8-Thanksgiving Prep

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A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating lately. I lost motivation and got busy with school, and Im trying to pick up my old habit of reading books. But I promise to try and update more often. Here's a short chapter for now. I didn't want to make it too long since I know some people  (including myself) don't like really long chapters and if I finish the whole thanksgiving in this chapter then it'll probably be atleast 3-4k words. I'll work on the next one and hopefully have it ready soon. Thanks for reading!!!

Days after hanging out with your friends, it was finally Thanksgiving Day. You were in your room, on your laptop, watching Twilight again. The weather was perfect for Twilight, and it was also your comfort movie.

"Y/N, WASH THE DISHES!" your mom yelled.

You groaned as you got up and closed your laptop. Leaving your room, you walked to the kitchen, sighed, and began washing the dishes.

While washing the dishes, you felt a chunk of food and immediately gagged.

"Eww what the fuck" you said as your brows furrowed.

You looked into the living room and saw Amir watching TV while Ayla was in her room doing whatever she was doing.

Ring Ring Ring

You quickly dried your hands and picked up the phone.

"Are you coming for dinner today?" Jean's voice came through the line.

"Duh, we always come every year," you replied.

Jean laughed. "I just need reassurance."

"But can I come over to your house today? I'm so bored," Jean whined.

"What about going to Eren's house or staying with Connie?"

Jean groaned. "Eren's probably with his family, and you know Connie has a lot of family members, and I swear they don't leave us alone."

"Fine, you can come over, but it's 4, and my family and I are coming over to your parent's  at 6. I have to get ready and help my siblings get ready," you explained as you continued washing the dishes.

"I'll help your siblings; they love me. I'll clean around the house if you want me to. I just don't want to be here; I'm so bored," Jean continued whining.

"Okay, okay, I'll be waiting," you agreed.

You could hear Jean getting up from his bed and grabbing keys from his nightstand.

"Alright, I'm coming right now. Byee" Jean's voice chirped.

"Bye," you said as you hung up.

You groaned because you felt like you were going to be rushed for some reason. But jean doesnt rush you, its more your mom that is going ot rush you.


You finsihed washing the dishes and cleaned the counter a bit. You took a shower this morning so you put your hair up in rollers.

you had no idea what you were going to wear so you just would decide when jean comes over.

you started to go with a natural makeup look but made sure you added highlighter and a bit of brown eyeshadow.

"Guess whos here" Jean said as he opened your door

"I forgot you were coming over" you said as you were adding lashes.

jean laughs and lays on your bed

"Jean can you think of an outfit that i can wear for dinner today?" you said as you were applying glue to the lash

"Pijamas because thats what im going to wear" jean said

you looked at him and saw he has his eyes closed and he really was wearing pijamas. black shirt with polo pijamas

"Right... you're insane" you said

"What are you actually going to wear?" you said as you were placing the last lash

" i'm going to wear a white button up and some beige pants, super basic but i don't really care" Jean said and he covers his face with both of his hands.

 "I have the clothes and my cologne and hair gel in my car so i'll change when I arrive at my parents house."

"But you should wear like a navy blue knitted shirt with like a black skirt with black tights and some black shoes" jean said

you gasp, "Yea , that would actually look good" you put on your lip combo and took out you hair rollers.

You were struggling to remove the rollovers from the back to the point you just wanted to yank it.

"Here let me help" Jean said as he got up from your bed and walked towards you.

"Twirl the roller when you take it out" you said frustrated.

"Yea I know already" Jean said as he gently twisted the roller out of your hair.




You changed into the clothes jean said and put your makeup essentials and your airpods in your small purse.

 You helped your siblings get ready and picked out their outfits. You put on moose hair curl on amirs hair so that his curls are more defined. You curled the ends of Ayla's hair and brushed it out and made her put on a creme color bow.  

You checked the time – 5:20. Waiting for your mom was making you stressed because she had all day to get ready. 

"My mom is taking forever, and it's a 30-minute drive to your parents'," you grumbled.

"Don't worry, my parents won't mind waiting," Jean said, chilling on the couch with his phone.

"Ma, are you ready?" you called.

"Just a few more minutes!" she yelled back.

Finally, your mom was ready. You got Ayla and Amir into the car and grabbed a coat. Jean had to leave to get ready himself.

"See you at my parents place! Bye, y/n, bye, Ms. l/n!" Jean waved as he drove off.

"Bye!" you and your mom waved back.

On the way to Jean's parents' house, your mom broke the silence.

"Don't rush me when I'm changing or when Jean is around," she said sternly. "You don't know what he tells his parents," she added with a hitch in her voice.

"I'm sorry, Mom, but you were taking forever, and I just wanted to get to their house early," you replied.

"Well, next time, ask me politely instead of rushing me. Jesus Y/N, you don't know how it feels," she sighed.

"How what feels, Mo-?" You got cut off.

"How it feels to be a single mother with a job, trying to support her three kids, all while grieving for her husband!" she exclaimed. "So next time, be polite instead of rushing me because I work eight hours a day cleaning houses for rich people! Do you think I enjoy that?!" she finished, her voice filled with frustration.

"Im sorry" you said holding your tears back. 

She does this every time, and it hurts. You understand her struggles, but it's tough not to feel frustrated. You wish she could see your intentions weren't to upset her. You just want things to be easier for both of you and for your family. You didn't want to argue in front of Ayla and Amir because you know how much it affects them. 

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