Hello Holly

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As he stepped out of the Great Gates into the Open, Blop wondered what he would find. Well, he found a great many things. Blop watched the squirrels collecting nuts, buring them in the ground, then digging them up and re-buring the nuts somewhere else. He watched with awe and amazment at the colorful butterflies flitting to and fro, not having a care in the world. Blop also found a family of foxes, out for a morning stroll, with the babies wrestling and rolling all about, while their mother tries to make sure no one gets hurt.

Around lunch time, Blop decided to take a little rest and sat down next to a clump off clovers. As he was munching away on some Fuzzle Berries, Blop felt like there was another presents watching him with great interest. He slowly turned around, and with great surprise found a white and brown rabbit staring back at him.

"Hello there, my name's Blop. What's your name?" asked Blop, expecting the long-eared creature to reply. But the rabbit didn't.

Instead, the rabbit came up to him and gentle nuzzzled its little pink nose in Blop's soft brown fur.

"Hehehehehe!! Stop it, that tickles." laughed Blop, playfuly pushing the rabbit away.

After being tickled for a little longer, the rabbit hopped away and Blop continued on his way. Little did he know, that some time in the near future, he would soon meet his rabbit friend again.

It soon started to get dark, so Blop found a small object that kind of looked and felt like his bed back in Fuzzle Hollow. Blop settled down and dozed off to the howls and hoots of the night.

As the sun peeked its rays through the trees, speckles of light shined down onto the inhabitants of the forest. Blop opened his eyes and woke up with a start, wondering where on earth he was. Then he remembered the trip he had made last night and the encounter with the rabbit. He was so excited he jumped out of  his make-shift bed and ran at least for 10 minutes straight. When he finally stopped to have a rest and eat his breakfast, Blop noticed a path up ahead that went left and right. When he finished his bag of Fuzzle Berries that he had brought with him(to be exact, one of the many bags he had brought with him!!), he decided to go to the path and turn left.

While walking along the path, Blop noticed humans. Some of them were carrying big baskets and others were running down the path. There was even a large group of them, zooming past on their bicycles. As the path got bigger and busier, Blop was finding it harder to keep out of sight of these humans. He had to hide behind trees and sneek into bushes, which was getting harder and harder with every new human that popped onto the scene.

At this point in the story we will meet a new charecter and change to her point of veiw on things.

As she ran down the path, Holly saw a little brown  furball slip into the geranium bushes near her favorite park bench. She skidded to a stop and went over to the bush, which was now making a sort of puffing noise.

"Thank goodness I got away from them just in time, or I would have been toast" puffed a tiny voice from inside the bush.

'I can go play with my friends later,' thought Holly, 'because first I have to find out who's voice this is.'

Carefully parting some leaves that were in the way, Holly saw a most tremendous sight. It was a small, brown creature, nibbling away on what looked like a blueberry.

"Excuse me, do you need some help, sir?"inquired Holly.

Blop had never thought he would get caught. He had made sure no one was watching when he had snuck into this flowery bush that smelled so sweet. Blop turned around to find a little girl's face staring back at him, which startled him very much.

"Ummmm...... I would like to know, um, where to find a comfortable home, where I can sleep and eat. Would you know where to find one?" inquired Blop, because it was a very reasonable question and he did want to have a place to sleep and eat, so he wasn't particularly lying. 

Out of the corner of her eye, Holly could see her friends strutting down the path, looking very annoyed. She couldn't leave this poor helpless creature by itself. So she decided to do the right thing.

"Sure, I'll take you to a place where you can staay as long as you want, although the ride there might be just a little bit bumpy." said Holly quickly and she picked up the furball and hid him behind herself just as her friends walked over to her.

"HOLLY!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" shrieked Kassie, the leader of the little group of friends.

"Sorry Kassie, but I just remembered that I have to babysit my little brother so I won't be able to play with you. Sorry" said Holly, and took off, running like the wind, eager to get away from Kassie.

As she ran into her room, shut her door, and collapsed on her bed. Lucky while she was sprinting home, Holly had remembered to put the creature in her jacket pocket so he wouldn't splatter onto the sidewalk.

"Wow! What a rush. That's sure a fast way of travelling." said Blop, wriggling out of Holly's pocket and onto her turquoise duvet.

"Sorry. I just had to get away from those girls." Holly said. " My name's Holly and this is where you can stay until we find you a permanent accomodation."

"Well, thank you very much, Holly. My name is Blop and I am very pleased to meet you."said Blop with a polite little bow.

What will happen to Holly and her friends? Will Blop stay at Holly's house or continue alone on his adventures?

I guess you'll have to find out in the next chapter of the Adventures of Blop. ;-D

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