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"i'm sorry dream. i really am" tae said over the phone. dream was too busy trying to stop herself from crying. she wanted to forgive him but what he did truly hurt her.

"it's okay" she sniffled. she didn't want to continue ignoring her brother over a dumb mistake. she felt like she was better than that.

"seriously?" tae asked with confusion laced in his voice. he was shocked that dream forgave him. she usually would hold grudges over things like this.

dream laughed. "yes, i'm sorry tae. i should've spoken to you about it instead of being childish" dream apologized.

tae was shocked. dream would always apologize when she was wrong but it was different this time.

"girl are you seeing someone?" tae asked.

"why are you asking?"

"because i could see a difference in you. whoever is hitting it, they're hitting it right"

"tae?!" dream scream cackled. she wouldn't confess and say that she's seeing sam out in the open because she didn't know what they had going on.

she just knew she loved being around the teacher. maliyah loves her as well. it was a win win for her and she didn't want to go over any feelings for right now.

"mama!" maliyah yelled from downstairs.

"i have to go tae, your niece is bothering me" dream said while hanging up.

"yes?" dream called back while going down the
stairs. she seen a mess of glass on the floor.

"maliyah what did you break?"

maliyah stayed silent.

"maliyah?" dream yelled while walking in the living room. she saw maliyah staring at a window that was broken as well.

it looked like a rock was thrown through the window. "what the fuck.." dream whispered.

"i swear it wasn't me. i woke up and seen the glass broken. the glass by the stairs was from the back door." maliyah stammered.

"i swear it wasn't me. i wouldn't even play with my life like that. i know better" maliyah stammered some more.

dream walked up to her and pulled her into a hug. "relax babe i know it wasn't you" she said while rubbing maliyah's back.

dream didn't know what to think about the broken glass. she had one person in mind but she didn't think he would go this far. she was hoping he wouldn't go this far.

"go to your room" dream dismissed maliyah while kissing her forehead. "be careful for the glass."

"what about you? i can't just leave you here. someone tried to break in our house and you want to split up? have these movies taught you nothing?" maliyah said while going crazy.

"maliyah relax. you can stay if you want to. sit on the couch while i make a call okay?"

maliyah nodded while sitting on the couch nervously. dreams heart shattered to see her daughter so nervous and upset.

she called ari to fill her in about the news. "ari? i need you to come over" she spoke quietly into the phone.

"what's wrong?" ari asked.

"just come over please. ill explain when you get here" she said while hanging up and walking to the couch to comfort maliyah.

"you didn't hear any noise last night?"dream asked while pulling maliyah into a hug and rubbing her hair softly.

"i heard rough noises but i thought it was just you and ms david" maliyah said nonchalantly.

"nunu!? why would i be making rough noises with ms davis?" dream cackled.

maliyah shot her a funny look. "im not dumb, you know that right?"

dream flicked her forehead while waiting patiently for ari. while still comforting her shaken up daughter.

"your positive it was him?" ari asked dream.

"i just told you i wasn't positive. i said there was a high chance."

"well im positive it was him. it matches up to something he would do" ari shook her head.

"why hasn't anyone called the cops!" maliyah yelled from the top of the stairs.

"maliyah, shut up. we will board the windows up" ari rolled her eyes.

"and we're going to stay here?!"

"no dummy. you're coming to my house" ari laughed. these two would always argue like two little kids. when only one of them were a child.

"this is insanity." maliyah said while going to pack her bags.

dream laughed at her. she was still scared. she didn't want anything else to happen to her home while she was gone.

"go pack your bags. i'm going to get home depot for the stuff" ari patted dreams butt.

she nodded while heading upstairs. she grabbed everything she could until same texted her. she forgot to fill her in.


sam♥️: i haven't heard from you all day. is everything okay?

:everything is fine but everything isn't.
:i woke up with two of my windows broken in my house. maliyah is really shaken up from it.

sam♥️: do i need to come over? why would your windows be broken?

:i'm not sure but im assuming my baby father did it.

sam♥️: seriously? have you called the cops.

:no i haven't, i don't think it's needed.

sam♥️: are you being serious dream? what if he does it again? you should call them for the sake of you & your daughters safety.

:i don't want to assume it's him.
:ill give it a day until i get the cops involved.

sam♥️: i cant respect that choice, i just don't think that's smart.

:i know how to handle this sam

sam♥️:clearly not, but keep me filled in.

dream furrowed her eyebrows and rolled her eyes. she simply liked the message. she was confused on why sam was trying acting that way.


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