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Husk and Angel walk down the streets of Hell just chatting and suddenly they walk upon a street show of a sinner doing some magic tricks which catches Husk's attention immediately.

Husk: *eyes dilate and his tail sways left to right, his wings move out slightly and he's mesmerised by the magic* "oooo~"

Angel: *chuckles* "what? It's just some street magic? Like it's so clear how it's done"

Husk: *nudges Angel* "shhh"

Angel: *chuckles more* "you really are enjoying this aren't you?"

Husk: *not listening and is just focused on the magic, there's a sparkle in his eyes* "oooo~ aaaa~"

Angel: *rolls his eyes and smirks as he just watches Husk enjoying the magic* "don't you know how to do magic like this?"

Husk: *nods but still has his eyes glued on the magical sinner* "of course"

Angel: *chuckles* "so why are you so mesmerised?"

Husk: *nudges Angel but his eyes still doesn't leave the magic show* "well I don't get to see myself doing the magic. And I haven't even done magic in years..."

Angel: *giggles* "maybe you can show me your tricks sometime~"

Husk: *looks at Angel and his eyes sparkle* "really?"

Angel: *holds in his laugh and covers his cheeks going red* "god you are acting like a child"

Husk: *groans and kicks Angel* "fuck off. But I'm definitely going to show you my tricks"

Angel: *chuckles* "can't wait~ I'm sure your magical in bed too" *winks*

Husk: *rolls his eyes and goes back to being glued to the magic show* "now shh"

*Angel chuckles and just watches Husk the intire time*

Wholesome One-Shots ~ HuskerDustWhere stories live. Discover now