Chapter 6

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Copyright © 2012 Casey Lee

A   P I N C H   O F   C R A Z Y


The week passed all too quickly. I felt my concentration on schoolwork slipping as I struggled to prepare things for Thanksgiving. Thankfully, (no pun intended) we got Wednesday off, as well as Thursday and Friday.


A) It would give me a chance to get out of the stuffy and likely crowded house.

B) I wouldn't have to cook a meal, and after Thanksgiving, I usually didn't want to hear "Pass the gravy please" again until the day I died.

C) I would get to see a certain sandy-haired boy that seemed to be taking up more of my thoughts than was probably healthy.

The fact that I couldn't stop thinking about Luke was troubling me. I continued to sit with their table during art, which was fun to say the least. Sam and I kept up our playful insult banter, while Elle, Amanda and I discussed girl things that I never really had the chance to talk about before. There was always my mom, but somehow, gossiping about Wendy's new haircut was less satisfying when you got yelled at afterwards for talking behind someone's back.

I mean really, that was part of high school right? It happened to everyone, except me because hardly anyone knew I even existed.

Anyways, I had learned within the first 10 minutes, that Amanda was the biggest gossip I had ever met.

It was nice, feeding her information that I had never been ever been able to before. I was a fly on the wall, and no one noticed me sitting next to him or her at lunch when they were dishing out their deepest and darkest secrets.

I even considered feeding her some of Turner's darkest secrets, like the fact that he still slept with his blue and pink striped cat, Stripey, or that I walked in on him and Tawny Miller, the first time he did it.

He had made me swear never to mention it though, so just as the secret was on the tip on my tongue, I bit it back and instead told her about Ryan Williamson's third nipple.

Not that I had seen it, his third nipple I mean, but really, what else would that pointy thing sticking out from his chest be?

On Wednesday, I was stressed to no end. I flew about the kitchen, preparing as much as I could before tomorrow. It didn't help that people wanted their potatoes all different ways.

My dad liked his mashed, with a few lumps in there.

My mom liked hers mashed, with no lumps and canned corn and soggy carrots thrown in there too.

Ryder liked his baked, with sour cream and chives.

Turner liked his twice baked, meaning baked, then removed of some of the stuffing and putting various cheeses in there.

Eric only liked the skins, and the only potatoes that Isaac and Adam ate were French fries.

And to top all of that I didn't even like potatoes.

So to say the least, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving was pretty much hell. Everyone knew not to enter the kitchen, and most people brought a supply of food up to their room on Tuesday night, and hid out in each of their rooms until it was safe to come down, which meant, Thursday afternoon.

Even guests didn't arrive until at least one to avoid my wrath.

I only relaxed on Thursday when the Turkey was in the oven, roasting for another twenty minutes or so. The potatoes were done; the green beans finished, the crescent rolls in the oven, and the pies chilling in the fridge.

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