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sams pov

it's been a while since i last seen dream. there's always this lady who looks exactly like her dropping off and picking up maliyah.

"is she okay?" i asked maliyah.

"damn ms davis. this your fifth time asking about my mom. she's okay" maliyah giggled.

i rolled my eyes. "go back to class girl".

i wanted to text dream but i didn't want to cross any boundaries. i mean the last time i saw her she was crying so much. she couldn't even breathe properly.

everytime i would wipe her tears more would come out. she didn't tell me what happened and i didn't push her to. i was just worried about comforting her.

"hello??? ms davis!" matthew yelled while jumping in front of me.

"yes matthew?" i answered.

"girls are fighting in the girls bathroom! i saw one of them on the floor" matthew said while covering his face.

i ran towards the bathroom while grabbing matthew's hand. "stay out here okay?" i said while running in.

i grabbed one of the girls from each other. a lot of  b words & p words were being throw around. i couldn't get a good look of them but the one i grabbed was crying.

"office! all of you now!" i yelled while still holding onto the crying girl.

she was sniffing. i let go of her. "are you okay? let me see your face".

it was maliyah.

"what are you doing getting into fights?" i questioned her while bringing her to the sink. her lip was bleeding and under her eye had a little cut.

"they've been picking with me for the longest ms davis. it's not my fault" she whispered while washing her face off.

"i didn't say it was your fault. i spoke to you not too long ago. how did this fight happen?" i asked her.

"one of them pushed me into the stall! i didn't say anything to her. she put her hands on me first. if she lies to the office i swear-" maliyah rambled.

"calm down. let's go" i told her while walking out.

"she got into what!" dream screamed in the office. i couldn't keep my eyes off her. her eyes were so puffy and she looked so tired. i felt terrible and i didn't even know what happened.

"ma'am we don't have any footage of this fight because it was started in the girls bathroom. none of the other girls are telling the full truth" the principal spoke.

"ms davis did you see what happened?" dream asked me with anger written all over her face.

i bit my lip at her before answering. "ma'am i was alerted by one of the younger students that a fight was happening. when i ran into the bathroom i seen the three girls fighting maliyah. i quickly grabbed her and sent the rest to the office" i answered.

dream covered her face. i heard her sniffling. she was crying. "ma'am i-" the principal spoke before getting cut off.

"please i just need a minute" dream whispered.

the principal left while i still stood there watching over dream. she kept crying. i walked over to the couch she was sitting on and sat next to her. i pulled her over to me.

"it's okay" i comforted her while she laid her head in my neck. she was sniffling.

"im so overwhelmed. at home, work, and with my family" she cried some more. i brought her closer to me while rubbing on her back.

"you need a vacation" i joked.

she laughed while moving her head up and wiping her face. "we both need one".

i nodded my head while staring at her. "maliyah didn't start the fight. she told me the girls have been picking with her for a long time. they pushed her into the bathroom stall and she lost it".

"she's never told me anything about this and i always ask her if someone is bothering her" dream groaned. i could sense her getting upset.

"just take it easy on her. she was crying. she wouldn't stop crying" i sighed. dream started at me with her eyes glistening.

"thank you. i really appreciate it" dream grabbed my hand while getting up. i smiled at her and nodded. "i'll see you around. since maliyah is suspended".

"see you around"

dream walked up to me and kissed my cheek while leaving. she winked at me and i couldn't do anything but smile at her. my cheeks were so red.

"what was that about?" principal black asked. i waved him off. he laughed at me. "i see someone has a crush".

"mind your business mr. black. she's my students mom" i rolled my eyes. it reallyy didn't matter if dream was my student mom or not.

i would take her any day.

"like that's so important" he rolled his eyes at me. i sucked my teeth and flipped him off.

"im going to attend back to my job. mr unprofessional".


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