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General Nate would watch as the vertibird touched down at Cambridge, and he saw how CIT ruins were untouched. Climbing out, Nate and Preston would go down and pass through College square, then cutting west, passing behind the Corvega assembly plant, and then north, seeing Drumlin Diner, reached Concord, and then moved up the hill.

As they got near the top of the hill, Nate's pipboy picked up a new radio signal.

"This is Minutemen Capital: Sanctuary, calling all settlements, Radio Freedom has been lost, any minutemen hearing this, report." The voice of the Minutemen radio operator said.

"Well that's good to know." Preston said, with a smile.

As they crested the hill, the pair could see the town of Sanctuary, the walls, the farm, the water purifiers, even the watch towers. Red Rocket Truck Stop was also present, having the tower with spot lights and a long lever arm lowered over the road. The minutemen saluted the General.

"General, thank goodness. We have been worried. Radio Freedom went down suddenly, and we feared the worst." the minutemen said.

"There is much more to be worried about, the Brotherhood is back." General Nate said.

"What?! Was it them who attacked the Castle?" the soldier asked.

"No, it's more like.....everything we did, was reset or something, The Prydwen is back over the airport, and CIT is bare. What settlements have made contact with Sancutary?" Nate asked, attempting to get stock of the supplies and resources.

"We have Abernathy and Tenpines. Beyond that, we have no other locations we can confirm the status of." The Minutemen explained.

"The food situation is stable. Call for forces from Tenpines and Abernathy, We are going to investigate and if needed, secure Star light Drive in and Tenpines Bluff, that should provide some outposts." Nate explained, before he took off his tricorne hat and ran his hand through his hair, taking a deep breathe, trying to figure out the situation.

"General, we should go into town, and make sure everything is ok before we try and expand forces. Let the people know the General isn't gone." Preston said.

"Y....you're right." Nate said, as he walking towards Sanctuary. He crossed over the bridge, and into his home. Walking past the Guard House to the right, and the House of Refuge to the left, Nate walked further down, until he reached his house.

Stepping inside, he saw Codsworth, in the kitchen.

"Sir. I was so worried. When the Radio was lost, I feared the worst. Had you seen the Misses We can't call Diamond City." Codsworth said.

"Codsworth.....I heard her." Nate said, shaking his head.

"Sir...." Codsworth said, nervous, at that statement.


Sentinel Nate circled over Fort Strong, firing down on the super mutants in the buildings outside of the fort's main building.

"DIE YOU MUTIES!!!!" Nate shouted, pressing the button down, unleashing a rain of bullets down on the green monsters.

A Behemoth would move out of a wrecked building, before grabbing a handful of rubble, and threw it. The Vertibird was hit a few times, leaving some dents in the hull.

"Focus on the big guy!" the Lancer shouted.

Nate and Danse focused their fire down at the huge mutant. It roared in pain as it was filled with lead. The Super mutant behemoth would grab one of the smaller mutants, before he threw it at the vertibird. 

"Incoming!" Nate shouted, grabbing onto Danse as the Pilot pulled the vertibird into a hard roll, avoiding the screaming mutant, as he flew into the distance.

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