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i'm finally on the episodes, yall. this took forever, and parts of it are written really well, and other parts suck ngl, but i hope you like it. please vote, and comment, i love interacting with my readers.


January 4, 2011

"Dad!" I called, "I'm heading over to Scott's."

Stiles came out of his room, a suspicious tone in his voice. "Why?"

"'Cause I have a test tomorrow, and I need to study, obviously."

"Why can't you study by yourself?"

"Same reason you don't have a girlfriend. I've been trying all year and failing." I retort, getting annoyed by his incessant questions.

He flails his arms incredulously, then continues. "Why can't he come over here, then?"

"Why are you so curious about my life all of a sudden?"

'Because i'm worried you guys are doing *stuff* behind my back'

"Uh-um, you're my sister?" He phrases it like he's asking, as if he doesn't even believe it himself.

"You do remember I can hear your thoughts, right? And, gross."

He looks at me skeptically, then gives up. In typical Stiles fashion, he turns his back to mine, walking dramatically to his room.


After what felt like hours, I give up, crashing backwards dramatically onto Scott's bed. "Thanks for trying, but I doubt it's gonna help much. I'm a lost cause."

"You're not a lost cause." He says, laying down next to me.

"I love you, Scott, but I don't need you to bullshit me right now. I'm gonna fail the test tomorrow."

He sits up abruptly at my words. His hand reaches over to me, pulling me up so we're facing each other. I turn my face away from his. "Hey, look at me." His voice is soft and sweet, as always. He tugs on the hand he was still holding. I turn back to him, letting our brown eyes meet. "You aren't gonna fail. You are way smarter than you give yourself credit for."

A small smile meets my lips. "You are too good for this world, Scotty." He looks at me with a puzzled expression. I glance at the clock resting on his nightstand. 9:43. "Oh, shit. I gotta go, Dad's gonna freak if I'm not home by ten."

He laughs, then gets up, handing me my notes. "See you tomorrow, Soph."

I step out the house and onto the driveway. Placing my skateboard on the ground, I set my foot on the wood, ready to push off.

"Do you need a ride?"

Melissa's voice nearly gives me a heart attack. "Nah. I'm good."

"Well, just be careful. We don't want a repeat of last time.

She was referring to an accident I had a couple months back. One moment I was riding my board peacefully, the next I was flying through the air and landing on my wrist wrong. I had to stay at the hospital overnight so they could make sure there wouldn't be any permanent damage.

"I will." I promise, knowing how much she cares about my safety. I push off, the cool, refreshing breeze hitting my face. When I got home, Stiles' car wasn't in the driveway, and neither was my dad's patrol car. I enter the house, calling for my brother and father.

"Stiles? Dad?" It was weird they were both gone. Whatever. Stepping into the cascade of cool water, I feel relieved. The stress of the day washes away as I clean my body. After I decide I'm clean, I slip into my pj's then collapse on my bed. Today's been a long day.

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