awakening the knight

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I wake up in bed and see my leg is healed and I notice I'm in a confinement room like arkham… I see a window and notice a man on the other side holding my mask. “So you are the arkham knight?” I get up and look at him, “yeah I am, let me guess you want to recruit me?” he nods and opens the door ro my room and walks in “what would it take to recruit you?” i look at him “my mask,a workstation,the ability to recruit a personal army and a base to house said army and any equipment we make, oh and i don't have to tell anyone my name or show my face unless needed and i want immunity from anyone who wants to arrest me” he nods “that's doable but i'll need your name to officially make you a operative” i nod “jason todd” he nods and give me my mask “well let's get the paperwork sorted!” i put the mask on and my voice is covered and i walk with him to his office but i pass a man wearing a mask and we stop to look at eachother “nice mask” he says and i nod “same to you” i walk off and enter the guys office and he sits behind a desk before looking at me and handing me some papers “just sing with your name and i'll do the rest” i nod and do so “now for the last one your operator name” i look at him “the arkham knight” he nods and gets up and holds his hand out “welcome to rainbow six then arkham knight, id suggest getting ready for your presentation to the rest of the operators” i nod and walk to the armory and see a empty cage were we store our stuff and i walk in  and sit at the table and put my chest plate on it and start to repair it.

When I arrive at the auditorium I see the man called six talking to a room full of operators before he looks at me and says “may i present our newest operator! The Arkham knight!” I walk out in my suit and slow walk out in a dramatic way and stop to look at the crowd and they whisper about me. When six speaks they all quite “now then you all may ask your questions!” I cross my arms and wait when a woman with pale skin and white hair says “where did you get that armor?” i look at her “it's based on a design a friend made, but its a custom built armor i made” the next person to speak is a man in a gasmask with a SAS patch on his shoulder “what's with the name?” i chuckle “it's a tribute to a place i was in a long time ago, a place that made me into who i am now and the knight bit is a little insult to a man who wronged me and my mask is based off of something he wore, it reminds me why i'm fighting” then the women in the FBI cap speaks “and what's that?” i quit myself and thought for a moment “justice” the next person to speak was the medic who shot me in the leg “where did you learn how to fight?” i chuckle “the man who got me killed! He trained me to be a soldier, but he left me to die and made his own enemy!” After some more questions I was done and went to my locker and sat cleaning my guns. I hear footsteps and see some of the operators come in and I see a woman with a sniper walk up to me “I hear you're a good shot!” I nod and put my pistol back together before holstering them. “I'm more than good, I'm the best!” this caught the attention of everyone and the woman smiled “let's test that! Meet me by the range!” she walks out and a man wearing jeans and a pilot helmet walks up “i don't think that was a good idea! Kali is the best sniper in rainbow!” I chuckle and look at him “not for long!” I get up and walk out and arrive at the range to see here holding a custom sniper and other operators arrive to watch. She hits a button and a dummy appears a far distance from her and she shoots its head off. “Beat that knight!” I chuckled and looked at her, “you can't be serious?” she smiles “what's wrong? Scared?” I smile and pull my pistols out and she giggles seeing me aim at a dummy the same distance she had hers. I pull the trigger and shoot it between the eyes and look at her “no rather unimpressed that you need a sniper and i only needed a pistol, but if you want range!” I combine my guns and make a sniper out of them, surprising her and the other operators before setting the dummy to its max distance and aiming at it. “You can't hit that!” she said, i smiled “watch me” i shot and hit the dummy in the eye and then again in the other eye before shooting it in the neck blowing the head off and then shooting the head as it was in the air. I turn my sniper back into its pistol forms and holster them before looking at kali. “What the matter, sacred?” I said as I walked to her, making her trip and falling to the ground. I laugh and walk off and go to my room and set up my stuff before taking my armor off and putting it on its stand. I look at my mask and remember what Bruce said to me. “Jason…i'm sorry” i look at myself in the mirror and see the brand the joker gave me on my face and growl. I walk to my bed and go to sleep.

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