the militia

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As I sat in my room reading the reports of my men about potential recruits I approved most and sent my men to retrieve the candidates and I was then writing the schematics for a few tanks and jeeps and even a few brute suits. I hear a knock at my door and put my mask on before speaking “enter” . When I look at the door I see Caveira walk in and look at me. She doesn't have her facepaint on and she notices the reports on my desk “what with the papers?” i look at them and toss them to her and she catches them “read and find out” she opens the file and reads the paper “you're making an army?” I nod and she puts the folder on my desk “and what is this army called?” I get up and point at the flag above the door and she looks at it “the militia? Okay not bad but does six know?” i nod and sit at my desk again and look at her “you know i could use a second in command and you fit the necessary skill set” she thinks to herself for a minute “will i be leaving rainbow?” I shake my head. “No, we're a small group within rainbow and we still answer to six” she nods and I get up and hold her hand “welcome to the militia then!” she shakes my hand and i walk to my door “let's get you a uniform and show you our base!” She follows me and I walk to the hanger and walk in and inside is a battalion of soldiers working on vehicles and other things. Others are training or relaxing while some are being briefed or others are just getting their uniforms. I walk to the quartermaster and he salutes me “get her a uniform with our color scheme and insignia but keep it the current style it is” he nods and gets on a computer and writes stuff down before walking off “so i'm just going to be your right hand?” i chuckle “no you're going to be my personal guard and trainer for the elite soldiers in the future but for now yes my right hand now then get your uniform and meet me in my office upstairs” she nods and i walk off to my office and sit at the table and wait for a minute when caviera walks in she stands next to me and them my lieutenants walk in and sit at the meeting table in front of me. “Gentlemen meet my second in command! Caveira will be your boss for a while, treat her like you do with me! Now then report on your findings!” The first one says “well sir, our factories in Guatemala are producing enough weapons and uniforms for a couple thousand recruits!” I nod then the next speaks “our intelligence has dug up a lot of information about several criminal organizations along with some white mask activity but nothing concrete” i nod and the next speaks “recruiting is going well sir our numbers increase every day!” I nod and the last speaks “I was able to find some sources willing to give us the necessary materials for a few rattler drones and a diamond head drone but they are only willing to sell it to us if we pay them a substantial amount of money” I nod and look at him “numbers?” he hesitates but says “at least a couple thousand sir” I growl and look at Caveira “I want you to grab a few men and go to these low lifes and persuade them to agree to the deal we provide!” she nods and walks off when she leaves my men look at me “are you sure we can trust her sir?” i nod “i have faith, but for now prepare your men i want a small squad with me to complete a mission” he nods and walks off and the last three look at me “the rest of you may continue on with your assignments, dismissed!” They all salute me and walk out and I go to Sixes office and walk in. He looks at me “are your men ready?” “they will be, yours?” he nods and gets on the intercom “will operators sledge,fuze,IQ and ash come to my office” i get on the intercom next “i want squad 1 and 2 in sixes office now” when i get off the intercom we wait until they arrive and six points at me “knight will be incharge of this mission listen to him he will brief you on the way” they nod and ash looks at me with a bit of jealousy and we walk out the two squads march in formation behind me as there lieutenant walks beside me. “The men are ready sir!” he says and I nod “good work lieutenant! Get your men in their helicopters and prepare for my briefing!” he nods and gets the squads into the helicopters and follows me and the operatives into ours and I get to the briefing as my voice is broadcasted over the radio “listen up men! On a timer here we got word a russian general is working with the white masks! I will be dropping with squad 1 and sledge and IQ, squad two drops downfield with ash and fuze we meet in the middle and box them in! We keep this clean! Like I trained you men! We're 30 seconds out, prep your gear, knight out!” As I cut the radio the two helicopters land and I get out with my lieutenant,sledge and IQ and squad 1 exits the second chopper then the two fly off but a rocket hits ash and fuses then a second hits squad 2s and then go down. I growl and get on the radio “team 2 respond!” I wait for a minute and we hear the radio go off “this is team 2! We lost two men but were good, we can still move!” Ash says through the radio I nod and respond “good continue the mission. well come back for the bodies knight out” I put the radio down and move up with my team when we come up to a building and hear voices inside. I look at the lieutenant and send him and his squad in with IQ and I take sledge around the back to deal with any stragglers.

(lieutenant pov)

As my men and I enter the building we see two white masks talking and they see us but we drop them. I take a soldier with me to clear the upstairs. IQ follows us as the rest clear the buildings first floor and as we move up the soldier with us gets shot as he walks onto the balcony i drag him back and see he's dead. “Is he dead?” i hear IQ say and i nod and grab a grenade and throw it out hearing a man scream “GRENA-” the explosion goes off as he yells and i walk to the next room to see a body on the floor and a woman crying over it IQ walks over and tries to calm her but the women pulls a pistol out and i shoot her. “Mein gott! You didn't need to do that!” I sigh “she would've killed you, you're welcome” I walk down the stairs back to my men and see the arkham knight interrogating a white mask. “Tell me what I want to know!” he coughs and spits blood at the knight “never! I know you wont kill me! You can't break that moral code!” the knight laughs and pulls a gun out and aims it at the guy's head “do i look like a rainbow operative to you! Think of your answer before I fill you full of lead!” the man growls “fine the generals in the main building the big one but you wont get him! He's protected!” the arkham knight nods and kicks him down and points his gun at him “good to know” he shoots him and walks out and we follow him i see IQ look at the body before catching up with us.

(knight pov)

As me and the lieutenant are moving, the man next to us gets shot in the head. I get down with the lieutenant and yell “SNIPER!” when i yell this the rest of the squad gets down and we look for a source the sniper has a laser so i see him and i make my pistols into a sniper and aim at him and take the shot killing him “snipers down, keep moving” when we arrive at the edge of the building we meet with the second team ash,fuze and three militia soldiers meet with us and we get ready to enter the building. When we do, we clear all the rooms and find where the general is hiding and as we are about to open the door the men in front of it get shredded to bits by bullets and I look at it to see a juggernaut holding a minigun. I sigh and toss a flash grenade in blinding the juggernaut and I run in and shoot it in its legs and watch as it falls on the ground before punching its helmet off showing the russian general. “General! a pleasure!” I knock him out and wait for our exfil to arrive while we wait my lieutenant to walk up to me. “sir caviera reports her mission was successful and we have gathered the bodies we lost 5 men sir” i nod “a shame but expected 5 out of 10 is sad. Arrange burials when we get home and alert the families” he nods and the helicopter arrives and we get on and head back to hereford base.

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