Game Night Fun 😉 🍆 🎯

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A/N: I'm back with another smutty Stellaride chapter for all who love some steamy Stellaride like I do. I hope you enjoy... 💜

Kelly sat on the couch, partially watching the game and eyeing his girlfriend, who was pretty much all over the place. She was making homemade pizza and wings. He knew she was a little irritated with him; she kept giving him her evil eye.

"Stella, do you need any help?" Casey asked as he came into the room.

"That is so sweet of you to offer Casey." She replied, looking at her boyfriend. "No one else wants to help; they want to sit and watch me."

"This game night wasn't my idea; I just want to watch the game." Kelly responded.

Stella narrowed her eyes at him. "I'm so sorry that my wanting to do something with our friends is such an inconvenience to you." She shakes her head, clearly annoyed with how he's acting. "Casey, could you chop up the red peppers and the onion? If you don't mind."

"Sure." He looked over at Kelly, giving him a what-the-hell look. Kelly sighed and threw his head back.

Stella started seasoning the wings.

"So, besides Foster and Brett, who else is supposed to come?" Casey asked, needing to break the awkward silence.

"Ritter, I invited Gallo, but he had some hot date tonight, and Cruz and Chloe are going away for the weekend." She tells him as she puts the wings in the air fryer.

"So just the six of us?"

She turns and faces Casey with a huge grin. "Yep, just six single people having a fun night."

Kelly's head snapped up, arching his eyebrow. "Four single people." He corrected her. She didn't respond or even look at him.

"You are not single." Casey reminded her.

"I will be by the end of the night." She replied as she dried her hands off. Both guys exchange looks. "I'm going to go change my clothes." She tells them as she walks to her bedroom. Slamming the door behind.

"Man, why are you being a dick about this game night?"

"I don't know; I'm an idiot." He stood up. "I'm just not feeling this game night."

"It's really not that bad; I think it would be fun just the six of us playing some crazy games-no drama, just some simple fun." Casey tells him as he chops the onion.

Kelly looked over at the closed bedroom door and said, "I need to fix this."

"Yep." Casey agrees with a nod. "Before you join me in the singles club,"

Kelly chuckles. "I have no intentions of ever being back in that club." His tone held so much seriousness.

"Glad to hear. Now go do what you do best and make her smile and happy."

He walked into the room; she was lying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. He closed the door and laid down beside her. "I'm sorry." He caresses her cheek down to her neck.

"You should be." Her tone is so nonchalant. She looks at him. "Why do you hate this idea so much?"

"I don't know; I'm just not a game night guy; I would rather spend the night cuddled up on the couch with you watching the game."

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