Chapter 15

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Y/n wakes up smiling and looking around her room. Y/n sits up and makes a ball of gold magic form in her hand then disappears as she closes her hand. "I love being a witch" Y/n says brushed gets up walking to her bathroom. Y/n uses her magic to makes her clothes disappear along with turning on the water with her mind. Y/n smiles while she steps into the shower and cleans herself up. Y/n turns off the shower ten uses her magic to dry herself completely ten walks out of her room and uses her magic to get dressed. Y/n loos in the mirror but doesn't agree with her outfit so she twirls around and her outfit changes. "Perfect" Y/n says walking out of her room

Y/N's Outfit👇 (feel free to change it)

Y/n walks to Harper's room to see her writing at her new desk

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Y/n walks to Harper's room to see her writing at her new desk. "Good morning babygirl" Y/n says smiling. "Good morning mommy, I wrote you something" Harper says ripping it out of her journal and handing it to Y/n. Y/n smiles grabbing the paper and reads the it with a smile

Dear Mommy,

I love you and i dream of saving the world like you do. I want to be like you mommy, your the strongest person I know and I thank the universe for you every day. Thank you for my new room and my new life, I love you mommy

- forever yours Harper

Y/n smiles while she finishes the note and looks at Harper. "I love you so much Babygirl" Y/n says while Harper smiles. "Can we go downstairs and make chocolate chip pancakes with eggs snd bacon" Harper asks. "Of course, let's go" Y/n says as Harper takes her hand and they walk to the elevator and Harper presses the button and the doors open. They walk in and the doors close while Harper looks up at her Y/n. "Can I ask you a question mommy?" Harper asks. "Of course, what is it sweetheart" Y/n Says smiling and getting down to her level. "What if you die someday snd I'm still here?" Harper asks. "Well then you'll be all grown up and you won't need me anymore" Y/n says brushing a peace of hair behind ear. "I think I'll always need you" Harper says hugging her mom just then the doors open

Y/n stands up and they walk out of the elevator to see Steve talked with Wanda while Nat and bucky talked and Tony was talking with Steven Strange. "What are you doing here, I told you I don't need training I have my magic abilities under control. You have nothing to worry about" Y/n says irritated while Harper Hides Behind Y/n. "Your the golden witch Y/n. You have dangerous power, you could rule, ruin or help the universe and we want you to help not rule or ruin it and become the bad guy" Steven Says while Tony looks at her. "I said no snd that's final" Y/n says even more irritated. "Okey fine. If you can prove to me that you have you magic under control. I'll leave you alone" Steven Says while Y/n rolls her eyes. "Okey fine" Y/n says walking up to Steve kissing his cheek

"We'll go on our date after I'm done proving mr magician wrong" Y/n says while Steve laughs. "Okey will go beautiful" Steve says before getting down to Harper's Level. "Your gonna stay here with Wanda while i do something real quick and I will give you some love before I ho out with Steve and after that i'm all yours, Okey baby?" Y/n says. "Okey mommy, I love you" Harper says making Y/n smile. Y/n kisses her cheeks then gets up and walks passed Steven snd hd follows her along with Steve and tony. They all walk up the training area and Y/n opens the doors with her mind after everyone is there y/n looks at ever and smiles. "What do you want me to show you?" Y/n says. "Okey. Umm teleport" Steven says. Y/n smiles and snaps her fingers teleporting behind Steven and getting in his head snd speaks to him telepathically. "Look behind you" Steven hears I. His mind and he turns around to see Y/n smiling at him. "Impressive" Steve says. "Indeed" Tony says. "Good but One more. Umm look into other realities" Steven says smiling and doubting her

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