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"Hey Nat" said Aspen walking onto the jet "Hey spen" Said Natasha sitting in one of front seats Aspen walks up to the other seat seeing clint "Hey bird boy" said Aspen "Hey red" said Clint making Aspen smirk at the nickname "What would you know Hawkeye and the black and red widow back together again" said Natasha making Aspen roll her eyes.

"It hasn't been that long I just saw you guys on thanksgiving" Said Aspen with a little smile "Yea you know you made the kids really happy with that by the way" Said Clint as the jet takes off they were all silent for a while making Aspen pick at her red suit that was outlined with black her suit was just like Natasha but red and the fact it's still her suit from when she was there with nat in the red room.


"Father you called for me" Said a 9 year old aspen "Yes I did, I want you to meet Natasha Romanoff" Said Aspens father as a red headed girl who only looked maybe 4 years older then Aspen Natasha looked at the girl she couldn't be much younger then herself or her sister "Hello" said Aspen with her hand raised out to shake Natasha's "Hi" said Natasha Back shaking Aspens hand.

"You both will be sent to take down Harrison grant the the CEO of Grant enterprises" Said Aspens father making both girls nod and head to put on their suits.

end of flashback

"So does anyone wanna tell me what we are doing" Said Aspen wondering what the hell they were doing "From the information furry gave us I guess we going to some undercover base to save some hotagess" said Clint "And you both couldn't have done that on your own listen Nat agreed to work with you guys I didn't so I don't get why furry Is trying to keep me around when I'm no use to him ad when I denied the offer to work for shield because I wanted a normal life" Said Aspen.

"Well furry likes keeping you around and also I guess you could say he just likes to make sure your okay" Said Nat making Aspen confused "Furry wanting her to be okay that weird she barely knows the guy" She thought "We're here" said Clint making Aspen sigh "You know what to do right?" Asked Natasha.

Aspen responds by nodding you see her part of the plan was to hack into the database of the entire place and take out anyone who gets in her way of doing it she Scans the place with her thermo scanner seeing a bunch of guards where the data is being held so she looks around and find the electricity outlet box that's keeping the lights of this part of the building on so she goes over to it and open it and rips out all the wires making the entire part of the building go dark making her smirk as she activates her night vision.

Aspen then goes into a dark corner and starts to whistle a tune that made people aware who she was it was a tune the red widows victims heard before they died and that what was going to happen to these men she could hear the men talking to each other scaredly she then walked up to one and grabbed him by his hair and bringing his head hard down to her knee to where she heard a crack she then threw him to the side, she then jumps on another man wrapping her legs around his neck turning her body making the man fall and hit his head hard on the ground making him pass out.

Aspen then goes into a dark corner and starts to whistle a tune that made people aware who she was it was a tune the red widows victims heard before they died and that what was going to happen to these men she could hear the men talking to each ot...

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Once she's done with him she goes to the last man and activates her laser bow staff and rushes at the other man and stabs him with it she then retracts it and watches as the man falls down to the ground.

she then head towards the door but sees there a code lock on it so she uses every code she could think of until she got it once she did she walked into the room towards the computers once she gets up to the computers she puts a flash drive into the computer and started hacking into it.

"How's it going in there red" Asked Clint "it's going fine just give me 1.3 seconds.... and done" Said Aspen grabbing the hard drive once she was done rushing out of the room and all the way to the jet "Where are the hostages?" Asked Aspen "We led them out ad called the police so they should be here soon now lets go" Said Natasha making Aspen nod.

Once they got back to shields Base Aspen made her way to furry's Office she walked in and saw furry looking at his computer until he heard her and looked up at her "Hart I see your back I hope the mission went well, did you get it" "Yes sir" said Aspen giving Furry the hart drive turning around to walk out of his office but stops "Nick" She asked "Yes Hart" "What was so important that's on that drive that you needed it" asked Aspen.

"Something that has to do with a lot of stuff that you don't need to worry about Hart" Said furry only for Aspen to nod and turn and walk out of the office as Furry watches her and looks down at the hard drive and sits it down letting out a sigh.

Aspens suit

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Aspens suit

A/n: Here's the second chapter and how are you guys liking it so far but until next time byeee

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