Chapter 10

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Y/n wakes up to hear her shower going. Y/n stands up and walks to the bathroom. Y/n strips naked then gets in the shower with Bucky. "Well good morning doll" Bucky says smiling. "Good morning baby. How did you sleep?" Y/n says putting soup in her body. "I slept good specially with you by my side" Bucky says. Y/n rises off then gets out and dries off then Y/n looks through her clothes and gets dressed before bucky walks in smiling. "God, your beautiful l" bucky says as he takes off his towel. "Your dick is big" Y/n says looking at it. Bucky smiles while Y/N's phone rings. "Can you come babysit Harper" steve asks. "Sure I'd love to Steve. I'll be done in a second" Y/n says before she hangs up and Bucky rolls his eyes. "Be nice and you get to keep me. Remember that" Y/n says before she walks away

Y/N's Outfit👇 (Feel free to change it)

Y/n walks out of her room and to the elevator

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Y/n walks out of her room and to the elevator. Y/n gets inti the elevator and thinks about Buck while The elevator goes down. The doors open to reveal everyone suited up and talking. "If this mission is successful we will have a party to celebrate. "Another party Stark, really?" Y/n says smiling while Steve looks at her then whisper Las something to her and Harper rubs to Y/n. "Will you adopt me, I like you" Harper says as Y/n smiles. "I wish I could sweetheart" Y/n says as Harper frowns. "Why can't you?" Harper asks. "You know what Harper, let me think about it and I might just do it" Y.n says as Harper hugs her and y/n smiles. "I love you mommy" Y/n says as sY/n smiles. "Let's watch tv" Y/n says sitting her on her lap while everyone including bucky leaves the tower and goes on there mission

Y/n and Harper watch tv for a few hours. "I want to make cupcakes and cookies" Harper says. "Now that sounds like fun. Let's do it" Y/n says before they get up and get all the ingredients they needs and they start talking and laughing while they bakes goods together. "Y/n? If you don't adopt me, can I call you mommy?" Harper asks. "If you want sweetheart, you can" Y/n says. Smiling. "I'm your girl mommy" Harper says smiling. "You sure are Baby" Y/n says smiling suddenly their alarm goes off and they take the cupcakes and cookie out of the oven. They decorate the cupcakes then they decorate the cookies. After they are done and the kitchen is cleaned up. The other arrive and harper bring Steve a cupcake and Y/n Bring Bucky A cupcake

"Thank you doll" Bucky says smiling. "Me and mommy made cupcakes and cookies" Harper says as Bucky's eyes Widen. "Mommy? Why is she calling you her Mom?" Bucky asks putting the cupcakes down. "Well I've been thinking and I'm gonna adopt harper" Y/n says proudly. Bucky grabs her hand and drags her away from the others. "You know you can't just make a decision like that without talking to me first" Bucky says. "She's not gonna be my daughter, you don't have to take care of her. I will" y/n says walking to Harper and picking her up. "Come on baby, it's time for bed" Y/n says while Y/n loos at Wanda. "Come with me wands, I'm gonna need you to help me pick out my outfit for the party" Y/n says walking away with Wanda. They walk to the elevator and the doors open. They get into the elevator heading upstairs. They get to Y/N's room and Y/n puts Harper on her and tucks her in. "Can you tell me a story?" Harper asks while Y/n smiles at her. "Of course baby" Y/n says.

"Once upon a time there was this evil king named Alexander and he had a daughter named Charlotte. The king would treat the princess like a maid until one day a bunch of superheroes came along and saved her from her father and she fell in love with one of the superheroes named Steven then they lived happily ever after" y/n says while Harper falls asleep. Y/n kisses her forehead then turns around to see Wanda surprised. "What?" Y/n asks confused. " You're Alexander Pierce's daughter, aren't you?" Wanda asks while Y/n Sighs. "Unfortunately" Y/n says before Wanda hugs her. " i'm so sorry" Wanda says. Y/n pulls away and smiles. " we'll talk about this after the party. Let's get ready to party and have fun" y/n says while Wanda smiles. Y/n picks out an outfit while Wanda borrows Some of her clothes for the party. They get dressed then they walk out of Y/N's bedroom

Y/N's Outfit👇 (feel free to change it)

Y/n and Wanda got in the elevator and headed to the party

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Y/n and Wanda got in the elevator and headed to the party. "Why didn't you tell me you were Alexander Pierce's daughter?" Wanda asks. "I just didn't want anyone to look at me differently" Y/n says before the elevator doors open. "You need to tell everyone" Wanda says "I Will I Promise But For Now let's just have fun" Y/n says bet they walk to the party. Once they get to the party they see Everyone was dancing, talking and drinking. They walk to the bar and orders drinks while bucky walks up to Y/n already drunk. "Hi doll, wanna dance?" Bucky asks. "Not right now bucky" Y/n says before bucky walks away. Y/n has a few drinks and starts to feel drunk so Y/n went to go look for bucky but he was nowhere to be found so Y/n walked onto the dance floor and started dancing with Wanda

eventually Y/n stopped dancing and Y/n walked around to find bucky but he was still nowhere to be found. "Have you seen bucky?" Y/n asks steve but steve just shakes his head no so Y/n leaves the party looking for bucky eventually Y/n walked past Nat's bedroom and heard her moaning but stopped when she heard her moan Bucky's name. Y/n opened the door and saw bucky fucking Nat in her bed. "BUCKY! WHAT THE FUCK!" Y/n yells before she walks up to him punching him and using her magic to make Nat fall asleep. "Wait! Doll!" Bucky calls out while Y/n runs out of Nat's room crying. Bucky chases Y/n and stop her. "That was not what it looked like" bucky says. "Okey so you weren't just fucking my Bestfriend" Y/n says as Bucky's face falls. Bucky tries to hug Y/n but she uses her magic to keep him in one place. "Leave me alone bucky" Y/n says walking back into the party

Y/n got into the party and ordered 20 shots while Steve walked up to Y/n. "Did you find bucky?" Steve asks before the bartender puts 20 shots in front of her. "Oh I sure did" Y/n says taking a shot then smashing it on the floor. "Y/n? What's wrong?" Steve asks before Y/n takes her 2nd shot and smashes it on the floor. " let's just say I found bucky fucking nat" Y/n says she gets mad and start drink her shot back to back until they are gone. Y/n got up and kissed Steve then walked onto the dance floor and Danced with Wanda while Steve watched her. After a minute of Dancing Y/n got up on a table along with Wanda and grabbed a bottle and chugged it until it was gone. "I think Y/n need to go to bed" Tony says making steve walk up to Y/n

"Come on Y/n, it's time to go to bed. You shouldn't be drunk in this state of mind. "Way to be a buzz kill rogers" Y/n says drunk. Steve smiles then throws Y/n over his shoulder. "Put me down! Now!" Y/n yells but steve run walks out of the party and to the elevator. He gets in the elevator and puts her down while Y/n cries and laughs. "I want to kill barns" Y/n says while her eyes glow gold and Steve kisses Y/n making her eyes go back to normal. "I love you Rogers, your a better man then barns" Y/n says before the elevator doors open and Y/n faints from the alcohol and stress. Steve picks Y/n up bridal style and bring her to bed putting her next to Harper. He kisses Y/N's forehead before he smiles at her then lays on her floor and stays with Y/n

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