Chapter 14

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(Harper's Pov)
Harper sighs while Rumlow grabs Y/n and puts her in a room all by herself. "This is your new home kid, get used to it" Rumlow says before closing the door. "I want my mommy" Harper cries while she sits on the bed and cries for hours until Rumlow comes back and grabs her putting her in a room with chair and 2 hydra agents. "Let me go! I want my mommy" Harper says getting up but one of them slaps her. "Shut up kid, no one's cares if you miss you mommy or not" the other agent says as Harper cries in pain and fear suddenly Alexander walks into the room. "It's your lucky day kid. you get to go home but I can't risk you telling everyone where we are" Alexander says. "Don't take this personal kid" Rumlow says before him and Alexander walks out and the 2 hydra agents start to beat her until she was unconscious and barely breathing. The 2 hydra agent very her into a car and drives into New York and drops her at the averages Doorstep then drives back to Hydra headquarters

(Y/n's Pov)
Y/n wakes up and look around to see Wanda and Steve. Y/n smiles at them while she tries to sit up but hisses in pain. Steve wakes up and shakes Wanda awake before he sits on her bed and looks into her eyes. "I thought I almost lost you" Steve says crying in joy. "You could never lose me" Y/n says putting her hand on his cheek and kissing him. "I'm so glad you okey" Wanda says hugging Y/n Suddenly Tony walks in with Bruce. "I'm happy to see your alive" Tony says while Bruce what does tests and checks Y/N's healing progress. "I'm glad to be alive but have we figured out what we're gonna do so I can get my daughter back" Y/n says while they all look at each other with sadness. "Y/n, ugh she ugh-"

Tony says as Y/n cries her eyes out and Steve holds her tightly. "My babygirl is dead" Y/n sobs while Tony touches her shoulder. "Y/n Harper's in a coma" Bruce says while Y/n looks at Bruce then at everyone else and sighs. "Show her to me" Y/n says while Steve helps her get up and walk to the other side of the room to see Harper in a bed with tubes attached to her. "My precious girl" Y/n cries as she sits down on her daughter's bed and Steve rubs her back for comfort suddenly the lights start to flicker and the tower starts to shake. "What is happening!?" Tony asks before Y/n screams and all the windows in the tower explode. "We need to put her under" Tony says grabbing a syringe Gand injects it into her neck making Y/n pull it out and look at everyone before she passes out and goes unconscious

(Steve's Pov)
"STARK! What the hell did you do?!" Steve says picking Y/n up bridal style and walks out of the infirmary and into the elevator. Steve looks at Y/n and kisses her forehead before the doors open and he carries her to her bedroom. He opens the door and walks into her room putting her in her bed gently before sitting on the bed and looking at her. " I will never let anyone harm you again" Steve says brushing a peace of hair behind her ear then kisses her one more time before he grabs a book and sit with her watching over her. Hours passed and Steven strange walks in with Tony and Wanda. "Hello Steven, why are you here?" Steve asks standing up. "I'm here to meet Y/n. Tony thought it would be best if me and Wanda here trained Y/n" Steven says while Wanda walks up to Y/n and puts her hand on her head for a moment Before Y/n jolts awake screaming

(Y/N's Pov)
Y/n looks around scared before Steve holds her face making her look into his eyes. "Y/n baby look at me, calm down your safe, look at me" Steve says gently while Y/n takes deep breaths while looking into his eyes. "Steve?" Y/n says crying. "Hay hay don't cry, it's Steve" Steve say while wanna hugs her tightly. "I hate seeing you cry. Your like the sister I never had" Wanda says before Y/n smiles at her. Y/n hugs Wanda and Steve while smiling but then sees tiny. "You fucking bastard. Why would you do that to me" Y/n says while her entire body lights on fire and her eyes glow gold. "I'm sorry" Tony says backing up while Steve And Wanda look at each other then back at Y/n while she looks at Steven strange and the fire goes away instantly "who are you?" Y/n as confused

"Your the golden witch, your supposed to be a myth" Steven Says shocked. "What are you talking about?" Y/n says confused. "Your supposed to bring death and pain to us. The myth of the golden witch is that a woman of beautiful golden magic will bring the end of well everything but if you ever get ahold of the dark hold you would unstoppable" Steven Says with fear in his eyes. Y/n sighs as she uses her magic to make the dark hold appear. "You need can't have that, it will corrupt you. Give it to me Y/n" Steven says while he reaches out to grabs it but Y/n makes it disappear again. "You can not have what belongs to me" Y/n says. "Fine but if I ever catch you doing anything in that book. I will have to take it from you" Steven says While Y/N's eyes start to glow gold. "we will start your training tomorrow" Steven Says as Y/n laughs.

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