Goodbye Blop

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The sun streamed through the windows as Fuzzlez started waking up and getting ready for the working day to begin. Blop twisted and turned under his sheets and slowly opened his big blue eyes to find that everyone had already left for breakfast.

He hurried over to the huge dining hall where all the other Fuzzlez were munching on their breakfast. Blop quickly spotted where his friend, Flek, had saved him a seat. Blop scurried over and sat down next to him.

"Hey, Blop. How's it going? What took you so long?" asked Flek, stuffing his little mouth with Fuzzle Berries.

"Hi Flek. Sorry, I'm late. I was just so tired from last night." yawned Blop, reaching for his own bowl of Fuzzle Berries.

"Well, what were you doing last night that could make you so tired this morning?" asked Flek again, still very confused.

"I was arranging some plans and packing my backpack. I have decided that I want to go out into the Open and explore!" Blop cried excitedly, almost tipping over his bowl of Berries.

A horrified gasp swept over the room.

As you should know, word spreads quickly within a group. While Blop and Flek had been talking, the Fuzzlez sitting next to them had told another group about Blop being late for breakfast and before they knew it, the whole hall was listening to their conversation.

"Opsy! I think I said that a bit too loud." whispered Blop to Flek, as everyone started shouting and talking to him all at once.

"SILENCE!!!!" yelled someone from the back of the hall. This was Grandfather Fuzzle. He was the eldest in Fuzzle Hollow. Always having to sort out problems and give approval to all of the important matters,every day or two. Today might be one of those days.

"Everyone, quiet, please!" he shouted over the racket. "We shall discuss this matter more formally after breakfast in the meeting hall at 9.00 a.m."

At exactly 9.00 a.m., everyone who wanted to attend the meeting had been seated. As Grandfather Fuzzle stepped up to the podium, the entire room quietened down to hear the wise words that were going to be said.

"Thank you all for coming and now to begin this meeting. I understand that a certain young Blop has finally decided on a career. Will you please come tell us what you decided on, Blop."said Grandfather Fuzzle and stepped aside so Blop could be seen.

At the mention of his name, Blop quickly hurried up to the podium, giving a look of plead to Flek on his way up. I think the look Blop gave Flek meant something like "help me" or "can you pull me out of this one."

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen. I am Blop and I have decided to become an explorer and go out into the Open." said Blop proudly, smiling from cheek to cheek.

A murmer of disagreement went across the room. The fellow Fuzzlez certainly did not like this idea.

"May I have a word?" asked Zlet, an honored farmer. As Grandfather Fuzzle nodded his head towards him, he continued, "Why would you want to leave the safe boundries of Fuzzle Hollow? What use would it do to us? Fuzzlez shouldn't go gallivanting around the world, poking there noses into this, that, and the other!"

A few nodds and shouts of agreement weere there to back up Zlet's point of view.

"Wait!!" cried Flek, who had suddenlly got a burst of inspiration. "Why shouldn't Blop be allowed to g and explore. He'll be the first to do it, that's for sure. No one else has ever been brave enough to step outside of their comfort zone. I  say we should let Blop do what he wishes with his life-long career and not hold him back from the mysteries of the Open."

A round of applause said everything. The Fuzzlez wanted to let Blop go.

"Thank you, Flek, for your encouraging speech. Well, it seems that a majority of the town does want Blop to start on his expeditions. Therefore, we will all help Blop prepare for his journey and we will all see him off tomorrow." announced Grandfather Fuzzle. "I now call this meeting....dismissed."

So all day, every Fuzzle helped Blop prepare for his long journey, even though there wasn't much to get ready, every one still wanted a part in the upcoming event of the dismissale of Blop.

As Blop lay under his sheets that night, he was thankful to have such a great friend like Flek. He still couldn't believe Flek had said that speech in front of all those Fuzzlez. And to think he didn't like public speaking!

The next morning, Blop woke up and headed for the dining hall. On his way, he got many sayings called to him like "Goodbye", "Farewell", and "Good luck." 

After his breakfast, he headed to the Great Gate, to start on his great adventure.

"Hello Blop. I see you're up earlier this morning. Ready for the start of a grand adventure?" asked Flek, excitment for his friend written all over his face.

"Yes, Flek. I think I am ready to start. Although, I wouldn't be going anywhere if it weren't for you."said Blop, laughing as his friend's cheeks turned beetroot red.

"I wish I could go with you. It would be so exciting to go exploring and what not. Don't forget to write to me every week, if you can find a post box, that is." said Flek, trying very hard to hide the disappointment he was feeling inside.

"Aww, Flek. Don't worry. I'll remember to write to you and even send you a gift from the Open." replied Blop as Flek's face lit up.

"Goodbye Blop." said Flek hugging his friend.

"Goodbye Flek." returned Blop and turned around to head out of the Great Gate.

What will he find? What will happen to him?

I guess you'll have to find out in the next chapter of the Adventures of Blop. ;-D

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