Chapter 5

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Copyright © 2012 Casey Lee

A   P I N C H   O F   C R A Z Y


I hid in my bedroom, waiting by the window until I saw Luke leave in his pewter grey sports car. Right before he got in the car, he took one last glance at my window, almost if he knew I was there.

 So I did what any girl would do. I squeaked and face planted.

I was clearly high-end spy material. Only when I was sure that he had driven away did I count to one hundred and dash back over into the bathroom. The stuff that I had put on my face had turned from a creamy lather to an uncomfortable hardened shell. I couldn't move my cheeks and my nose was starting to itch.

I scrubbed my face until every speck of the green facemask had disappeared. I was fairly surprised with the results. The bottle had claimed to "let your inner beauty shine through" and my face did seem to glow a little more than usual.

"Hmm" I said softly as I poked my naturally tanned cheeks. Maybe I should try this more often.

The door burst open and Turner made a beeline for the toilet.

"Turner! Have you ever heard of knocking? It's this amazing thing where you make noise using your fist and the door to let the person know you're coming in!" I yelled turning away as he unzipped the fly on his pants, clearly not caring what I saw. "What if I had been naked huh? That's like, invading privacy!"

Turner snorted. "Please, there's no privacy in this house." He laughed.

"Did you totally miss the point of what I just said? Knock. From. Now. On." I shouted before stomping back into my room and slamming both doors shut on my way out and in.

Just as I was about to drop my towel and get dressed Eric barged in, looking like a little kid on Christmas.

"Spencer Spencer Spencer!" He yelled, almost jumping up and down.

"Why cant people freaking knock in this house?" I yelled, to no one in particular.

Eric ignored me and continued bouncing in place. "Guess what day it is Spence?" He asked.

I looked at him flatly. "You barged into my room to ask me what day it was. It's Saturday you idiot." I exclaimed, throwing a pillow at his head.

Eric dodged the flying pillow easily and sighed loudly, sounding exasperated. "No, that's not what I meant!" He sighed. "It's November 19th!" He explained, carefully watching my reaction.

I blinked. And blinked again. "I'm sorry is that supposed to mean something to me..." I asked him, trailing off at the end.

Eric sighed again and rolled his eyes. "It's Christmas cookie day!" Eric yelled, hopping around my bedroom, waving his arms around like a lunatic.

I backed as far away from Eric as I could get, clutching the towel tightly around my torso. I only stopped when I hit my bedside table, knocking over my clock radio and a bottle of cheap perfume that was a hand-me-down from a cousin.

It was then that Eric remembered my presence and he took a break from his jumping and looked at me accusingly. "Why aren't you bouncing Spence?" He demanded.

Honestly, it was because cookie day sucked. Sure I had the whole family's "help" but really I was stuck doing all of the boring stuff (mixing, measuring and baking) while my brothers got to do the fun stuff (decorating and eating). It was always a loud, hot day in the kitchen in which the boys fought over who got the lick the mixer, I yelled at people not to eat raw eggs (morons), and my parents yelled at us to stay still while they tried to take a picture.

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