Midnight March

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Blop was snoring away and Holly was sleeping deeply, too, when suddenly CREEEEAAAK. Blop woke up with a start. He looked around and tried to figure out what the noise had come come from. CREEEEAAAK.

"What is that noise?" Blop asked himself again.

He hopped out of his bed and opened the front door on his house. He looked around and walked over to the window.CREEEEAAAK. A branch was scraping arcoss the window, but it looked more like a bony withered hand to Blop.

As he was walking back to his door, he heard another noise. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. Blop shuffled over to Holly's bedroom door and peeped through the crack. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.

"NOw what is it?" he asked himself again, easing himself through the door and into the hallway. He looked all around, when he noticed a flashing light above the living room. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.

"Pheew, it was only a nightlight." Blop assured himself, when really it was actually a fire alarm.

As he was trotting back to Holly's room, there was yet another noise. DRIP DRIP DRIP DRIP. Once again, Blop told himself that it was nothing, only a dripping tap. HE then kept on sliding back to Holly's room, quite tired by now.

Thump Thump Thump Thump. Blop turned around, but he saw nothing worth looking at until the morning so he kept on moving. Thump Thump Thump Thump. The noise was a little louder now, but he told himself it was nothing to worry about. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP. He whipped himself around to find himself staring into these beady, yellow, slit-eyes.

"Oh my!" Blop cried as he scooted as fast as he could back up the hallway. The cat pounced after him, catching up ever so quickly, because, as you should know, cat's are very agile and swift. Blop slid through the crack in a door and there was that noise. DRIP DRIP DRIP DRIP.

"Yikes!" He looked up and saw huge drops of water splash onto the floor. HE scrambled out as fast as he came in, with the cat still hot on his trail. Blop scrambled to a stop near the stairs to take a breath, when there was a eeiry, flashing, green light. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.

"Aaaaahhhh!!" He screamed and rushed over to Holly's door. Suddenly the light in her room turned on and she opened the door. Blop slid right in as she looked over to see him panting, out of breath.

"Blop, what's wrong? Why are you panting? What were you doing out there?" Holly asked, lifting him onto her bed and setting him on the pillow.

"Well...I've...been...chased...by...THAAT!!!"Blop yelped, diving under the covers and shivering in fright. The cat came speeding through the door and leapt ever so gracefully onto Holly's bed, immediatly coming over and rubbing against her.

"Oh. You've been chased by Mr.Cat. He probably thought you were a mouse." she laughed and cuddled Mr.Cat's ginger fur.

"That thing is a monster and it tried to kill me." Blop said, peering out of the covers and suspisuosly eyeing Mr.Cat.

"Don't worry. I won't let him hurt you. In fact he can be gaurding your front door so no 'nasty' things can get in, all right? We should be getting back to sleep, its pretty late" Holly said, putting Blop inside his bed, once again.

"I thank you, Holly, but I think I'll be quite all right without a protector at my door." Blop said, yawning. In the next moment, he was snoring peacefully.

"Well, Mr.Cat. You can't go chasing around Blop any more. Goodnight." Holly told the cat, snugling into her blankets.

"Meow." Replied Mr.Cat and snugled in next to Holly, as the all drifted off to sleep.

Will Mr.Cat and Blop get along or will they turn into mortal enemies? How does Holly know no one else heard the midnight chase?

I guess you'll have to find out in the next chapter of the Adventures of Blop. ;-D

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