Chapter Seven

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Winnie helped get himself and Augustine cleaned up, since Augustine was extremely overwhelmed by everything.

Winnie didn't mind taking care of him, since he knew it was his first time. Winnie was used to this, Augustine wasn't.
Augustine felt bad for making Winnie be the one to clean them up, especially when he'd been the one to be inside of him.

He was still processing everything that had happened, but he knew he liked it. A lot.

He honestly didn't want to stop, but he probably wouldn't be able to continue. He felt a bit sensitive, and overwhelmed by it all. Which was why he couldn't keep going.

Winnie laid down next to Augustine on the bed, and curled into him. He was tired, and wanted to lay with Augustine and make him feel better. Since he knew he was overwhelmed.

"Are you okay Auggie?" Winnie asked softly, wrapping his arms around Augustine and nuzzling him.
Augustine nodded, his arms wrapped around Winnie's waist as he buried his face against the top of his head.

"Yeah.. I'm sorry you had to clean us up.." Augustine mumbled, tracing gentle patterns over his sides. Winnie hums softly, and places a soft kiss against Augustine's lips.
"Don't be baby.. it's okay.." He said, pulling back from the kiss.

Augustine blushed, and looked away nervously. "But I-" he started, but Winnie quickly cut him off. "No buts.. you're overwhelmed, you're not used to this.." He said, his voice soft and filled with understanding.

Augustine nuzzled into Winnie, holding him close against his body. He was overwhelmed, and he felt bad about it.
He knew he wasn't used to this type of stuff, but he didn't think he'd be so overwhelmed by it. He felt like he wasn't supposed to be overwhelmed.

Winnie knew Augustine was overwhelmed, and he wanted to be there for him.

Winnie sat up, and combined his fingers through Augustine's hair. "It's okay to be overwhelmed Auggie.. you know that right?" He asked softly, having a feeling he knew what the other was thinking about, what he was feeling.

He'd felt it before too.

Augustine rested his head against Winnie's thigh, closing his eyes as he leaned into his touch. "I just..." He sighed softly, frustrated at himself for feeling like this.
"I feel like.. I'm not supposed to feel like this.." He mumbled, opening his eyes to look up at Winnie. "Like.. it feels like I'm not the one who should be feeling like this- since I was the one.. who umm.." He blushed heavily, looking away as he remembered what they did not that long ago.

Winnie smiled softly, and leaned down to kiss Augustine's head. "It was your first time.. not mine. I'm used to this, you aren't.. it's okay to be overwhelmed.." He said, placing a hand against Augustine's cheek so he was looking at him.

Augustine leaned into the touch, and looked up at Winnie. "Are you.. sure?" He asked quietly, and Winnie just nodded in response.
Augustine sighed softly, and sat up. He leaned his head against Winnie's shoulder, and wrapped his arms around him.

Winnie smiled softly, and kissed the side of Augustine's head. "Do you wanna take a nap or something? You seem a little tired.." He asked, moving his hands to cup Augustine's face.
"I kinda want to.. but my dad will probably be home soon." Augustine said softly, nuzzling into Winnie's touch.

"I thought he was out of town?" Winnie said, tilting his head confused. "He texted me while you were outside.. said he wanted to say hi to you and stuff since it's been awhile." Augustine said, pulling away from Winnie slightly.

Winnie hummed, and got up out of the bed. "Up." He said, crossing his arms over his chest. Augustine yawned, and pushed himself out of bed.
"When's he getting here?" Winnie asked, taking one of Augustine's hands into his. "Should be soon actually.. might already be here even." Augustine said, gently squeezing Winnie's hand. He was exhausted, but he wanted to say hi to his dad, and tell him about him and Winnie being together now.

Winnie smiled, and kissed the side of Augustine's head. He led him out of the room and downstairs, and had extremely good timing.

Right as Winnie and Augustine made it downstairs, the front door opened, and there was Augustine's dad, Rody.

"Oh, hey guys." Rody said, smiling softly when he saw Winnie and Augustine already at the bottom of the stairs.
He looked over them, and paused for a moment. He quickly realized something must have happened between the two of him, but he decided not to say anything.

He didn't want to embarrass his kid.

"Hey dad." Augustine said, letting go of Winnie's hand. He sounded extremely monotoned, considering how tired he was. "Hello." Winnie said, smiling brightly as he waved at Rody.
"At least someone's happy to see me.." Rody said quietly, resting one of his hands against his hip.

"I am happy to see you, I'm just tired." Augustine said, groaning quietly. Rody chuckled, and walked over to Augustine. "I can tell, you have a bit of fun?" He teased slightly, glancing at Winnie.

Winnie's eyes widened, and he blushed heavily. He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck and smiling nervously.

Augustine blushed heavily as well, and covered his face with his hands. He groans, tired and embarrassed.
"Damnit.. that obvious?" He asked, uncovering his face and looking at his dad.

"Yeah.. I was actually waiting for the day this happened. Congrats." Rody said, patting his son on the back. "I'm going to head out and pick some food up, decided I'd stay for a bit and help you finish packing. But right now I'm starving." He added, grinning.

"You go ahead and get some rest, I'll see you later. Love you my favorite son." He said, before walking back outside.
"I'm your only son! And your only kid!" Augustine called back, a small smile on his lips.

Winnie chuckled, and grabbed Augustine's hand. "Come on, let's go take that nap."


[HAH I DID IT. I finally finished this fic. I'm still on a break currently, but decided I'd finish this fic so it'd be easier for me to work on my others. I'll be returning to continue posting very soon, and I'll probably come back sooner on Ao3 than here. I'll be back soon, love you guys. Apologies for taking so long.]

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