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    I hurry up and brush my teeth to get ready for the day because I was almost late for my aunts baby shower

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I hurry up and brush my teeth to get ready for the day because I was almost late for my aunts baby shower.

Last week's events still clouded my mind. But it's not like I'll ever see the man again.

I spit out the left over tooth paste in my mouth and wash my face then I quickly head over to the kitchen grabbing my coffee cup out of the cabinet and I reach down in my drawer for some of my vanilla coffee grounds and I realize that I don't have anymore and I curse under my breath.

I rush to grab my coat off the hook and I grab my keys and walked out the door and locking it behind me.

I rush down the wooden apartment steps and I look for my car only to find it not in my fucking parking space.

"Fucking New York!" I shout and I'm sure the entire state could hear me. The people around me look like I was crazy but I don't care.

I'm running late, I'm out of coffee, and my fucking car got stolen and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get it back till the end of this month!

I huff out a sigh and I start my journey to Starbucks which is only 5 minutes away.

When I finally it felt like the lord was finally on my side seeing that it was warm in the small coffee shop.

I stood in line standing behind some tall ass guy and I could see tattoos coming up is neck. It was frustrating me because he's so tall that I couldn't see the menu to know what I want before hand.

Once the guy finally ordered and moved out the way I looked at the menu trying to figure out what I wanted .

When I gave the lady my order she told me to wait in the side and I nodded by head but when I walked over a certain someone and their damn coffee spilled on my shirt.

"Fuck" I say watching as the coffee stain formed on my white top.

"You asshole-" I look up to find the man staring down at me with eyes wide open and his mouth slightly open.

"Well? Aren't you gonna apologi-"

"Darling?" He says and my memories from last week suddenly come back to me.

"Reid?" I say and a smile molds on my lips, he looks down at my shirt and I furrow my eyebrows and look down at my shirt to find my nipples out for the whole store to see.

"Oh my gosh!"

"Shit I'm sorry let me" Ried quickly takes his jacket off and wraps it around the front of my body even though I had a jacket on as well.

He pulls me to the side so that nobody could see me and he hands me some napkins and I silently thank him as I try and wipe the spilled coffee on my shirt.

"I-I'll pay for your Coffee" he says and I smile and shake my head as his tall figure is blocking me from the whole store seeing me so that I can clean my shirt.

"It's okay, can't cry over spilled condiments" I say and he nods his head. Once I finally got the coffee of my shirt it was still wet so I had to wait for it to dry.

"Im good now" I say and he turns around and try's his best to avoid contact with my breast.

"It's good seeing you-"

"Order 15!" Shouted the lady at the front and I smiled and walked over grabbing my drink from her, "10.18" she says and I nod grabbing my wallet but someone's hand beats me to it.

I look over to see Ried hold holding a black card out to the lady. "Reid you don't have to-"

"It's the least I can for your um" he clears he throat addressing me breast and I let out a small giggle. I look at the lady who looks at me and I nod giving her the go to take the card.

She does and it was awkward silence as we wait for her to give him the card back.

"Thank you" I say lowly and he nods his head and we just stand there looking at each other.

"Um I s-should get going" I finally say breaking the silence he nods his head, "yea um I have a baby shower to catch so-"

    "Really?" He says and I look up at him and he honestly seems interested in a conversation making me slightly smile and put a coil of my hair behind my ear.

    "Yea but um I'm gonna have to take two cabs there because it's all the way down town and my car got stolen this morning"

    "Your car got stolen? I'm sorry to hear about that" he says and I shrug my shoulders, "it's New York" he lets out a huffed laugh.

    "You're right about that" he stares down at me for just a moment before opening his mouth again."hey what do you say I take you to your destination?"

I stop and stare up at him with a frown, "what? No I couldn't-"

"Please" he cuts me off and he has this pouting face that's making my insides melt. " it would be my pleasure to keep you company Delilah"

The way my name rolled of he tongue made my legs nearly sink. It took everything in me to keep standing.

"I- Okay" I couldn't object anymore .

He grabs my hand and I follow him as he leads me to his car.

His all black Mercedes-Benz with peanut butter guts.

He opens the door for me and I slid inside amazed on how clean the inside of his car was. Made me forgot all about my four wheeler Kia.

He shuts the door then he hops over to the other side.

He turn the engine on and he reverses out into the street. He grabs his phone out his pocket and hands me it.

I look at him with confusion and he looks over at me and smiles shaking his head, "the address darling" he say and I quickly took the phone dumb founded.

I hand him back the phone and he sits it up in his lap.

"You like music?" He says breaking the silence.

"Depends on what music you're talking about" I realize and I didn't have a seat belt on and I reach over to buckle my seat belt.

"You like TheWeeknd?" I nearly snapped my head his way, "say swear?" He looks at me with a silly smile then back on the road.

"Ok ok white boy got taste" I sat up in my seat facing his way, "what about Sonder"


"Frank ocean?"

"Oh cmon mama who doesn't know frank Ocean." I laugh at his remark.

"I'm starting to like you" I smile sitting back down .

"Took you long enough" he mumbled lowly.

I heard him, just made it seem like I didn't.

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