Chapter 9

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        Copyright © 2015 Casey Lee 

A   P I N C H   O F   C R A Z Y


Getting ready for school Monday morning proved to be a bigger challenge than I thought possible as my alarm clock rang earlier than I would have preferred. I rolled over, hoping to catch a couple more minutes of sleep before I really, truly, needed to get ready. As a peppy pop tune poured out of my clock radio though, going back to sleep proved itself to be impossible and I sat up with a groan, rubbing my eyes and running my fingers through my messy hair. Sighing reluctantly, I dragged myself out of bed, not looking forward to the day that would come after I exited the shower.

Grabbing a random pair of jeans and sweater from my closet as well as underwear, I crutched into the bathroom, nearly falling multiple times and eyelids drooping.

I turned on the water as hot as it went as soon as I entered the frigid bathroom and stripped before jumping around, as best I could on one leg, anxiously waiting for the water to become bearable.

As soon as the water was just past lukewarm, I hobbled in, relishing in the hot water that beat down upon me. I showered quickly, taking little care in shaving or scrubbing everywhere.

When I stumbled out of the shower, I felt surprisingly awake. Usually showers did little to wake me up but as soon as I stepped into the steamy bathroom I felt refreshed. My ankle, still swollen and red, looked awful without the brace on it that I couldn't wear in the shower. I dressed in my underwear and bra slowly, not exactly motivated to struggle with pants and my brace. I had just found the energy to reach down and grab my jeans when Turner barged in, dressed in only boxers.

"So glad you decided to listen to my request of knocking" I said sarcastically as he looked at me, appearing dazed.

"Why are you naked?" Turner asked as he rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands.

"Well there's this new concept called showering, I know it's a novel idea to you but most of the population partakes in the activity." I clipped as I threw my sweater on and started pulling on my jeans. As I got one leg through I was then struck with the difficult task of getting my non injured leg through. I couldn't put any weight on my ankle making the task decidedly harder as I couldn't crutch to my bed to pull the bottoms on in my semi-naked state.

Reluctantly, I turned to Turner who looked at me, half amused even in his sleepy state.

"How's it going over there?" He drawled, his voice still raspy.

I gave him the best death glare I could manage at 7 in the morning and motioned him over unenthusiastically. "Come here you ass and help the cripple" I demanded.

Turner shook his head and snorted before shuffling over and helping me into my skinny jeans, a task that was equal amounts awkward and amusing. Finally I got to a point where I could do the rest myself and I pushed him away.

"Thanks" I muttered, none too pleased that I had to be the one asking for help now that I was injured rather than him.

He smirked, now fully awake and in a surprisingly good mood for the morning.

I crutched out of the bathroom and continued with my morning routine as normally as I could even with my ankle, breakfast was made, makeup was done, and lunches packed in a hasty manner since everything took twice as long as it did before.

Turner ushered me out the door, hurrying me to the truck, which had been fixed, sort of. It coughed and wheezed louder than ever but now started up a little easier, instead of it taking 10 minutes to get it going, it now took closer to 8. Ryder scrambled along after us, not keen on taking the bus with these frigid temperatures. He leapt in the car, intent on not being left behind and Turner viewed him with raised eyebrows through the rearview mirror.

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