we haven't even gotten there yet. Nothing's happened, tell me about this dream!' But instead he slowly shook his head.

"I wish" he muttered, speeding up to over 40 miles per hour. He was driving thirty miles under the speed limit. I picked up the phone and was halfway dialling Nat's number before Steve stopped me. "I already called her, and Tony" he said.

"You called my brother?!" I yelled.

"He called me. He knew we were hanging out and wanted to know how you were. I said that I hadn't seen you since our jog that morning" Steve said calmly. I felt like yelling so bad but kept my temper. When we reached the main city, Steve and I ditched the car and started walking on foot, keeping out faces hidden and heads down.

"Where do we go?" He asked as we passed Stark tower. I barely looked at the tower before grabbing he wrist and pulling him along. When we reached Sam's house I pulled out the key from the pocket and unlocked the door.

"Sam?" I call to the house. I hear a sigh of annoyance and footsteps and see Sam coming out of the kitchen holding the jug of orange juice.

"Emily, where the hell have you been?!" Sam asked putting the juice down and hugging me. Steve took a step back as we hugged.

"Long story. But we need to lie low. Can Steve and Nat stay for a while?" I asked.

"Sure" Sam said pulling back and shaking Steve's hand. Sam then quickly grabbed some of his largest clothes and pointed Steve in the direction of the bathroom as he tended the gash on my head.

"I'm fine, really" I said as he cleaned the cut. He ignored me, until I stood up. "I think I'm just going to go to bed" I added, walking off and crawling into bed. I wasn't going to be able to sleep, I knew that but I just needed one of two things. Either to be alone, or I needed Steve.

"Em, are you in here?" I heard Steve ask, pushing my door open. I sit up in bed as he comes over and sits next to me. He looks a lot cleaner and his clothes barely fit at all, I could see his muscles easily.

"Are you okay? What's going on? He asked. I shook my head.

"No. My family have been working secretly for HYDRA since World War 2. My brother and I have been major assets to project insight. I'm the complete opposite of okay" I grumbled.

"I can understand that...or at least part of it" he said. I looked down and knew who he was talking about.

"I'm sure she wasn't part of it" I comfort.

"I know she wasn't. But it kills me that they were involved with her and I couldn't do anything to change that" he said.

"I owe you, much more then my life" I said simply. He just shook his head modestly.

"No you don't" he said. I looked up and stared into his beautiful eyes.

"What if it was the other way around" I asked.

"But it wasn't"

"But what if it was. Would you trust me to save your life?" I asked. He paused for a moment before nodding.

"With what you've proved...I would now" he said.

"You're very modest" I say with a smile.

"I'm honest, and I guess I just like to know who I'm fighting" he said looking into my eyes. I leaned closer...I could feel his breath. I closed my eyes. We were barely an inch apart until.

"There's a red haired here...and I made breakfast" Sam said. Steve and I jumped apart and I looked up at him.

"That will be Nat" said Steve getting up and walking out.

"What the hell Sam?!" I hissed. He just shrugged innocently and walked away.

I threw my pillow across the room in rage before getting up and walking out. I gave Nat a quick hug and loaded a plate full of eggs and bacon. Steve and I briefly explained what happened to Nat and Sam as we ate. In five minutes there was a pile of dirty dishes sitting at the sink and the four of us were gathered around the table.

"So the real question is who else is HYDRA" I asked sitting back in my chair.

"The day you two were attacked in the elevator. Who was there?" Nat asked.

"Half the S.T.R.I.K.E team. Including Brock Rumlow" Steve said staring at the oak table.

"So the S.T.R.I.K.E team is HYDRA, and I think Pierce is too" I said.

"How can you be sure?" Sam asked, standing over me.

"One day, the day of the elevator incidence I heard him speaking to Rumlow about eliminating threats. Along with a mission he was sent on earlier that week" I said looking up.

"The only mission he was on was the Pirate one with me" Steve said.

"Pirates. Are we sure this isn't Pirates of the Caribbean and Johnny Depp is not going to come out of my wardrobe?" Sam asked. I stared up at him.

"Pirates are very much real. But not like in movies. They often hold ransom. We know these pirates wanted something of S.H.I.E.L.D's whether that be money or information. What was their ransom?" I asked.

"They had some agents. Including Jasper Sitwell" Nat said automatically.

"What if the attack was staged? If Sitwell was in on it the whole time? Zola's algorithm was on the data banks of the ship right?" Steve asked. I thought for a moment. That would make a lot of seance.

"So he's HYDRA as well" I said. Steve nodded once. "The next question is how do two of the most wanted people on the plant kidnap a S.H.I.E.L.D officer in broad daylight"

"I have the answer. You don't" said sam throwing some filed on the table. I picked them up and stared at the photograph.

"This is you?" I asked, passing the photo on.

"It was me. After that mission I went solo" Sam said as the other two stared at the photo.

"I heard what happened. They couldn't get people out or supplies in because of RPG. What did you use?" Nat asked curiously.

"These" said Sam, pointing at the files. I opened them and saw mechanical wings. They were beautifully designed and flawless. "They've come in handy more then once" Sam added as Steve and Nat looked over my shoulder.

"I thought you said you were a pilot" Steve said smirking as he stared at the images.

"I never said pilot" Sam said back.

"I can't ask you to do this. You quit for a reason" Steve said.

"Then what better way to get back in? Captain America needs me. He needs all of us. And if I'm being honest, I miss my wings" Sam said with a smirk.

And just like that, our team of three turned into a team of four.

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