7- Your Comfort

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"Hi, can I get three box combos, please?" you requested politely, leaning forward slightly to speak into the drive-thru intercom. "And instead of coleslaw, can we get extra toast on all of them? Oh, and two waters and a Dr Pepper."

The voice crackled back, "Sure thing, three box combos, no coleslaw, two waters, and a Dr Pepper, got it."

"Perfect, thank you," you replied with a smile.

"Great, please pull up to the next window," the voice directed.

"I'll cover it since I was the one craving Canes," Sasha declared, reaching for her wallet.

"We'll chip in, don't worry," you and Mikasa chimed in from the backseat.

"No, no, my treat," Sasha insisted, handing her card over to you.

As you approached the window, Sasha's card was swiped, and you gathered the food, ensuring everything was in order before pulling away.

Sasha eagerly seized the bag of Canes, her eyes gleaming at the sight and smell of the food. "Oh my god, this smells so good, I'm drooling already," she exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Mikasa plugged her phone into the car's audio system, ready to set the mood for the meal. "I'm going to play something I want to listen to"

Nods of approval came from the rest of the group as the familiar intro of Frank Ocean's "Nights" began to fill the car. You couldn't help but smile, feeling the anticipation rise as the first beats of the song enveloped the vehicle, setting the perfect vibe for the setting.

As the sun started to dip below the horizon, you found yourself cruising through downtown. The city was a sight to behold in the fading light, with tall buildings casting long shadows and the sky painted in shades of orange and pink. The streets were crowded with cars, and people were out and about, dressed up for a night on the town. Neon signs lit up the sidewalks, adding to the lively atmosphere. It was a bustling scene, full of energy and excitement. Driving through downtown, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the beauty and liveliness of the city.

"The boys said that they're already there," Sasha said as she hopped back into the car, her voice filled with excitement.

"Tell them I'm about to park," you replied, your eyes scanning the crowded park for an empty spot. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the bustling cityscape.

"It's so crowded, oh my god," Mikasa exclaimed, pressing her face against the window to get a better view of the scene outside. Cars filled every available space, and people moved about in clusters, enjoying the evening air.

"Yeah, it's packed," you agreed, your hands gripping the steering wheel as you slowly navigated through the sea of vehicles, searching for a spot to claim.

"Hey, there's one over there," Mikasa pointed out eagerly, her finger indicating a vacant space near the edge of the park.

With a sigh of relief, you eased the car into the open spot, grateful for the stroke of luck. After parking, you and Mikasa retrieved some blankets from the trunk while Sasha carefully held onto the bags of food and drinks.

You met up with the guys. They had their food aswell and a blanket, it was from jean because he likes to do things in his car so you knew you had to bring your blankets.

"HEYYYYY" Sasha said having her arms in the air while holding canes

"OOOUUUUUU" Connie said also having his arms in the air while holding canes


You found a serene corner of the park amidst the flurry of activity, where the soft grass invited you to lay down your blanket. People of all ages were around, enjoying the fading light of the evening. Couples nearby, their laughter and whispered conversations drifting through the air.

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