6- Bookstore

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You arrived at the university and headed to your usual meeting spot where Sasha, Connie, and Jean were already waiting.

"Y/N!" Sasha exclaimed, her arms wide open for a hug.

"Hey, Sasha," you replied, reciprocating the embrace.

Connie couldn't resist chiming in with his trademark humor. "Geez, you two act like you haven't seen each other in years," he teased, earning a laugh from Jean.

Rolling her eyes, Sasha shot back, "shut up, you're not a girl.."

Jean wasn't about to let the opportunity pass. With a smirk, he added, "Heard girls like to make out at parties."

Your cheeks instantly flushed with embarrassment as you realized the implication of Jean's words. You had momentarily forgotten about the unexpected moment you shared with Sasha at the last party, and now it was being brought up.

Caught off guard, you struggled to come up with a response, feeling your cheeks grow warmer by the second.

"And so what? I bet me and y/n's makeout session was better than all of your makeout sessions with those ran-through girls," Sasha said, smiling.

"Sasha, your makeout sessions are about as satisfying as cold leftovers. And trust me, Y/n probably had to down a bottle of tequila just to tolerate it."

"Jean, you're just jealous. Maybe if you stopped judging everyone, you'd actually enjoy yourself for once."

"Sasha you're  always repeating the same lines. Maybe if you focused on something other than your own ego, you'd actually be interesting." Jean said with his arms crossed.


Connie laughs, and you and Sasha are taken aback. "Alright, I think we need to stop before things escalate," you interject, trying to change the subject.

"I won't let you win next time," Sasha says, still laughing.

"Sasha, I'm joking, obviously," Jean says, holding out his fist for a fist bump.

Sasha hesitates for a moment before finally reciprocating Jean's fist bump. You and Connie clap while laughing along.

You pulled out your phone to check the time. "I have to go now, class is starting," you said. The others bid you goodbye, and you made your way to your Property class.


You took your usual spot at the very back beside the window. Lost in thought, you found yourself gazing out the window, where you spotted a familiar figure walking with a girl.

"Eren," you murmured softly to yourself.

As you watched, you noticed that the girl with him was different, someone new. Your eyes remained fixed on them as they drew closer. Suddenly, Eren's lips met hers in a kiss. The moment lasted only a few seconds before they separated and continued walking together.

"Damn," you breathed out, the word lingering in the air as you processed what you had just witnessed. It wasn't a sharp pain or a stab of jealousy, but rather a quiet confusion that settled in the pit of your stomach. Eren had been upfront about his feelings for you, making advances and expressing interest. Even Jean had vouched for him, assuring you that if Eren said he liked you, he meant it sincerely.

These last two days had been spent in contemplation, trying to decipher Eren's true intentions. You had agreed to be friends, believing that perhaps there was something genuine there worth exploring. And yet, here he was, locking lips with another girl, seemingly without a care in the world.

As you watched them walk away, the image burned into your mind, you couldn't help but question everything once again. What did Eren's actions mean? Did he truly value your friendship, or was it all just a joke? And why did seeing him with someone else stir up such conflicting emotions within you?

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