Holly Covers Up

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The sun beamed through the window, shining onto little Holly. She opened her eyes and stretched out her arms as she yawned. Holly got out of bed and put on her dressing gown. She was about to go down to breakfast when she remembered all that had happened the previous day.

Of course! She had taken Blop, a friendly Fuzzle, and he was at this very moment snoozing quietly in her wardrobe. Holly ran over and flung open her wardrobe doors. She bent down and lightly knocked on Blop's front door.

"Blop. It's time to get up, sleepyhead." Holly  said quietly. She heard some scurrying noises come from the second floor and some creaks from the old stairs. Blop opened the door, dressed in a bathrobe he had found in his room. It was a dull red, having not been washed in years. Blop himself was droopy-eyed and found it quite difficult not to fall asleep on the spot.

"Do I have to?" asked Blop in a sleepy voice, but already Holly had picked him up an dhidden him in her  yellow dressing gown.

"Shhhhhhhhhh!" Holly said as she tiptoed into the kitchen. Her Mum was there cooking some baked beans in a pot and putting bread in the toaster. Holly went over and kissed her mum on the cheek, before going to the fridge to grab the milk jug.

"Goodmorning, Holly-Bell. How did you sleep last night?" Mrs. Wreath asked, turning back to the beans. She took them out of the pot just as the toast popped up. She took the food over to the table and sat down opposite Holly, waiting for her answer.

"Oh,...... I slept.....fine! The question is did you sleep well last night?" Holly said quickly, not wanting her mum to ask too many questions.

"Well, Holly, it's funny. I heard some strange noises coming from the corridor last night. It sounded like Mr. Cat was chasing a mouse or something, because I also heard some sqeaking, too." Mrs. Wreath paused and looked at Holly, whose eyebrows shot up for a moment, but then went down, pretending nothing had surprised her. "I got up and crept over to the door. When I opened it I saw you picking something brow and furry off the carpet while Mr. Cat snuck into your room." Holly's mum stopped once again and looked at Holly who was almost choking on her toast. Mrs. Wreath patted her firmly on the back, until she got her breath back. "Are you hiding something from me, Holly? Are you hiding a mouse in your room?"

Holly shifted nervously on her seat. 'Should I tell Mum about Blop? Would she get angry? Maybe  I should tell her that I'm not hiding a mouse in my room. Yes, that would be the truth, but it wouldn't be the whole truth.' Holly thought over what she was going to say very carefully. Mrs. Wreath was still patiently waiting, when Holly finally opened her mouth.

"Well, Mum, the thing is I did pick up a brown furry object last night. I thought how scared it must be, so I took it into my room and put it in my doll house. When I got there this morning it was gone, but I'm sure Mr. Cat has caught it by now and is probably enjoying his breakfast, as I am mine." And with that, Holly quickly shoved a spoonful of beans into her mouth and chewed off a piece of toast.

"Very well then, Holly. Thank you for telling me this information and I will see you at lunch. I must be off to work now. Make sure Mufty gets fed and that Misty gets up in time for her dance practice." Holly's mum got up from the table, grabbed her keys and bag and went out the back door.

Holly listened intently for the car engine to grow faint, when she finally let out her breath. 'Phew. That was too close for comfort' she thought, suddenly interrupted by a wriggling in her gown. 'Of course!' She had left Blop in there and he was probably starving by now.

Holly reached down and got Blop out of her pocket. She put him on the table, when she heard this grumbling noise.

"Excuse me," said Blop, looking a bit embarressed," but I'm awfully hungry and would very much appreciate some breakfast."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2016 ⏰

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