5- The morning after

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Hey guys, ive decided to try and make the chapters short by their setting, but it depends what is happening in the chapter. But I dont want a whole day to be in one chapter yk? Anyways thank you for understanding and enjoy!!

Rubbing your eyes to ease the pounding headache, you slowly opened your eyes, greeted by the soft light filtering through the curtains. The events of yesterday weighed heavily on your mind, casting a shadow over the start of your day. Despite the temptation to stay nestled in the comfort of your bed, you knew that responsibilities awaited.

With a sigh, you reluctantly swung your legs over the edge of the bed, feeling the cool floor beneath your feet.

Glancing at your schedule on your phone , you noted that today only held two classes and a shift at the bookstore. It was a relief compared to the usual hectic pace of your days. You couldn't help but be grateful for the respite, especially after requesting almost a week off to focus on your studies. Your manager had been understanding, recognizing the importance of your academic endeavors, and had granted your request despite the inconvenience it may have caused.

As you slowly made your way through your morning routine, the prospect of facing the day's challenges seemed daunting. Yet, there was also a glimmer of determination within you, a resolve to push through the fatigue and overcome whatever obstacles lay ahead. With a deep breath, you gathered your belongings and prepared to venture out into the day, hoping that it would be a little kinder than yesterday.

You slipped into a loose-fitting white shirt, letting it peek out from under the hoodie you pulled over it. With your baggy black jeans from the thrift store and your 'Grey Fog' dunks on your feet, you felt comfortable yet ready to take on the day. Running a hand through your hair to let it cascade down, you grabbed your notebooks and stuffed them into your backpack.

Today's classes were Property and Business Organization, You couldn't shake the feeling of impending boredom. Nonetheless, you squared your shoulders and prepared to not sleep.

You glanced out the window, expecting to see the lingering darkness of early morning. Instead, you were surprised to find the soft glow of dawn already beginning to illuminate the sky. As you peered closer, you noticed your mom's car parked in the driveway. It was a rare sight, considering it had been in the maintenance shop recently.

Your gasp echoed in the room as you realized the significance of her car being back. It meant that your mom would no longer need to rely on your car, the one gifted to you by Jean's parents for graduating as valedictorian. Ever since you received that car, your mom had grown increasingly jealous. She would often find excuses to use your car, claiming hers needed repairs or simply admiring its appearance compared to her own.


Your car was a Dodge Charger 2022, a dream car you never thought you'd own. When Jean's parents surprised you with it, you were over the moon with happiness. You remember hugging them tightly, overwhelmed with gratitude. Jean, too, shared in your excitement, thrilled that you finally had your dream car.

But as joyous as the moment was, it also sowed seeds of jealousy within your mom. She couldn't hide her envy, especially since they had gifted you a car instead of investing in something more substantial, like a new house for you to live in. It was clear that she didn't approve of your car being better than hers, and that resentment festered between you, tainting your relationship with traces of jealousy.

It was just one of the many issues that strained the bond between you and your mom. Jealousy had become an unwelcome companion, lurking beneath the surface and causing tension in even the smallest interactions. As much as you tried to ignore it, the presence of envy lingered, casting a shadow over your relationship and making it difficult to bridge the divide.

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