Chapter Six

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Winnie blushed heavily, immediately regretting his words. Why the hell would he say that? What was wrong with him?!
He looked away from Augustine, embarrassed and ashamed of himself.

Why would he insinuate that? He was probably going to scare Augustine off by saying that, he didn't want to freak him out or anything like that.
He cared so much about him, and he wanted to make him feel good, he really did. But now he may have ruined things by saying that.

He probably did ruin things by saying that.

"Is that umm- an offer?" Augustine said suddenly, immediately making Winnie look at him with wide eyes.
"W-what?" He muttered, his face turning a deep shade of red.

"Is it an offer, Win?" Augustine repeated, looking away from Winnie as he spoke. "I wouldn't mind, doing that- with you.. especially if you're offering it." He added, smiling nervously.

Winnie blushed heavily, was Augustine actually.. did he actually want this? With some him?

"Do you.. want it to be an offer?" Winnie asked, moving himself closer to Augustine, his eyes flickering down to his lips before back up to his eyes.
He wasn't going to turn this opportunity down, he couldn't turn this down. This was Augustine after all, and if he actually wanted this with him- then how could he say no?

Augustine moved closer to Winnie, moving his hand up to gently press against Winnie's cheek. "Yeah.. I think I do want it to be an offer. An offer I get to say yes to." He said, Winnie swore he could feel his heart genuinely skip a beat for a moment.

Winnie gulped, opening his mouth to speak. His words were caught in his throat however, and he had to take a deep breath to try and collect himself.
"Need a moment?" Augustine asked, chuckling softly at Winnie's nervous reactions.

Being with him, just felt so right to Augustine. He felt whole when he was with Winnie, like he was a missing piece he didn't even know he'd lost.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Winnie breathed out, a nervous smile on his lips. He was so stupidly in love.

"Okay." Augustine said, placing a small kiss to Winnie's lips. When he was about to pull away, Winnie pulled him back, deepening the kiss ever so slightly.
Augustine didn't protest, and wrapped his arms around Winnie's neck. He felt so complete, he couldn't get enough of the feeling.

Winnie broke the kiss after a moment, his hands gently resting against Augustine's waist. "It is an offer.." He muttered, his eyes trailing over Augustine's face, clearly admiring him.

"Then I'm taking you up on it." Augustine said, kissing Winnie again. Winnie kissed back, his heart racing.
He'd been wanting to do this for years, but he never thought it would ever actually happen. He wasn't even sure if any of this was real, but he sure hoped it was.

Winnie moved his hands to Augustine's hips, and pulled him into his lap. His hands slid down to his thighs, gently rubbing them.
This made Augustine shudder, his breath hitching against Winnie's lips.

Winnie purred, and broke the kiss. "Did this feel good?" He asks, his hands gently squeezing Augustine's thighs, before caressing them with his thumbs.

Augustine bit his bottom lip slightly, and looked away embarrassed. He was really enjoying this, and it was becoming obvious how much he was enjoying it. But he didn't want Winnie to notice he was-

Winnie's eyes flicked downward, and he noticed a slight bulge forming in Augustine's pants.
He didn't think he'd have that kind of effect on him, especially when he'd barely started doing anything.

He could work with this though.

Winnie gently pushed Augustine onto his back, and moved the letter that was still lying on the bed to set on the nightstand.
"I didn't think you'd get excited so fast.." He said, moving himself between Augustine's legs.

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