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Beginnings harbor hesitation,
Starting anew is a labyrinth.
Knowledge constantly evolves,
What was once known is wrong.
Change keeps happening,
An infinitely looping cycle,
And that only adds to the fears.
Self-doubt guaranteed,
With anxiety attacks included.
A crumpled package of dubiety,
Forced and bent by false closures.
The response was a sort of mutation.
Sexual, romantic chemical alteration.
Disassociation as a result,
Living life in spectator mode.
A secondary character,
The sibling with a disconnected controller.
Blazing by the quarter,
Futilely swiping right,
Anything for the sake of distraction.
This depression void,
A collapsed stellar core,
Devouring the light once emitted.
The fight goes on,
No end to this self-declared war.
Every accord turned to ember,
Turbulent attempts at peace.
What more must be done?
Patience and hope,
The cliche answer,
But restarting once more is insanity.
Beginnings harbor hesitation...

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