first mission

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When I arrive I see the others there and six briefs us on our mission. “The white masks have taken a hostage in detroit. A young girl who is the daughter of the mayor. We need to get her out alive. Arkham here will be the ace up our sleeve since he strikes fear in them the rest of you need to extract the hostage” we nod and leave as we are walking to the helipad nokk looks at me “you sure you can do this? I know you're strong but there's gonna be a lot of white masks?” I chuckle “trust me they wont know what hit them!” We get on the helicopter and arrive at a house with two floors and a lot of cops surrounding the place. I repel down with the others and the police look at me “it's the arkham knight!” some aim at me but the captain yells “stand down he's on our side! He's with rainbow six now!” I walked up and shook the captain's hand “Captain, good to see you again!” he smiles and nods before turning to the house “we've got about 20 people in there including the hostage my men cant get in but you can they won't kill the hostage since she's too valuable so you can go in loud” i nod and look at the others “go in through the back and be quiet i'm going to make sure they won't notice you” the others nod and run off while i slow walk in my intimidating way to the front door i see the sniper on the second floor get up and run off and i chuckle. 

As I get to the door I hear about ten white masks on the other side and I smile before pulling my guns out and shooting through the door killing 5 the others are either wounded or dazed. I take the opportunity and kick the door open. As I walk in one of the survivors tries to shoot me with a pistol but I shoot it out of his hand and then shoot him in the gut. I look at a wounded white mask and see the others have their hands up “who here wants a career change?” they look at each other before nodding and i smile “remove your masks and grab your wounded and leave and head to the police tell them you surrender and wait for me to come get you” they do as their told and i go to the basement to see the other shooting at seven white masks and i chuckle before running in and shooting two before smacking one in the face with my pistol and shooting another two to see the last two dropped their guns and are on their knees. I smile and look at the last three “would you three be willing to work for me?” The two nod while the last spits blood at me and looks up through his broken mask “never in a million years you-” I shoot him in the face before he could finish and look at the others and tell them what I told the last few before heading up to the study and see the door locked. “I've got a breach charge” vigil says but i put my hand in front of him “could kill the hostage, let me” i kick the door open and a guard tries to shoot me but i shoot him first and then see the leader wearing a suit holding a gun to the hostages head. “Back up! Or I'll kill her!” the girl cries and the others back up but I start to walk to him. “What are you doing! I said back up!” I kept walking to him. He throws the girl away and aims the gun at me but I dash and knock the gun out of his hand and grab him by his coat's neck. “What do you want!? I'll give you anything! drugs, guns, money, anything! Just let me go!” I look in his eyes and chuckle “how about you go to hell!” I throw him out of the window and watch as he lands on the ground “say hi to joker for me!” I turn and look at the others who stand there shocked and I look at the girl and cut her free and hold my hand out to her. 

After we left and the paramedics took the girl I looked at the white masks that surrendered and told the police to let them go and I took them back to Hereford base where I headed to my hangar with them and showed them their new uniform, the classic militia colors with the gasmask. “This is your new uniform. I will train you all personally and make you my top lieutenants to help me! If you try to betray me or my friends I will personally kill you and your loved ones! Am I clear?” They all salute and yell “YES SIR” I nod and start their training and make them into lieutenants giving them red berets and a uniform with a gold line running down the suit and the proper rank insignia. “Now then when our numbers rise you all will be incharge of a unit then a battalion and after that a branch! But for now you are my personal soldiers! The elite! Dismissed, go and get lunch in the mess hall or check your weapons. I'm going to be working, dont disturb me.” I walk off and I see them leave.

(Lieutenant pov)

I just completed my training as a militia lieutenant and i'm heading to the mess hall with two others and when we enter i see a lot of operators eating, a few look at us as we enter we get our food and sit down at an empty table. “So we just sit here and act like this is okay?” my friend said and i looked at him “this is our life man we gotta listen to what the knight says” i said as he was about to speak a man in a gasmask with a smoke canister in his hand stops by our table and looks at us and we all know who he is, smoke the operator that's killed so many white masks that he is feared as much as the arkham knight. “I can't believe you were allowed to even come in here! Don't know what the knights got planned for you but I really don't care! Think i might just kill you myself! Want to find out what's in the canister mate?” He holds his canister in front of my face but I look at it and then to the others and we laugh and get up and look at smoke “we aren't scared of you anymore” he looks at us “oh yeah? Then who are you scared of?” a figure stands over him “me…” he turns to look and sees the arkham knight and he backs up and we stand at attention “oh hey! Knight, I didn't see you there how you been mate!” he looks at him and leans in close to him “if you threaten my men again i will make sure you won't feel your teeth in the morning! Now leave!” he runs off and we sit down and the knight nods at us and walks off. We eat and go to the gym to work out and as we do my friend suggests something “why don't we spar each other?” we look at the ring and nod at each other when we get in the ring our other friend acts as the ref while me and my friend get in our corners wearing tank tops and boxing shorts. Some operators gather around and watch as we spar. We were both trained by the arkham knight and they thought it would be interesting. In fact we were in a stalemate since we were trained the same it made it tough to beat the other. until I dodged my friend's punch and uppercutted him and knocked him out. After our spar we went back to the hanger and cleaned our weapons.

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