A Home for Blop

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As Blop was  looking around Holly's room, he wondered if he really would need a bed as big as the one he was sitting on right this minute.

"Excuse me, Holly, but I don't think I'll need a bed this big. Really, I think I might get lost under here." exclaimed Blop in a muffled tone, for he had wringled his way under the covers.

"Oh no, you won't sleep in this bed," laughed Holly, "This is my bed, but I'm sure we'll find you somewhere comfy to sleep."

Holly jumped off her bed and retrieved Blop from under the covers, who's fur had become quite frizzy from the friction he had made between the covers and himself.

So they went around the room, sometimes with Blop saying "This is alright, but just not right" or "almost, but not quite perfect enough."

After going around the room for an entire hour, Holly collapsed onto her beanbag chair, with Blop on her lap. Never before had Blop felt out of place, for back in Fuzzle Hollow he had always had his place and his friends and family. He was starting to loose hope of ever fitting in in the Open when suddenly Holly jumped up.

" I've got an idea! Wait here a minute and I'll get you the best house you could ever imagine. All I'll need you to do is clear a space in my closet so I can put your house there, okay?" said Holly, as she raced out of the room and up another flight of stairs to the attic.

When she opened the door, a huge gust of dust whooshed out of the room and slapped her in the face as she started sneezing and coughing. Waving her hands around to get rid of the cloud of dust, she trapsed into the room to find her dad  vacuuming the place.

"Daaaad, *cough cough* what are you doing? I thought you were going to *cough cough sneeze* that cooking class." coughed Holly, barely keeping the dust out of her throat.

Holly's dad turned off the vacuum and said to her, "It was cancelled at the last minute because the teacher had an accident with spaghetti. Not to be mentioned. Anyway, the question is what are you doing up here? I thought you were off playing with your friends."

"Yeah, well, that didn't go as planned, but right now I need to find my old doll house because Blop needs somewhere to sleep." explained Holly, quickly covering her mouth at the mention of Blop. Even though she was meant to keep him a secret, it was hard not to tell somebody. Plus, she could always throw her family off the scent.Somehow.

"Sure, I found it right here uunderneath these piles of old CD's. Your mum's going to be so happy that I found her old Aqua albums, but who is Blop?" asked Holly's dad.

"Oh, um, well, he's...ummmm....one of my imaginary friends," replied Holly, then in a whisper said, "but don't tell him that or he'll think you're offending him, or something."

"Okay then. Sooo, you want me to take this down to your room?" asked Holly's dad, picking up the three-story doll house.

"Thanks Dad. You're the best! Now just follow me and I'll tell you where to put it." said Holly, opening the door for her dad.

After Holly's dad had put the house in Holly's closet and gone back up to the attic to finish rumaging through all the old junk, Blop  came out of his hiding spot. He looked over to the humonguous doll house in admiration.

"Wow, Holly, you really do have taste in houses." exclaimed Blop, still staring at the house in awe.

"Well, go take a look and see if you like it. I'll just be at my desk sewing your new bed and blanket." replied Holly, sitting down at her desk and rumaging through her scrap material drawer.

Blop opened the door and stared into the house with amazment. The patterns on the walls and tiles on the floor had quite intricate patterns carved into them. When he turned around, he saw that above the front door was a sign that read "Hope you've had a lovely stay. Come back again soon."

The next room he found himself in was the living room, with its huge armchairs and eye-catching grand piano. Blop sat down in one of the chairs and found he wanted to drop off to sleep right there in this armchair from heaven.

And so each room went on like this, each one having something new and inspiring that brought the house to life. Even though all of the rooms were absoulutly spendid, Blop had to agree with himself that the bedroom was the best. It had a four poster bed that he fitted into perfectly and there were huge glass windows surrounding him. A little corridoor led off to his own bathroom to the right and to the left were a pair of grand stain-glass doors. These led off to a gigantic balconey that had a set of a table and chairs at one end and a glass house filled with plants at the other.

"Blop. Oh Blop. I've finished your new pillow and blanket. I even sewed your name into them both." cried out Holly, peeking in through the windows, trying to catch a glimpse of Blop.

"Here I am Holly. Thank you so much for letting me stay in here, it's awefully kind of you." said Blop, tearing up a bit.

"You're welcome. It's getting fairly late, so I'll put you into bed if you don't mind." said Holly, Puting the pillow and blanket on the bed through the window, which is very difficult indeed.

"Goodnight Holly." yawned Blop.

"Goodnight Blop. I'm so glad I could find you a home. Goodnight." whispered Holly as she turned out the lights.

Will Blop have a good nights rest after his long journey or will he wake up and have a midnight aventure? Will Holly's dad find out about Blop and make him leave?

I guess you'll have to find out in the next chapter of the Adventures of Blop. ;-D

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