Chapter 3

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Copyright © 2012 Casey Lee

A   P I N C H   O F   C R A Z Y


There was one thing running through my mind as I watched the scene in front of me unfold.

Oh. My. God.

I was completely and utterly humiliated to say the least. Sarah was watching on in amusement, and I wanted to go crawl under a rock and die from embarrassment. It wasn't until my grandmother moved aside and another lady saddled up next to the teacher that I relaxed a bit and Sarah grew visibly paler.

The next grandmother was twisting a lock of hair around her finger, in what I was assuming was supposed to be a seductive gesture. The effect was ruined by the fact that her hair was impossibly short, causing her elbow to stick out awkwardly, and the fact that her hair was snow white from age.

Sarah turned red and started slamming her head on my shoulder.

I eyed her with unease, thoughts ran through my head about her mental stability. I tried shuffling away and that seemed to get Sarah to snap out of it.

"Sorry about that, had to clear my mind of that disturbing scene. No granddaughter should have to see her grandma flirt." Sarah shuddered.

I paused, that was Sarah's grandmother.

And then I burst out into laughter. I barely knew Sarah, but from what I could tell, her and her grandma were probably more alike than she would care to admit.

"Don't laugh! This is already painful enough as it is!" She whined, stomping her foot like an insolent toddler.

"I-I'm sorry, it's just-it's just all too good." I managed to choke out before erupting into another round of laughter, clutching my aching stomach.

Sarah stood there and fumed for a bit before finally joining in on my laughter. Once I was finished, I wiped my eyes and got rid of a little moisture that had seeped out while I was laughing my butt off.

"Well hello ladies." A voice smooth as chocolate greeted from behind me. Sarah and I whipped our heads in sync, to find a group of four boys standing in a line, identical cocky smirks set on their extremely gorgeous faces.

Of course I knew who they were, they went to my school, and were only the most sought after guys. Not to mention two of them were good friends with Turner, and the other two were definitely acquaintances.

"Not interested." I replied at the same time as Sarah responded with a flirty hello.

"Oh don't be like that." The leader of the group pouted at me.

I barely contained my grimace and turned to face away from them.

Sarah shot me a disproving look and smiled sweetly at the group. "I'm sorry, Spencer just isn't quite used to being in the presence of such attractive men." She purred seductively. I elbowed her sharply in the side, without turning around.

My arm was gripped gently and before I knew what was happening, I was being turned around to face the line of grinning men.

"Spencer is it then? I'm Luke." The supposed leader of the group said, sticking a hand out that I was clearly intended to shake.

I know who you are. I almost snapped, but I knew it would only boost his ego, so I decided to go with a safer response.

I pointedly looked from his hand to his flawless face and turned up my nose.

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