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He kissed me back and to my surprise, he's an experienced kisser. I licked his lips and right away he opened his mouth with his tongue out, we entwined our tongues together and kissed more passionately. He sucked on my tongue and moaned out in bliss. The sounds of us sucking on each other's tongues and lips echoed through the room. "O-okay, no more." Rylyn pulled away shakily, panting and out of breath. I extracted my hands off his body and allowed Leon to fill my spot behind him. Leon rubbed a light coat of lotion on his hands to make it seem like it was him that was rubbing on Rylyn.

Rylyn put his black hoodie over his head and onto his torso before putting his dark gray lounge pants on. All the others scooted back to their original spots, I followed along and went to the spot I sat in. "Leon, do these pants make my butt look big?" Rylyn questioned. "N-no." Leon obviously lied. The pants make his ass look bigger than it already is. "Great, thanks." He pulled the hood to his hoodie up and tugged on the strings. Rylyn turned around out of the corner and faced everyone but had his gaze down on the floor. His face was flushed red and there were curls peeking out the edges of the hoodie, slightly covering his eyes.

He stayed silent and walked over to the couch to find something. The guys on the couch scooted over so they could make room in the middle for him to reach what he was looking for. "C-Can someone call my phone?" He reached behind the couch. "Give me your number and I'll call it." I said, pulling out my phone from my pocket. "Come here so I can give you my number." He turned around, he didn't even realize he was almost sitting on the guy next to hims' lap. The guy didn't mind though since he was trying to move closer to him. "Just say it." I protested.

"Fine." He sighed and sat down all the way. On the guys lap... "It's-" Everyone else pulled out their phone ready to type in his number. He grumbled and just said his number then spelled out his name. The guys around me just put a peach emoji of some other freaky emojis. We all called the number and his phone started to ring. "Oh, it's right here." One of them on the bed held it up. "It fell in the crack." He snickered like a child. "Oh." Rylyn walked over to us then frowned. "Move over." He ordered us. I just leaned back and rested on my elbows and grinned. "Climb over." He scoffed and laughed. He proceeded to climb over. He straddled my hips and leaned over trying to get his phone from the guy who had it.

"Wait, why does it smell like my lotion over here?" He smelled the air. "I used some, do you have a problem with that?" I stuck out my tongue at him. "Yeah, I have a problem. Use your own lotion." He snatched his phone from the boy and smacked him a few times like a parent would do if they were scolding their kid for stealing. "Shit." He mumbled annoyed. He climbed off of me, spun around, and sat down. On me. He has a bad habit of planting his ass wherever suits him. "W-what's the m-matter?" Leon still stood in the corner. "I forgot I had a girlfriend. I should just end things with her since I won't see her for a while." He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, taking his hood off.

He dialed a number labeled 'Babe' with a profile picture of a cute girl with her cleavage out, and Rylyn holding her tit and kissing her cheek and the both of them smiling. "Hey babe." He flirted with her. "Yeah, I'm fine." He laughed. I looked at his back, lifted up his hoodie with my left hand and put my hand on his waist with my right. "Yeah I miss you too."

He put his hand on top of mine and continued talking. "Don't worry, nothings going to happen...Promise to wait until I come back?" He softened his voice. "Yeah, we can do it when I get back." I wonder what he's talking about. "You still take birth control? Yeah, I still have some from the last time, I know, we'll use them too...Okay, bye, love you." He hung up and looked around.

"The fuck are you guys staring at, do ya'll not have any manners? Mind your own business" He scoffed. "How could we if you're talking about fucking your girlfriend in a not so secret kind of way. While sitting on a guy's dick." I sat up and hugged him and rubbed his thighs. "It's not gay if I don't make it gay, and you're making it gay so stop." He swatted my hands and stood up. I smacked my hand across his butt. "Don't touch me." He glared at me. "Don't hit my hand then." I argued. "You're so fucking annoying, all of you...b-besides Leon." He walked over to Leon and took his hand and left the room.

Rylyn's POV

"W-where are we going?" Leon stuttered. "We're going to go find Casey." I tried looking him in his eyes but I couldn't after what we did in the room earlier. It felt good and I want to do it again but I don't know if he feels the same. Now that I think about it, Leon is really small and he looks inexperienced. "A-are you going to t-tell M-Mikey?" He started to tug his hand back. "No, of course not! I'm just going to ask if Casey can help you since you can't tell the dean." I continued to look around through the sunglasses Casey gave me. I slipped them on while we were leaving. "There he is! Casey!" I waved my hand and he looked at me and ran over, jumping on me. "Baby!!" He planted kisses all over my mouth and face.

"Let's have sex!" He rubbed on my body and fondled my butt. "Not right now, I need you to help me with Leon. He needs to get away from his boyfriend and you told me you have your own room." I gave Casey a nervous smile. He looked at me then at Leon, then back at me. "Have you lost your mind? Why would I share my room with some guy who isn't my boyfriend? What if he tries to jump me in my sleep?" Casey had a disgusted face then some psychotic and angry looking expression. "I'll do whatever you want without saying no." ... "Deal." He took Leon by his hand and walked towards his assigned hall.

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