Jan Woke Up as a Princess

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As far as Jan willing to bet, there's no way that she would expect herself to open her eyes to a candle-lit dinner at a large table twice the size of her grandma's bedroom with some very important looking people sitting across of her.

How important do they look like?

Well-for one, a man, probably in his 50's is sitting up straight with a seemingly exact and accurate table manner amd it's giving✨ pretentious ✨. He's wearing a crown, and it reminded of her of the one that Prince Charles wore during his coronation.

While beside him-a woman, with... Red hair (like Ariel's) is sitting, also in that very upright table manner while wearing a tudor style clothing. Like, she literally dresses up as Anne Boleyn:

 Like, she literally dresses up as Anne Boleyn:

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(Except her hair is red)

They're eating 🥩, and it's medium-rare. It looks so good with that fatty grease, black truffle and all of that nice looking-forgive me, I got sidetracked with the food.

Anyway, Jan looked left and right. It's a huge room, decorated in gold with dozens of crystal chandelier dangling from the ceiling in its awful magnificence. The picturesque ceiling marvels in its painting, exactly resembling the masterpiece by Pietro da Cortona in Italy.

 The picturesque ceiling marvels in its painting, exactly resembling the masterpiece by Pietro da Cortona in Italy

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The first thought that came to her mind was some inappropriate cussing that I can't write here.
The second thought that came to her mind is, "HOW THE HELL DO I END UP HERE?"
And the third thought that came to her mind is, "AM I DEAD?" because the last thing she remembered was the flashing lights, the burning phone, and perhaps her loss of consciousness.

Still, our girl had to go through the first stages of grief while of course - the first one being denial.

"I'm pretty sure this is a lucid dream."

Jan looked left and right, feeling the surreal experience seeping into her skin. The dining hall is silent, and quite suffocating. She didn't know what to do aside from eating and imitating the lady in front of her.


It was the Ariel-lady, sitting across of her who broke the silence. She stopped eating and stare at Jan with such a cold gaze that it shivers her timbers.

"Do you still not remember anything?"

She asked, staring-obviously hinting that Jan for some reason is in position of someone who lost her memory.

"I..." Jan stopped short, her fingers gripping loosely on the gold cutlery that she was using. She's confused and scared as to what she should say or reply with. Should she say no? Or should she act like she remembers? But then again, this is a lucid dream so it's not like it will effect her in real life-

Rosamondhyst was eating a fine dinner with her parents — the King and Queen whom are not very happy that she tried to run away again for the fourth time this week.

However, Rosamondhyst lost her memory as the knights retrieved her unconscious in the middle of the Ghastly Forest.

The Queen then decided to ask her again during dinner,

Suddenly, a black pop-up box like the ones she sees when playing visual novels popped up in front of her. Causing her to jump a bit from her seat. The Queen, and King, noticing this took a deep breath and signal the maids to be set.

Again, the Queen lean her body forward this time—her gaze softens. "Rosa, what happened?"

"I—" Jan blinked, "I remember that...."


"I remember that you are my mother, and you are my father. And I am a Princess, and that my name is Rosamondhyst and I was unconscious in the woods." Jan reiterated what she saw in the black dialogue box, carefully.

The King and Queen exchanged glances, "Do you remember anything else?"

"I'm sorry," Jan shook her head.

The Queen suddenly smiled, and open her arms wide. She stood up, and approached Jan—taking a considerable amount of time to reach her (the table was 5 meters long) before leaning down and hugging her.

"It's okay, mommy is here no need to be scared." The Queen said softly, and began stroking her hair.

Jan blinked in confusion, but let herself be nestled comfortably in the Queen's arms. The King, observing—decided that he had enough and stood up. "Which fool did you meet?!" He screamed like a lunatic, and strted to throw cutleries off the table.

The servants are noticably uncomfortable, the maids stare at their feet, the Queen looked back at the King. "She doesn't remember anything."


"Oh dear Lord...."


Jan looked around her, the atmosphere is intense. It seems like Rosamondhyst was known to fool around with men—or perhaps she had a secret lover she's meeting before she fell unconscious? And maybe the King is angry at the thought that perhaps her daughter:
a. Not a virgin anymore
Or b. Victim to sexual assault while she was unconscious.

Jan still remain silent.

The Queen reminded that physicians from all over the Kingdom had checked her daughter's well-being, mentally and physically. Even one physician is allowed to check whether she had symptoms of sexual assault. However, no alarming discovery had ben made.

The Queen and King is baffled and so is the entire castle.

Jan stared at the black pop-up box, the timing of he box's appearance compared to the previous one is ill-timed. In other words, she couldn't figure out at what time each box would appear or what could trigger its appearance. Furthermore, since when does lucid dream includes black pop-up box???

The King, stood up and stepped back. "You're right. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." He murmured, while stroking his chin as if deep in thought. The Queen pulled Jan away and looked at her in the eyes, "Listen sweetie, you need to rest and sleep well. Please go back to your room... And don't you dare escape." She added after some hesitation.

Jan nodded, obviously still trying to grasp the gravity of the whole ordeal. A maid—presumeably her personal maid, came and escorted her out. The walk to her room is an exhausting one, with long corridors and her bare feet dragging on the red carpet.

Still, her only thought for the time being was what will happen once she wakes up. Did her phone explode? Is her grandma's house okay or did it combust?

She wouldn't know the answer yet as her maid tucked her in bed, wondering secretly why the Princess seems to be in a trance.

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