Photo by arlenianchronicals at Instagram
Inspirational Idea
Animation by BlackLeah
Enjoy!~ :D
God bless! ❤️
In a quiet forest, the crickets chirping softly. A peaceful night. Shimmering live Star flying around the sky happily, enjoying his fun in the woods with the girl, Asha. The seventeen year old giggles, seeing Star spinning around her with a radiant glow.
After saving the city of Rosas and their people's wishes, it's been a few weeks since the day they've all moved on. After celebrating crowning the Queen Amaya and locking up King Magnifcio, Star showed signs that he wanted to take Asha to the woods. She wonders why, but she followed the star anyway.
Now that they were alone, Star flew towards closer to Asha. He floated above her palms facing her, his warm orange light radiating her skin. Asha heart fluttering staring at the wishing star. She grins."You know... I want to thank you. Without you, my wish and the others wouldn't have been granted." She tells Star, the star beamed happily to her even glowing brighter, letting out a chuckle. Asha giggled back.
"Thank you... my star..." Asha says softly.The human girl and the star stared at one another, leaning close. Asha stared at Star lovingly, wanting to show her gratitude for how much she was grateful to have him around. She shows Star something before he would ascend back to the heavens. The girl leaned her head in, Star moved closer to her.
A kiss happened in Star's cheek. The small Star engulfed with joy and exctiment. Star squeals in joy. He laughs, shooting himself back up, rubbing his cheeks with his hands grinning, his small legs swinging.
He blushes in his own way by glowing so much brighter than ever. He fell in love. His golden pixie dust sparkled off to the air.Asha looks up, suddenly seeing his adorable face disappear in front of her! Her heart skipped a beat, wondering where his face went.
She watches Star flying up more higher, twrling like he was dancing up to the sky.
The wind begins to blow softly, Asha feeling the soft breeze, her braids waving in the wind. Her eyes watch him from below, seeing him beaming brighter, his glowing light surounding the stars silhouette, until she then sees him growing?... Asha blinked in wonder and curiousity.What's going on with Star? Asha thinks.
But there was no need to worry before she knew.
The star grew larger... Taller. His small, pointy hands growing into arms and hands, his tiny feet were growing longer to feet, and legs, and his head changing shape. The stars in the night sky twinkled brighter, Asha's eyes were only on the star she innocently kissed.
The light dims away, wrapped in a cape like a blanket, then opening unfold. Sparkles poofed in the air. His cape opened as if they were wings of a butterfly out of it's cacoon.
Awakening, Asha sees a boy with blond hair in a suite and cape.The young man opens his eyes. Once his vision cleared up, he saw her. He smiled in joy he jolts back below where Asha was.
"Ah!" Asha flinched, meeting his face, like how they first met. Star grins happily towards her.
"Asha!" Star says her name. The first word finally being in human form. It made Asha shiver. She froze like a statue. "Evening," He greets her, and his face is filled with excitement.
He floated around her again slowly, checking her out. Asha's heart flutters the way he looks at her, like she met someone so admirable. Star smiled even more... The way she looks and how she reacts. She was more beautiful than he imagined. Now, he could see her in his own eyes instead of a small star.
Asha stood in a state of shock and confused. Her head turned and pacing her eyes glued to the blond boy.

~Disney Wish Imagines~
FanfictionWish Imagines "So I'll look up to the star that guided me." "Will I ever see you again?" "When your heart desires it. Just look up." "Then let's meet someday..." "Until our stars align... One more time..." WARNING SPOILERS PICTURES AREN'T MINE!