Chapter Two

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I looked out the window from my bedroom and saw the mover's truck pull into the driveway. "Hey Jenna! The movers are here!" I called from my room.

I ran downstairs to where the twins were playing and Jenna was already running towards the movers, throwing her hair up into a ponytail as she ran. "Hey guys c'mon, she might need our help," I said to the twins as I walked out the front door. 

The twins ran towards Jenna and I followed behind. When I reached Jenna she was already helping one of the movers get the couch out of the truck. "Need help?" I asked Jenna.

"Actually I think I can handle it with the movers, why don't you take the twins to the park down the street. It's too the left you can see it from the end of the driveway. I'll call you when I'm ready for your help, okay?" Jenna said with a huff.

"Yeah, c'mon," I said waving at the twins.

They ran ahead of me, knowing where to go since they were hanging onto every word Jenna had said. I followed them slowly and put my headphones in. I cranked up the music as I looked around at the canopy above. Jenna was right, it was absolutely beautiful. People looked out their windows to see the dead looking girl walking down the street, but for once, I didn't mind. I took a deep breath and tasted rain in the back of my throat and sighed.

I loved Seattle. When I caught up to the twins they were already swinging. I went over and sat at a bench behind the swings. After awhile I got bored and stood up and walked around. I walked behind the play set and saw a Frisbee fly through the air. I walked behind the set and the Frisbee landed at my feet. I looked down and then backed up. There was a little girl with dark brown hair and bright blue eyes who looked about seven years old. I picked up the Frisbee and I flung it, but it went the exact direction I didn't want it to go. But it landed in the hand of a boy my age. He was tan and had blonde hair with bright green eyes. 

He smiled at me and waved. The little girl ran up to me and smiled a toothy smile. "Hi! I'm Alice!" she said smiling. 

"Hello," I said smiling.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Nyx," I said kneeling to her height. 

"You have a pretty name," Alice smiled just as the teenage boy reached us.

"You do too," I said smiling. 

I stood up straight and smiled at the boy. "Can I go play with those kids?" Alice asked the boy looking up at him.

He looked to me and I nodded. "Go ahead," he said waving his hand. 

Alice ran off towards the twins and the boy stepped closer to me. "I'm Zeus, call me Z though," he smiled.

"God of light, I'm honored," I smiled.

"Goddess of darkness," he said and bowed low.

I laughed and he smiled. "I don't think I've seen you around here before," he said.

"We just moved here," I said.

"Ah, I see," he smiled.

"So what grade are you in?" I asked.

"Junior, you?"

"Same," I smiled.

"Looks like we'll be seeing a lot of each other," he smiled.

"That's fine with me," I laughed.

We were slowly walking and making our way towards the twins and Alice. "So when did you guys get here?" he asked.

"Like a half hour ago," I laughed.

"Oh wow so you don't have groceries or anything," he said.

"Nah, we're probably going to order take out," I shrugged.

"Well you guys are more than welcome to come have dinner with us," Z smiled.

"I'll text my mom, that's sounds awesome," I smiled back.

We got closer to the twins and Alice and stopped to sit on the bench. "I'm actually hoping I won't be too far behind in my schoolwork," I shrugged.

"I doubt it," Z smiled.

"Here let me call my mom and we'll see if we can stay the night," I laughed and grabbed my phone.

I called Jenna and she said she wasn't sure and maybe another night. "That's fine, we could just have you over another night," he said with a crooked smile.

I stood up and looked to Z. "We should actually head home, I'm sure Jenna could use some help," I smiled. 

"Yeah Alice and I should head home too," he said standing along with me. 

We called the twins over and we all began walking in the same direction. When we reached our house they walked across the street. "I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other," Z called from across the street. 

"I guess so," I called back and smiled.

The twins and I walked inside and Jenna already had most of the first floor done. "Wow," I said.

"I've been working my butt off!" she called from the kitchen.

I laughed and she looked up from behind the island. "So how was the park?" Jenna asked.

"It was fine," I said. 

"Well I got your guy's beds up in your room along with the main furniture but your boxes and stuff are in the living room, so take those up to your room and start cleaning, I'll call you down when the pizza gets here," Jenna said. 

"Pizza!" the twins tuned together and ran into the living room.

I grabbed all my boxes and hobbled upstairs. When I got all my stuff in my room I shut my door and put on 'Nirvana' before starting to clean. First I put my bed up against the window, the headboard pressed against the wall. I made my bed and put all my pillows on top and then I went over and put my desk up against the opposite window. There was no screen to the window facing the front yard and I thought it'd be a good way to sneak out.

I then placed my rugs down and cleaned up my bathroom. I hung up all my posters and placed my pictures around my room. My room was done in about an hour and I was happy with the way it looked. 

I was home. 

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