The leech in the beach

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"So," Anthony walked up behind Johnathan, in a voice that Johnathan knew. It was the voice where Johnathan was supposed to know what Anthony was gonna say, and he usually did, but this time he had no clue.
"So?" Jonathan raised an eyebrow in confusion. Anthony glared at him in annoyance.
"Did you say yes?" he asked, expecting Johnathan to know what he was talking about.
"Say yes to what?" Jonathan set his book on his lap, swatting off the leaves that came from the old oak tree above himself. Anthony groaned and rubbed his temples. "My friend said she was going to ask you to be her boyfriend, did she?" Johnathan shrugged. "Not yet, which one was it?"
"Isabella Cherri," Anthony said through gritted teeth.
"Oh, ew. Why would I date her?" Jonathan's face twisted in disgust. Anthony laughs at his sassiness. "Right? Fuck that bitch!" He said in cackles. "Language! ...I thought she was your friend?" Johnathan stated and raised an eyebrow.
"I thought so too," Anthony grumbled as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"But now, I want to teach her a lesson... Can you help me? Pleeeeeease?" He pleaded with his palms touching like a prayer and the eyes of a labrador. "Momma said you'd help me with ANYTHING!"
Johnathan didn't like the sound of 'A lesson', but it was his little brother, so he reluctantly agreed to his brother's wooing.
"Fine, but just... don't tell mom."
"Now, why would I tell someone about a revenge plan that ISN'T you?" Anthony turned around swiftly, like he was the greatest villain of all time.
"So," he started as he began spilling the plan, stopping every time someone walked by. Hours went by, it was finally 9 pm. Anthony was dragging an old cooler out of the house when Molly, his little sister, walked over.
"Whatcha doin' Antony?" She asked in a sick voice, it was high pitched and sweet, with a little rasp. "Don't worry 'bout it MollMoll, go put on some socks, you know you're not supposed to be out here without them! You'll get sicker and stay sick forever!" Molly gasped and scattered up the stairs like a terrified little rat. Anthony rolled his eyes and made his way to the beach just around the block. Johnathan was waiting, he looked anxious.
"Are you sure you'll remember...?" He asked quietly. "Of course, my memory ain't shit like yours!" Anthony shrugged as he dug a hole big enough to fit the cooler, but small enough to be able to cover back up. "Is she on her way?"
Jonathan nodded and fidgeted with his fingers. Soon enough, the innocent and unaware girl showed up, only for Johnathan. But instead, she found Anthony there too.
"Oh... What are you... doing here?" Isabella asked in an awkward tone of voice.
"What? I can't hang out with my BEST friend?" He asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Jonathan looked at him worriedly, which Isabella caught almost instantly.
"Are you okay...?" She whispered to him, gently taking his hands into her own. That is, until Anthony got in between them and ruined the moment.
"Keep yer grabby little hands to yourself, princess. It ain't a good idea to touch what ain't yours." Jonathan rubbed his arm timidly as Anthony's Italian accent was starting to come out. He advanced on Isabella, making her back up. She got an uneasy feeling that he was going to do something, and right she was. When she was close enough to the hole with the cooler, he shoved her into it. Before she could even react, he closed the top of the cooler. Anthony's mouth widened into a sickening grin that only a complete psycho could hold. It was enough to make Johnathan shudder, despite it being relatively warm outside. Anthony started to cover the hole up with sand as Isabella's screams became distant and less audible, until there was none at all.
"What if we both forget where she's at...?" Johnathan asked in a quivering voice.
"I brought some seeds!"
Anthony pulled out a bag of sunflower seeds and poured them onto the sand to mark the spot. "Now let's go before Molly snitches to pops." He said, dragging Johnathan back to their house by the arm.

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